Chapter 36

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"Stella Bennet, former stripper at one of the top bars in America. Was abandoned by her own parents when she was eighteen cus she was hooking up with her parents colleague. Both her parents were working in a hospital as a doctor."

"Choose to be a rebel and fuck around and not get her degree and that's why she got abandoned by her own parents. Twenty five years old and the girl he cheated with when you two were still together.... yeah I'm informed pretty well." His gaze then turned at my face knowing I was trembling and holding every inch of my breath.

I couldn't say a word, I have so many questions and all I could hear right now is Stella saying crap to them as she is absolutely mad. "You piece of shit! Stalking someone else is an illegal crime. And to just correct you, I did not fuck around they just don't give a shit of me!" She added pointing with her fingers as Ivanna and this man is just looking at her so silently and bossily.

"If that's what you wanna believe plus it's not our business anyway." Ivanna said as she looked at this man next to her so passionately that I've never seen her look the same way to me before.

"Amelia, who is he?" I said whilst my voice was not so loud that they could even hear it properly. "You're not allowed to call my WIFE by her second name and how I wish you disappeared like an air heart." He replied instead as his voice hoarse, veins showing all in his hands, neck and jaw.

"What? W-wife? You're married?" I stuttered as my eyes were as wide as the ocean, "since when?" I added. She raised her chin and raised a brow, held his waist and said, "Yes! I am a married woman, I'm his wife, his my husband. Our family's unite and I carry his last name, I'm now Mrs. Ivanna Hayes Eros." She then raised her right hand showing her engagement and her marriage band rings.

I can't believe she got married after ten years and she even chose someone who's better than me.

"Hahaha she probably chose him out of nowhere, he doesn't even look like a millionaire that couldn't afford this yacht at least." Stella even made this awkward situation even worse.

He gave a smirk and his eyes were straight forward looking at her. "I'm not a millionaire, because I'm a mega billionaire; you see that," he pointed on our left side without taking his eyes off of her.

"Yeah... all of those huge luxury yachts are mine, I own it. And for you to say that, why don't you tell me what you got in your life before you even met this cheating ass who only got his millions from his parents." The urge in me to punch this guy is almost out of my limits by the fact he knows everything and the way he speaks is so straight forward.

"Can't tell shit, hmm?" His accent suddenly pops up as it sounds interesting, definitely not a typical American accent. "Why don't you tell me who you are then." I tough up to show what I can do too and shine at night.

"His Damon Maverick Eros, one and only son of the Eros family who owns tons of companies and other businesses around the world. Heirs to the billions of Eros clan, went to a prestigious university and studied a major of one of the best jobs in the world that you can't beat." Ivanna stood up for him as he looked so proud standing for her man.

"Er-Eros? As in one of the toughest powerful competitive enterprises in the whole world?" Said Stella as their bodyguards slowly moved forward to us as we were backing slowly.

"Now you know who you're messing with." He said and they walked past beside us. He moved slowly when he reached my side and whispered in my ear, "You. Better. Watch. Out. I'm. Coming. For. You. Киска."  They then left and went inside the yacht.

"What the hell, Brian! You're just gonna let them do that to us?!" Stella came in front of me mad and shouting bullshits as my brain can't function a thing from what happened. "You're just gonna let them pass like that? Disrespect our reputation!?" My vision suddenly went red and I started talking back and getting my anger out on her.

"OUR reputation?! You mean MY reputation, yours was already ruined... there's nothing to disrespect already in the first place!" I turned around to head inside leaving her shocked.

*Back to their POVs*
"You didn't tell them the good part of me." Damon said jokingly as we were both walking inside and finding seats. "If I did that they would freeze to death outside." I replied jokingly.

One of the waiters handed us some champagne as guests greeted us politely. "The look on his face when we told everything about us was hilariously funny," he scoff and took a sip of his champagne.

"He was stuttering and I'm enjoying pissing his wicked girlfriend even more." I said. "He hasn't even changed a bit at all, he's still the jackass I used to know." "Can't believe I dated someone like him." I mumbled, turned my head on the opposite side and took a sip of my champagne.

He placed his hand on my hand as I looked back at him. "Are you sure you're just gonna be fine? Seeing your ex?" He said, waiting for my answer. "Course, I just can't stand his ugly presence whenever I look and talk to him." I answered by holding his hand with my other hand.

He was gonna say something when he got interrupted by Carlos Adriano, the president of the Adriano Company who invited us for the yacht party. A warm greeting by him welcoming us and enjoying a moment talking and being introduced by his fellow partners.

As we were being so caught up we didn't notice that hours had passed and the party was going so well even though it was only ruined whenever Brian and Stella appeared in the scene.

But everything was going great and everyone was having so much fun. They even jumped in the ocean to swim and of course there were lifeguards around and police were by our side as guards.

A gentle touch from behind me knowing it's my husband, came and kissed my cheek as we were looking at the people who were enjoying the party too on the side of the corner.

"I'm turned on." Damon said as I felt a bulk in my butt. "I can feel your hard dick wanting  for my pussy, hon." I said and I can feel my face turning red as he's turning me on too.

"Let's go inside, this yacht has many rooms." He whispered as I turned my gaze at him but I'm hesitating. "Someone might be looking for us." I replied. He looked around and said, "Everyone is enjoying themselves and no one's going to look for us." I smirk as we both sneak inside to leave.

We reach inside and went a little too far where there's room we can fuck as he was eager to get inside me.
A soft moan coming from my mouth as we both kiss each other swirling our tongues. Undressing me and undressing him leaving me with my beach bra and underwear.

"Fuck! I can't hold it anymore." He said as my loud moans began.

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