Chapter 55

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Finally, we're on our destination where the show is gonna be held and I would say it's pretty big and pretty arranged on the set up. "Salve, signore e signori! siete finalmente arrivati. Allora cosa ne pensi della configurazione?" Aunt Guilio greeted as he kissed our cheek.

Mamà Anton was saying something in Italian and I'm guessing it's related to what Aunt Guilio said. "He said hello and he was asking what do you think about the set up." Damon leaned closer and whispered in my ear.

I raised my brows and nodded as I got what he was trying to say. "Do you guys like it?" He looked at both of us and spread his arms trying to point at the view.

"I like it." I said and looked around. "It looks wonderful; fascinating, especially the unique flowers by the stage." Mamà Anton and Aunt Guilio looked at each other smiling so proudly.

"And it makes you have freedom with all these details... the construct is very neat." Damon was also looking around, arm on my waist.

"Ahh... I see you're keeping up with us fashionista." Wink Aunt Guilio as we giggle. "Alright ladies, models, line up, get to your position we're gonna start our practice before the show tomorrow." Aunt Guilio shouted and clapped his hands looking at the girls.

I patted Damon's back letting him know I'll be leaving him for a few minutes or so. "Have fun." He said as I blew him a kiss.

Fast forward— It's now time for the runway as we're all backstage and only five minutes before it starts. "Everything's good, ladies? Everyone?" Asked Aunt Guilio as he was looking back and forth on us and the ladies responded so excitedly whilst the crews made sure the dresses, the heels, the makeup and the hair everything was perfect.

"Alright we're starting in three... two... one... and roll on." The show managers said as one of us started to walk in one by one on the stage.

We hit the stage pretty flawless and smooth and everyone was looking at us, the clothes every inch of the designs— all eyes on us. The flash of their phones taking a photo of the clothes we're wearing.

The first theme of our clothes is futuristic, pretty good for starting, right?

My eyes caught Damon who's sitting in front and smiling looking at me so genuinely and supportive. I smiled back at him when he blew me a kiss the same as I did yesterday to him.

I continued to walk as we hit the back stage again. The Ladies who went on the stage already, which is us, are now on the stage for a change whilst the other models are still on the runway.

There is still time till the futuristic theme ends and switches to fantasy, so we're still good. We sat down those who had gone already to have another makeup look and hairstyle before changing to our new clothes.

"Make sure the make ups are neither thick nor thin. We don't want our models looking like Barney." Aunt Giulio said as he was really careful with the details. Their job is pretty intense with all this, so rush.

Few minutes later we're gonna hit the stage as we rush into the dressing room to put our clothes on. "Alright, next theme... in three... two... one... and go."

Ladies in front of me walked down the stage as I'm waiting for my turn; I'm not really in the middle nor the back, I'm close to the front so yeah.

I walked down the stage and people were so fascinated with the dresses we're all wearing, I can sight see them talking whilst glancing at us.

I'm wearing a butterfly top made like a shell glass with accessories attached to it, paired with a long silky skirt and high heels. The clothes I'm wearing are inspired by the psyche of the goddess of butterflies.

We all have different styles and different inspirations so it's pretty unique and has many meanings to it.

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