Chapter 60

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Meanwhile on the other side, "Who the fuck are you!?" Question Roman as now he was facing Brian's back. "Welcomed." Greeted Brian as he turned around holding a whiskey.

He poured one for him as he walked away from his table giving it to him. "You must be Friedrich Roman?" Asked Brian with a small smirk on his face. Roman was looking at him so emotionless and not taking the glass of whiskey his offering.

"What do you want from me?" He asked. Brian puts down the glass on the table. "Not even a thank you." He mumbled as he went back to his office chair.

"Looked here fish face, I don't give a single fuck who you are and what you did to me... I don't owe you anything!" He bursts with anger. Brian then crosses his fingers and looks at Roman.

"I know that you seek revenge on Damon Eros who has kept you in his dungeon... that's why I set you free to make a deal with me." He sat as Roman was just standing in front of him.

"What can you offer me, then? What can a normal guy offer the most skilled mafia?" He said as he was waiting for Brian. Brian's face expression changed.

"Just like you, I wanted to take down Damon Eros, I wanted him dead, to make him suffer! I want him to be miserable! So if you agree to work with me I'll grant you everything." Brian said, trying to convince Roman.

Roman tilted his head a little, having doubts on his offer. "How can I trust you? I don't even know who you are and what you do?" Said Roman.

Brian stood up and put his left hand on his pocket, "Let me introduce myself then, I'm Brian Huxley, CEO of the Huxley Company you're standing in right now." He lifted his right hand to shake Roman's hand.

"Alright then, we have a deal." Roman shook his hand as they all smiled devilishly.


The sound of the door closing was heard and the three were together again in Damon's personal office. "What do you want us to do, Dae?" Asked Theo. Damon was stunned again, fuming with anger and wanting to kill.

The two were waiting for Damon's answer when he suddenly slammed his hands on the table with all his energy. "We have to be alert because I know we will be attacked anytime." Damon turned on them.

"We have to be smarter than their moves. He said that Brian doesn't know I'm a mafia, that I'm also a skilled mafia and he planned to take me down maybe by assassinating, bombing, shooting etc." Damon said.

"Yeah but there's also a chance that Roman could tell or mention that to Brian." William added as he walked more closer on the other side of Damon.

"Roman doesn't care about anything, all he wants is me so I don't think he'll ever mention that to Brian." Replied Damon.

"So what are you trying to say?" Asked Theo as he's biting his lip. "We'll learn their moves... every single move they do and their tactics and we'll use it against them as bait." Damon clicked his tongue as the two looked at each other.

"Huh... I like the idea but isn't it dangerous for you since they're gonna be targeting you, especially Roman." Theo said concerning to his best friend.

"Are you scared?" Irritatingly said William when Theo rolled his eyes. "I'm not, plus why would I be scared? We're all fully trained to be a mafia." Damon raised one of his brow and smirked.

"I don't really care about myself but I have to because I have a wife who is waiting for me to come home." They then smirked.

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