Chapter 29

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*PLAY THE SONG ON HER POV* *But you can play it if you want to while reading the whole*

After the ceremony we took a picture with family and friends and of course our solo together as the newlyweds. Everyone congratulated us with so much warmth expressing their feelings.

I can't even express my feelings right now. The woman of my dreams is now officially my wife!

As everyone headed to our reception, me and my wife are now heading there and holding her hands looking at her beautifully makes my whole world complete.

"Best day ever." She said and looked me through my eyes. "The day I'll never forget." I replied and kissed her forehead. Then our car slowly stopped as we arrived.

I took off first and lent a hand on Ivanna as we walked through the grand stairs to get inside... to our surprise everyone was patiently waiting for us, had their phones out and ready to roll on.

"Whooo! Everyone, the newlyweds are here!" Shouted one of our guests as we entered. Our venue turned out pretty cool as we planned it. Everything that Ivanna wanted for this is here, and our noticeable giant cake full of crystals are on the side.

Ivanna's POV

Fast forward— We were now on the main stage ready to take our first dance together as a husband and wife. The entire lights were off except the main lights where we were standing right now.

Then the song played. We started to dance slowly as we were looking at each other passionately. The man I dream of is now officially my husband— I get to call him MY husband starting tomorrow- no starting right now.

Everything we've been through together, every dangerous situation we've overcome and look where we are right now? To our beautiful memorable wedding reception.

I can't thank this man enough in front of me, for every single moment he spent his time with me, made me laugh, made me smile, cuddled me with so much love, and protected me with all his might.

The joy he was and will give me, I promise to give it back in return with all I can just to see him happy. I swear to promise to protect this man, to love him even more for better and for worse, I will trust this man and I will give him my trust to not let him suffer.

I will always bring the light to your eyes— to your world and I'll try to keep the darkness that will ruin you or us and our family. You deserve all the happiness and love, Hon.

I won't let anyone hurt you or our future family ever! I'll always stay by your side and be loyal to you. You can always count on me and I won't judge you... you'll always have my support on every decision you will make and I promise that you'll have every love that you deserve.

"You're quiet right now Hon.... But your smile didn't disappear." Said Damon as I got out of my own world. "Oh I was just promising something to myself." I replied without hesitation. "Do you mind me asking what it is?" He replied again.

"I promised to myself that all the things you've done to me, I will return it back with all I can to see you happy. I swear to promise that I will protect, love and trust you that you deserve."

"And I also promised that I will always bring the light to your eyes— to your world and I will try my best to keep the darkness that will ruin you or our family. And that you can always count on me and I won't judge you, you'll always have my support on every decision you will make." I can see his eyes are a bit teary as I know he was holding it inside.

"You're the only man I wanna be with forever till the day I die." I said for the last time when he spun me around, holding my waist from the air.

"And you're the only woman, my beautiful wife that I get to call everyday proudly forever till the day I die." He responded as our eyes shine like a star.

He buried a sweet kiss on my lips as we finished our first dance and everyone clanged their glass with their forks. And our family and friends gave us a welcome speech as we sat down waiting for them to say their words.

My mom who went first and gave her love to both of us and Damon's parents were next and so our closest friends and aunts gave their speeches to us making us feel love.

Olivia, my best friend who made everyone in tears and laugh at the same time with her humorous side. Our aunts, the trio, let's say, went to the stage together to give us their speeches and of course our Mamà Anton who were a bit dramatic... comfort by his friends.

All their words meant everything to me— the advice they told us that I will have with me.

After their speeches we all had our meal, everyone enjoyed the food and so were we. Damon and I were chatting happily, planning our future family, him wanting to have a baby soon so that we could have tons of babies.

And I was refusing those tons of babies. I mean, isn't one enough? And he was telling me that he's been wanting to have ten children in the future and I slapped his chest gently giving him a side eye.

But of course he said he's fine with it as long as it's me and we're happy. He even said that it is my body and I'm just a sender so how many I want or not he'll be fine with it.

This man right here will be a good husband a future Dad.

Fast forward— it's now time for our cake cutting! I didn't expect our cake to be this enormous thick cake. Twelve foot wedding cake! Anyway, and so we had our knife and we both cut the cake... took a piece and everyone was taking a video and pictures of us as we both fed each other.

"Woop... woop!" Shouted some of our guests. We started dancing again as the cake was served to our guests. After that it's time for me to throw the bouquet.

"Single ladies, please come here in front where the bride is and just spread out behind her." Said our speaker. Everyone came behind me, some took off their heels and some were stretching their arms to catch the bouquet.

"Mrs. Eros, are you ready to throw your bouquet to our single ladies here?" Asked the speaker. "Yes!" I shouted happily and everyone laughed. "Alright, on the count of three you will throw your bouquet— one... two... three!"

And I threw the bouquet and Olivia gotta catch it as she became paranoid and ran towards me and stuttered with her words. I find it funny though.

"Congratulations, looks like your next." I wink at her and she looks at me...weirdly, typically best friend look. "Oh my gosh... is this what it feels like? I feel like regretting it... I'm not ready to get married yet." She panickedly said and I laughed.

"It's alright, you'll be fine." I said to calm her down.

And so everything happened so fast and now it is now time for our grand exit. Everyone made sure that we have a remembrance to have and took all the opportunities to have this moment.

We took our family picture uniting together once again and for the last time we took our spouse picture together at our wedding reception. Now it's time for us to head to our honeymoon destination.

Don't forget to-

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