Chapter 71

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"Is the salad ready?" Asked Damon whilst wearing his apron. "Yes, Sir I'll put it on the table." Replied one of the maids as they are now putting all the food they cooked for the family dinner.

An hour ago they had already started cooking, Damon and their ten maids were helping together but of course not all the maids were in the kitchen, some of them were preparing the table and some were washing the dishes and some were cleaning.

And pretty much they'd managed to cook everything as they were all professional.


I came down the stairs fully bathed and I was just in the middle of the stairs when I could already smell all the delicious foods already. I walked in the dining area and I saw them all just finish.

And Damon was all sweaty and... he had some flour on his face. I can't help but to giggle a bit and when they turned around that's when he saw me.

"Evening, Hon." he said. "How are you guys doing?" I asked, giving them a bright smile. "We are perfectly in good shape." Replied some of them as they were putting the foods on the table.

Damon stopped to kiss my cheeks. "Ahem... you might wanna have a shower hon." I said. "You're sweating and kinda dirty too." I whispered and he sniffed the side of his shirt.

"You're right, I'll be right back." He took off his apron and ran upstairs to have a shower.

After forty minutes he came down fully fresh and simply dressed with just a white short and dark blue sleeves. Very simple clothes.

"Your back." I said as I was already sitting on the chair. He sat next to me and replied, "I guess I'm faster than them, they're not here yet huh." And we chuckled.

"Here have some more of this." He gave me four cut oranges and put them on my plate. "Thank you." I said as I took the last bite on my hand and gave him some.

"We haven't really told our housemaids the news." I whispered again. "We'll tell them all when everyone is here." He said with his soft voice.

"Sir, Ma'am, your families are here." Said one of our maids. We both turned our heads and Damon got up when he just let me stay seated as he greeted them all.

"Ciao! Ciao, how are you guys?" Asked my mom in law as they all came into the dining area. I stood up as she kissed my cheek. "Oh my darling, how are you sweetie?" Asked my mom in law.

"I'm doing very great." I said as she's so happy to be here. "Happy Mother's Day, mom." I greeted and hugged her. "And of course I will not forget, Happy Mother's Day to my one and only momzilla." My mom in law moved to the side so that I could hug and kiss my mom.

"Thank you, baby." She replied and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Happy Mother's Day to both of my moms." Then Damon greeted and hugged them both with his arms.

"Oh, thank you very much son." Said my mom. "Grazie mille, tesoro mio." Replied my mom in law. "Gentlemen let's not forget to greet the two beautiful mothers." Said Mamà Anton as he was referring to William, Theo and my father in law even though he had already greeted them.

"Happy Mother's Day Mrs. Eros, Happy Mother's Day Mrs. Hayes." They said at the same time. "Even though I had already greeted you two, still... Happy Mother's Day to both of you , great mothers to our children." Said my father in law as my mom in law was blushing.

"Thank you so much, in law." Said my mom. Mom in law gave him a hug and a kiss saying thank you. "Happy Mother's Day, Luna. We're thankful for how you raised Ivanna." Then mom in law greeted my mom holding each other's hand as they appreciated one another.

Crap, I'm so touched that I'm about to cry. Oh, gosh pregnancy mood.

"You too, Valentina thank you for raising Damon such a great and marvelous man he is today." Mom replied as they hugged each other.

Damon came closer to me and held my waist so gentle. "Aren't you guys gonna greet Ivanna?" Damon bursted it out and all eyes were on us. "W-wait-" "Wh-what do you mean?" "Huh" "hold up." "Are we missing something?" "Greet her?" Said all of them as they were flabbergasted and stuttering.

I looked at Damon as he looked at me back smiling, "Yeah... aren't you guys gonna greet her a Happy Mother's Day?" He asked again and My mom, his mom, and Mamà Anton's jaw were dropped.

"Is... she a mother?" "Wait, I'm still processing."

"Ivanna's pregnant." Said Damon as the three jumped of happiness and the three gentlemen were smiling and clapping their hands.

We got hugged by them as they said their congratulations to us both. "Oh, my I am so happy for you guys, big congratulations." Said my mom and hugged me tightly and cried.

"You guys are gonna be good parents." Mom in law said as she was also crying and hugging Damon. "I can't believe what this little angel is gonna look like." Said Mamà Anton as he was touching my belly.

Dad in law came to hug me and then Damon, "You now have your family that you desire. You better take care of both of them." I can't help but to cry as how everyone is so happy and supportive to us.

But my heart was beating so fast as my eyes were looking at Damon and his dad having a heart to heart knowing they never really showed emotions together.

A fist bump William and Theo gave to Damon and said, "Congrats brother, you're now officially future dad." Said Theo as Damon nodded his head, having a small grin on his face.

Our housemaids and our bodyguards were also shocked with our news and tears filled their eyes.

"This is such a beautiful moment, come let's have a photo together." Suggested Mamà Anton as one of our maids took photos of us.

*camera clicks and more clicks*

"Let's all have a sit, our food is getting cold." I said as we all sat down with a wide and big smile on our faces.

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