Chapter 61

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Two days later, in the evening, Damon, William, and Theo flew back to New York as Damon promised that he'll meet Ivanna at her fashion week.

They're now on their way to his mansion and the absence of the moonlight striking the quiet stillness evening. Damon was quietly sitting in the car being driven with his personal driver and two gentlemen were in the other car behind them followed by one more car with their bodyguards.

Damon was in deep thoughts looking at the window when suddenly his driver interrupted him. "Sir, we're being followed." Damon then looks in the mirror and notices two black cars.

A call came from the car and it was Theo and William. "Do you see that?" Asked William. "Yeah... it's Brian's people." Replied Damon so coldly. "They're getting closer to you!" William said, worrying as he sped up.

A gun being fired at them as they tried to avoid and swerve the car as they were being cornered from both sides. Damon fires back and Theo and William and their men are trying to catch up on them.

They all passed a red light and gladly no car nor people are there as they're all shooting and trying to fight in the middle of the road.

William bumped on the other car and they lost control as Damon got a chance to fight the other car on their other side.

Why aren't y'all shooting at them!

Theo shouted in a frustrated mad tone implying to their bodyguards behind them. "We can't get a clean shot sir! It's dangerous if we shoot, we might hit sir Eros especially when their car is swerving a lot." Replied one of their bodyguards as he grunt in madness.

*Bang, Bang* a few more shots and Damon managed to shoot three of the men inside the car when the other car popped up again but suddenly a huge truck was coming on their way.

His driver tried to dodge but they were being pushed by both cars and it was just hard for him to turn the wheel.



Fuck! What the hell happened!? I can't feel my body at all. Shit. I crawl out of the upside down car and my vision blurs. I was full of wounds on my chest and hand, when I got out of the car. I couldn't avoid but to lay down on the road because of the collision.

I immediately looked around and saw that there was a massive crash between three cars and a truck; the truck was on its side. Then I just saw William and Theo quickly running towards me and my men pulling their guns out in case Brian's people made a move.

Damon, Damon you with me?

William shook me and tapped my face, checking for my pulse as my vision was tripling. My head is spinning out of the blue.

He doesn't look so good.

I heard Theo as they both looked at each other for a second. Then a gunshot was fired again. "Fuck! Kill them all!" Theo yelled as he also fought back Brian's people.

William stood me up and took me to the side where I could hide while they're having a clash. William immediately ran to help get rid of them.

I closed my eyes so hard and shook my head to bring myself back to myself. I can't even hear properly right now. But then I remember Ivanna... she's probably waiting for me to come home.

I can't let her worry right now, especially this week because of her fashion show. I just want to hold my wife.

I opened my eyes and saw one of his men as I knew that I had to get up and fight them... I can't let them think they won.

I got up and he was already running with his gun and I only had a blade knife with me as my gun is somewhere. So I gave all my strength to fight this moron and his pretty into killing me.

Part of his body is bleeding due to the crash but it seems that nothing happened to him. I can tell that he is getting weak. "I will end you!" He said and raised his hand to shoot me as I grabbed his hand stopping him.

Both our hands are up in the air... taking over the gun, kicking him as he kicks me back, punching him more as he tries to push me away.

William and Theo and my men were kind of busy too taking care of the others as they didn't notice us fighting behind them. "Die... Eros, Die...!" He said, widening his eyes and clenching his teeth.

I looked him straight in the eyes deadly before punching him falling on the ground pulling me with him without letting his hand off on the gun.

Then suddenly the gun got fired.

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