Chapter 34

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After the incident we finally arrived at our house and to our surprise everyone was there to welcome us again and it looked like a welcome house party too. Damon lent me a hand as I walked out the car and everyone was so happy even our maids and guards.

"Benvenuta. Bentornato, Eros'." Greeted our aunts. We walked towards our mom and hugged them first and then our aunts. "How was the honeymoon, baby?" Asked my mom. "You bet they had so much fun." Answered my mom in law and winked at my mom.

We both chuckled as everyone greeted us. "Let's go inside, we prepare you guys a welcome back party and of course welcoming you to your new house." Said Mom in law. We walked inside and I was amazed how Damon planned the interior, I mean it's so beautiful and huge inside. This is totally a mega mansion and not just a mansion.

I felt  Damon's hand on my waist and said, "Do you like our house?" I looked at him and he was looking at me so deeply. "You bet I do." I bossily replied... put my palm in his cheeks and kissed him.

"Is there anything you want us to change?" He asked one more time and I shook my head. "Nope! This mega mansion is enough for me." And I gave him a thumbs up.

We reached the kitchen and saw this long table full of food when I suddenly felt hunger. Damon pulled my chair as I sat down and sat next to me as everyone started to have a chat.

As I counted there's probably thirty housemaids in our house who will be serving us and fifty guards that will be everywhere around our house guarding every side of this mansion.

"So darling, tell us about Maldives." Said my mom as we started eating. "Well it was fantastically beautiful and you guys should visit it one day." I replied when Damon was giving me food on my plate.

"Oh thank god you asked, because I've been needing a spa for the last nine months." Said my mom in law jokingly and acting it as we laughed. "Spa? You? Needing? You mean I need a spa for myself because you've been beating my ass." Complaining to my dad in law humorously when mom in law gives him a side eye.

"Welp... I wasn't expecting that." Said aunt Guilio and sip his wine. "How can y'all argue in front of the newlyweds like that?! What kind of inspiration do you guys have if yall going to give them bad actions?" We all looked at Theo lecturing them again as a joke.

"You two have been married for the last forty five years and had a not too handsome son who's my best frien-" William hit Theo's head as he was interrupted and sat back down in his chair. "Ow!" Said Theo.

"You're being so dramatic, man." William said and rolled his eyes. "Mr. Eros was just playing with his wife." He said. When suddenly  footsteps came in. "Right... you never know because you've never had a wife.... Yet." An unfamiliar voice and face showed up with his wife? And another pair of spouses.

"Dad?!" Theo said shockingly with his eyes widened and surprised. "Mom?!" Said William neutrally. "Well hello, my son." A lady that looks like have an attitude said.
"Oh you're finally here." Greeted mom in law to them as she stood up and kissed their cheeks.

"How are y'all?" "Oh you know, same as usual." They sat down and joined us for dinner as they looked so fancy. "Ivanna, this is  Roman and Rosie De Luca, William's parents." Introduced mom-in-law as I smiled at them and said hi.

"And this is Felix and Rory Nikolaev, Theo's parents." I said hello and introduced myself to them. "Hi, I'm Ivanna Hayes Eros, wife of Damon. It's nice to meet you all." The moms were looking at me so fancily and raising one of their brows and giving each other a smirk.

"Damon, you have a type I see." Said Rosie. "I like her already, she's well spoken and very confident." Said Rory and shaked her shoulder like she's Marilyn M vibe. "We'd also like to apologize for not being able to attend y'all's wedding day because we were out of the country and so busy with stuff." Felix said.

"No worries." I answered when he smiled. "Yeah... yall out of the country how come y'all here?" Added Theo like he doesn't want them to be here. "Are you complaining, son?" Asked Rory and looked him in the eye.

I just giggled at their funny humor and joking side and feeling this family is such a complete worth. All I can hear now is them talking, joking, laughing as I'm observing them quietly.

"You alright? Are you tired?" Asked Damon. "Nah, I'm just observing them, like why is Theo and William so shocked by their parents coming here?" When Damon giggled and looked down for a second.

"Good question, well they always get scolded whenever their parents are around. But mostly it's always Theo." He replied when I controlled my laughter. "I see." I whispered when everyone was settled down.

"Anyways, since we're back we can have some time together." Said Rosie. We all sat together and laughed getting to know each other more and this family is precious!

After our dinner everyone decided to just stay here tonight as we all went to our rooms. I took a shower and Damon stayed in our bar on the other side of the house for while with the gentlemen.

After I finished Damon walked in at the same time, but he kinda looked mad. "You alright?" I asked. "Well... I have some things to say to you that you might not like." His reply kinda worried me a little.

"We'll see." I said and put the towel on the bathroom and sat next to him. He pulled his MacBook out and showed this little background information to someone. "Remember the blonde crazy girl we encountered an hour ago?" I nodded my head.

"And remember when I said I'll investigate her? This is her background information I found." I looked at his laptop and scrolled slowly and her infos are kinda not so fun to read.

"Her name is Stella Bennet, former stripper at one of the top bars in America. Her parents abandoned her when she was eighteen because she was hooking up with her parents colleague. Both her parents were working in a hospital as a doctor."

"She choose to be a rebel and fuck around and not get her degree and that's why she got abandoned by her own parents. She's  twenty five years old and... the girl your ex cheated with." He looked at me directly when I scoffed.

"Course... it's always the younger person." I lean back happily knowing this bitch has finally shown in my face again. "How'd she get this rich?" I asked evilly. "Brian... she's using Brian's money." He said. "In short, sugar daddy." I laughed and he smirked.

"You don't bother with it?" His voice calmed down in a low tone. "No, why should I be bothered with those assholes when I'm living my best life right now." I wink when his mood changes.

"But I'm gonna be expecting more... because I'm coming back at them and I'll make them suffer, especially Brian just what I felt when he cheated on me." I closed the laptop and sat on my husband's lap.

"Mind if I join?" He whispered in my ears. "No problem, the more the merrier." I replied back.

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