Chapter 6

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I was in my bedroom at night when I opened my instagram. People commenting on my last post and being so positive and supportive. It made me feel really good by my fans by giving me love.

That's enough for today. I put my phone down and turned on the other side of my bed as I closed my eyes. My eyes are closed but my mind is opened.

Will I be okay tomorrow? Will it be okay tomorrow? How I wish I could just have freedom and a peaceful life like a butterfly. Please give me strength tomorrow.

My alarm goes off and it's time for another day. I should wear something... a successful and badass bitch outfit but still appropriate according to my dress code of course.

I told Sir. David drives my phantom since he drives my Bentley every time so why not change. I was outside and went inside the car.

"Where are we headed, Ma'am?" Ask Sir David.

"To the company." I responded as I placed my purse on the other side.

It's now seven fifty five in the morning and the meeting is gonna start at eight o'clock so I still have time since we're almost there.

"Thank you, Sir David." I said and he tapped his cap.

I went to my office first to put my purse and went to the meeting room. My assistant went in first as I was outside the door. I inhaled and exhaled before going in.

Here goes nothing

I walked in and everyone stood up as I was in the front and middle chair, straight center of the whole table. My assistant introduces me to them.

"Good morning Gentlemen."

"Good morning, Miss Hayes." Said all of them.

"Sit down please." I offered as we all sat down so we could begin the meeting.

There are three empty seats on my right side beside me. This could be the client's seats. As I wondered... I don't see him inside this meeting room. Or maybe he's about to come in.

"So... shall we start?" I said. "We shall start." She smiled.

"For the last months our stock in the company has been very high and that's good. We have never had a problem this past few months. Everything is going so well, other entrepreneurs from abroad have been signing papers and wanting to be part of our partnership."

"And of course before we agreed, we've informing you first Miss Hayes because we know you don't just accept other businesses into your company." They explained as I was very amazed how we all managed to have this even though I'm always gone.

"Well that's good then. Our company and employees have been working hard to achieve this goal." I said and gave them a small smile.

"And that's not the only news we have... there were also new clients we were going to introduce and I'm sure that you will like them. But don't worry I check and look into their portfolio of their company and they have a good and manageable business."

I look at the folder that was in front of us and it seems pretty good. Good stock, good high quality of business, good adaptability and many more. Hmm not bad... This is what I like when having new clients or having a business proposal.

"I'm guessing that these people are very intelligent and hard working." I said as I looked at them and they seems to be very happy about this new people.

"Yes yes absolutely indeed. So let me introduce them to you." He stood up and raised his arm pointed at the door and welcomed them.

"Miss Hayes, everyone, let's all welcome our clients... Mr. Theo Nikolaev, Mr. William De Luca and Mr. Damon Maverick Eros." They clapped their hands at the same time the door opened.

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