Chapter 30

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We're now on our way to our honeymoon destination, Maldives. The paradise I've always wanted to go to and now I'm on my way to it. Damon and I hop on our private jet to head directly to Maldives and of course we change before going there because it's gonna be a long flight and we don't wanna be wearing our heavy gown and tuxedo.

We just took a shower in the jet and changed into our comfy clothes so that when we arrive in our hotel we'll just do the things that married couples do.

Damon was drying his hair when he sat in front of me. "The water was cold." He said and I raised my eyebrows. "You didn't use hot water?" I asked as I'm about to burst into laughter.

"Well I didn't think about that." He replied and I laughed out of nowhere. "You just did not." He jokingly said and looked at me seriously. He placed his towel on his lap and put both of his hands on the table.

I lean closer to his face just to have an eye contact competition with him when I suddenly smell his hair with... my shampoo? Did he use my shampoo and my body wash?

Pft— he's so adorable. "Did you use my shampoo and my body wash?" I asked again when he leaned back on his chair. He slowly scratched the back of his head and avoided my squinty eyes.

"Is it too girly? I never should have used it, pardon me." His voice became low and I felt bad. "No! You smell just like me and we smell like twins now, I like it." I gave him a thumbs up and he turned his look on me again.

"Are you just joking?" He asked and gave me a puppy eye. "Nope, it's the truth." And I kissed his cheeks and his ears turned red. "I think I know your weakness now or atleast how to turn your whole face red." I wink and his whole face is now red and his eyes are widened.

He scooted over to the window... put his hand to cover half of his face. "What do you mean?" He asked. I ran my left index finger on his shoulder going down to his chest and his knuckles were turning pinkish red.

"Hon... your whole face is blushing and I just barely touch you and your knuckles already turn red." I wink teasing him. "Tha-that's normal." He stuttered. I stood up, sat next to him and hugged him tightly. "You don't have to hide it." I said and smiled.

"Come on, let's go to bed to get at least a little rest." I held his hand as we both stood up to go to a room. We both lay down on the bed, turned off the lights and slept as a married couple.

As I didn't notice I started to fall asleep in his arms.

Narrator— Damon's nerves calm down a bit as he was looking at Ivanna so peacefully. He was slowly trying to get himself together again after she teased him. He put her hair behind her ears and slowly stroked her hair.

He was smiling and looking at her as she fell asleep so tiredly. He cannot take his eyes off of her as he was so madly in love. The czar who was raised to be a mafia, to be the heir of his father's clan, to follow in his footsteps , now has a family of his own.

Who would ever think that this man would do anything and would sacrifice his whole life even though he had never done anything like that before to a woman who's now his wife.

Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place, they said. And true love is putting someone else before yourself, they said. And this man proved everything to her and will continue to prove it to her.

"Yes... you've found one of my weak spots. The way you touch me the way you made me feel that's how I became flustered and turned red. Even if I tried to hide it, you'll always notice it." He mumbled and kissed her a goodnight.

"Goodnight, Hon. Tonight was lovely and you're lovely. Sleep tight, мой Мир." And so he slept too.

It was almost evening when they arrived in Maldives and were escorted by one of the workers to their bungalow where they were going to stay.

"Welcome to your room Mr. and Mrs. Eros. Hope you guys have a delightful honeymoon. Call us if you guys need anything and we'll accompany you right away." She said and left them.

The two bungalows were a little bit far from others to keep their privacy and the views were on point... the crystal clear water, the extra pool in front is just vibing.

The bedroom were design of two swan shaped heart and rose petals around everywhere not just on the bed but also on the floor and saying "Mr. and Mrs. Eros." On the bed.

"Wow, this looks amazing." She said as he looked at her. "They prepared it well." He replied. "Look at the sunset, it's so bright from here." She added. He smiled when she turned on him, looking at his eyes so gently.

He looked back at her when she unbuttoned her top leaving her without anything. He gets the hint and so he places her on the bed. He removes her bottom and starts to remove his clothes.

Gladly their rooms were not too bright as there were curtains to the wide glass doors beside their bedroom.
"Guess this is the start of our honeymoon, Hon." he devilishly said.

He kissed her lips going to her neck until he reached her bottom. She was releasing an exquisite moan lifting her back. His hand grabbed a small piece of ice from their left side without him looking.

He paused for a second and looked up at her smirking, "This is gonna make you twitch a little." She was looking down on him when he put the small piece of ice into his mouth and sucked her pussy.

Her whole body twitches from the coldness as she grabs the bed sheet leaving a loud moan. He put the ice inside her and continued to play with her clit. "Mmm— Da-Damon." She hissed.

Both his hands were in her thighs gripping them tightly as his veins showed on his hands. His warm tongue swirled inside her as the ice started to melt leaving her wet.


She bit her lower lips of pleasure as she was turned on by him. Damon was only waiting for the ice to melt from inside when his eyes looked at her. A seductive look... knowing what he was doing to her as he was encouraged to do more than just that.

Then she suddenly put her left hand on his hair so weakly as all they could hear was her softly loud moan. "We're just getting started, Hon." He said and he kissed her right leg leaving her speechless.

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