Chapter 15

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We came back to our normal lives again and I'm missing him already. The fact that I came back from Santorini Engaged is just... so magnificent. I don't know if I'm ready to announce my engagement but I'm gonna keep it private as possible.

I don't care if my fans are gonna go crazy and hating the fact that I hide my engagement. It's my choice to live in this way so I won't let that affect my relationship.

I was in my house right now resting after we took a break and I'm glad I don't have a fashion week since I'm feeling so tired. As I was sitting on the couch my phone rang.

"Hello." I said softly. "Queen, what are you doing right now?" Ask Aunt Antonio who was also talking to someone with him.

"Sitting on my couch, why?" I responded tiredly.

"Oh, are you alright? You seem so unenthusiastic today." He said as I closed my eyes.

"I just feel tired, that's all."

"Well I called you because I was gonna ask you to come into my boutique so I can start analyzing your wedding gown." My eyes widened as soon as I heard my wedding gown.

I remember Damon's words and I now feel fine. I have to get ready for everything I can't be lazing around. We only have one and a half months left till the wedding day.

"I'll go if you want me to." I stood up and got my things on the way to his boutique. "Alright, I'll wait for you." We hung out as I drove to his place.

I'm getting excited for a reason. But I still have an unfinished task and I still need to be professional. Yes I am indeed engaged but I cannot be careless with all of my duties.

My phone rang and it was Damon. "Hi, Mr. Eros." I said teasingly and smiled when he scoffed. "Oh yeah, future Mrs. Eros I guess you're gonna have to get used to this name because not long you're gonna carry this with you everyday."

I smirk blushingly when he literally reminded me of this scene. "Not yet. We still have one and a half months till our wedding day." He chuckles.

"So what's up? Why did you call me?" I ask as I'm almost to Aunt Antonio's place. "I'm missing you." He let out a sigh. "I wish I can just be a normal person and not be a tsar, I want to live a normal life with you."

His voice became almost a whisper. My heart ached when he said and just wanted to be with me. He's been so tired lately and going back and forth from Moscow to New York; he hasn't even taken care of himself and is just over doing it.

"Soon, baby we'll live a normal life like you wanted to. We'll get our freedoms from all of this... cruel world I promise you that."

I parked my car and took my bag when I'm waiting for his reply. "I'll be coming back there tomorrow, I'm just going to finish my work here." He said when I heard something that he place on his table.

"I'll be waiting." I smiled. "Ti amo." I replied soothingly when silence filled our conversation. It's a second when he answered, "You're making my heart race." I giggled and laughed soundly.

"You're my precious man, my angel, my boo." He snaps his chest as I'm thinking he's controlling his heart beat.

I gave him a smootch and a mwuah teasing him more, "Alright alright, you won. Just you wait till I get back and you'll be punished." Oop not right now... I hung up on him immediately without saying goodbye.

Well now for sure he'll punish me for good. I walked to Aunt Antonio's boutique and he got lots of workers there with him. He saw me walk in looking around when he ran and kissed my cheeks. "Finally, come here, we're going to get your sizes first and then after that we're going to look at some best designs I draw, and then we're going to look at the different crystals of course-...."

Mamà Antonio is being so excited and everything and talking too fast, going around, I mean... can't we be chill?

"Mam-mà... hold on, what's going on with you? You're literally as if you're being so restless." I stop him when he looks at me. I know it's going to be frustrating for all of us but we all need to chill.

"Oh honey, I am so sorry I was- I was being... I don't know, I think I'm panicking and- I mean it's going to be your wedding and we have things to prepare." He explained and leaned over the table.

Wow I didn't know that this is going to have so much effect on them. I can't help but to be worried that they might not take care of themselves.

"Come here." I hugged Mamà Anton as he leaned on my shoulder. "Let's not be too stressed, alright? We'll help each other to prepare for all of this. Everything will be fine and good." He nodded his head as we turned to look at some designs.

After that, they measured my size so they would know how fitted it would be. Mamà showed me tons of designs and some fancy things that we can put in my wedding ball dress.

"Here, we can make your dress full of Swarovski crystals around your wedding ball gown." He showed me some different types of Swarovski crystal that will fit on my dress and I kinda like the idea, not bad.

"Yeah... that'll do but I want my gown to be long on the back, sleeveless and make it sharp at the end of it." I said as I'm getting excited explaining the wedding gown I wanted as he was smiling.

"Sure sure I will put thousands of crystals in your wedding gown. And since you already told me what design you want, I will make that right away." We both smiled and the work was happening.

"Well well well where is the soon to be bride?" Aunt Carlo and Aunt Guilio walked in and posed as a fashionista and did their aura as we giggled.

"There she is..." they walk towards us. "Lovely meeting you again, Sweety." We both kiss our cheeks side to side as a greeting.

"Did you guys already talk about your wedding gown?" Ask Aunt Guilio. "We just finished talking about the design she wanted." Mamà Antonio responded as he showed them the sketch he made.

"Oh great. Now I'll be the one doing your veil to match your gown but don't worry I'll make it long and the tiara you're going to wear I'll be doing that too." He put his bag on the other side and started to gather things up.

"Of course Me, I'll be doing your Bridal bouquet. It's all going to be white real roses, I'll put some medium size of diamond and I'll wrap a silk cloth around the handle and put both of y'all's pictures in the middle of it."

This is gonna be the best wedding I will have. I'm so glad I have these three people with me... supportive, loving, talented. Oh god bless you all three.

"Thank you Aunts, I don't know if I can do this myself if you guys aren't here for me." They sat next to me and hugged each other. "Sweety this is your final game, we're always gonna be here with you." Said Aunt Carlo.

Mamà Antonio stood up energetically and clapped his hands and said, "Alright alright everyone let's all get going we need to finish everything and make it perfectly beautiful we don't wanna waste time." He turned back and forth and clapped his hands again.

"C'mon c'mon, let's go... we can do this!" We chuckled at him. "Your Mamà Antonio can't really hide his excitement." Whispered Aunt Guilio.

"Before we forget, we are also going to do everyone's dresses and suits, including your future husband's tuxedos." They wink and stand up to start their work already when I look on the floor and think about Damon wearing his tuxedo on our wedding day.

He would look absolutely majestic.

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