Chapter 23

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He rushed back to his car pulling out his phone and calling his men in New York. "Drive me back to the airport, Ross." He demanded as he did what he was told. Damon couldn't think properly... breathing heavily worrying about her.

"Fuck!" He shouted and dialed his phone again as one of his men didn't answer the call. Ross, looking at the mirror of the car seeing how furious Damon is, immediately rushed to the airport.

"-please leave a- Wes! You fucking wanker! Answer your bloody phone, prick!" Damon's anger is going full range as they arrive in his jet he gets on and so is Ross. He continued calling each one of his men as none of them answered their phone.

My mind is blowing crazy... I didn't know what to think. All I wanted to know was if Ivanna was alright. My heart is racing like shit and these turds are making my worried ness way worse. I didn't wanna jump into conclusions but the laugh Parenti gave me... I wouldn't be so comfortable with that.

I tried to call Ivanna's phone too but I couldn't reach it. Her phone is either turned off or dead battery; all my goddamn nerves in my body are hitting every second. Mafia people in New York are normal since they all gather with other mafias.

I'm worrying if Parenti sent more people to gather at Ivanna's house. I only had a few of my men to stay with her, they better not lay a finger on my fiancée!

They arrive in New York late as he soon rushes back to her house finding tons of body and blood outside her house. He saw five of his men outside with their guns out, wounded and bleeding.

"What the fuck are you doing with you're phone!? I've been calling you a hundred times now and nobody answered your spastic phones!" Damon rushed to Wes grabbing his collar with both of his hands pushing him against the wall.

"Sorry boss, we couldn't answer our phones, we were trying to fight off the assassins who tried to get in." He explained as blood came out of his arm. "Wes is right, Boss. We're trying to keep Miss Hayes safe as you told us to." His other men added as he let go of him aggressively.

"Where is she?!" He asks, looking at them. Wes pointed inside and said, "She's with the others, she's underground safely." Damon immediately went inside where Ivanna is.

An elevator to go underground moves and Damon's men point their guns into the elevator door as it keeps going down. "Get behind us, Miss Hayes." A second later the door opened and they saw Damon getting out.

"Damon." Said Ivanna as she rushed to him. "Are you alright?" Ask Damon... checking in her up and down. "I'm fine but someone tried to attack me, they were all wearing black." She terrifiedly said and her hands were shaking.

"I know, I know baby I'm sorry I wasn't here with you." He said whispery and hugged her tightly. He gazes at his men leaving them silently.

They went back upstairs trying to comfort her as she fell asleep in his arms. He was rubbing her hair gently as her maids were outside her room. "Sleep tight, Baby. I'll be here when you wake up." He kissed her forehead leaving the room silently.

"Y'all can rest, she'll be fine... I'll stay here." He then went downstairs to talk to his men. "Boss, we've cleaned up the bodies, everything is clean now." He looked down, pressing the side of his eyes with his fingers trying to think.

He lifted his head saying, "Starting right now, you ten will stay here twenty four seven guarding her making sure no one comes after her. No one will leave this place if I don't tell you to." He grabbed his phone and dialed it.

"Will, How's it going there?" He asked, gazing at his men. "We locked Parenti in a dungeon; metal in his left... metal in his right." He clung to the metal making sure Damon would hear it.

"Keep an eye on him, do not let this aside!" "Theo with you?" He asked. "You bet he's having fun here." He suddenly heard some pretty painful noise. "Tell him to get his shit together and send twenty of my men here in New York."

"Twenty? What for?" He urgently asked. "Just fucking do as I told you to and don't ask to damn question, jeez!" He clenched his fists as he got furious. "Alright alright I'll tell him right away but when will you come back?" He then asks for the last time.

"I don't know if I'll stay with Ivanna as long as I can. I can't let this happen again. She was hiding her fear a while ago." William sighs and kicks Parenti. "Not to invade your two's privacy but you also have the responsibility to take it here that you cannot just neglect it." He reminds him as he froze... not even blinking.

A few seconds of silence, "I'll ask my father to take this one for me since I can't just ignore what he did to my fiancée. It'll be her first before everything else." He then ended the call and at the same time called his father.

"Отец." He said. As usual he answered coldly. "What is it?" He replied. "Do me a favor will you?" Damon replied back. "Depends if it's gonna give me pleasure." Damon rolled his eyes and said, "Will you look out Moscow while I'm gone?" "What did you do now?" "Parenti sent his men to assassinate my fiancée whilst I was in Moscow facing his douched ass face and I can't leave Ivanna as I'm worrying about her safety."

"Is she alright?" His father asked. "Gladly... cause I ordered ten of my men to stay here with her if they weren't here something had already happened." He sighs. "Your mother can't know this or she'll drag everyone's asses back to hell and be the leader of her city again."

"So can you do me this favor whilst I'm not in Moscow?" He then asks him for this favor. "Alright alright, I'll handle this for now; I can't let anything happen to the soon to be groom." Damon let out a big breath. "я должен тебе один раз."

He ended the call as his men were still standing in front of him. "Treat y'all's wound and rest... be alert still! The others will come tomorrow." He turned around getting inside to get in Ivanna's room and rest next to her.

He took a cold shower when the door opened. "Did I wake you up?" Damon said as he saw Ivanna leaning on the door. "No. I just... I was wondering where you were." Her voice became low.

Damon got out of the shower and covered half of his body in a towel walking towards her. He kissed her lips as she touched both of his wet shoulders. His hair dripped from her cheeks as they were backing behind to the main bedroom.

Their tongues sticking together, grabbing each other closer and closer, undressing her top, laying her in the bed and undressing her bottom. He started to kiss the top of her stomach all the way down to her pussy.

She moaned exquisitely in pleasure, biting her pinky finger as he continued to lick and suck her pussy. "Mmm." Her body's trembling... lifting her back as her other hand grabs the sheet of the bed.

He kissed her stomach again but this time going up to her face. "Tell me that you want this, tell me you want me to fuck you hard and tell me that you want this to happen." He whispered in front of her face and directly kissed her neck giving her hickeys... licking the side of her ears.

His hand touching her waist and the other holding her hand on the top of her head. "I want this, I want you fuck me harder and I want this to happen." She then answered as he slowly became rough on her.

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