Chapter 28

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And before we leave the hotel, I assigned Olivia to give this simple box that I wanna give to Damon for him to use for our wedding as my gift for him.

"Hey liv, can you do me a favor?" I said approaching her as she carefully listened to me. "Yes, babe go ahead." She replied happily. "Before the wedding starts, can you please hand this little gift to Damon and pass the message to him... I'll see you at the altar, tì amo" I looked into her eyes as she was excited for me.

"No problem, peach. I'll go give this to him right away." She said and left as I nodded my head.

"Where is Olivia going?" Ask Mamà Anton as he walks closer to me. "To Damon, I wanted to give a gift for him and Olivia delivered it to him for me." I answered.

Fifteen minutes later, Olivia arrived at the hotel where Damon and his best man are in. The gentlemen saw Olivia running towards them as they were also celebrating and having a toast.

"Hey, Liv." Aunt Guilio shouted. "Hey aunt G!" Replied Olivia as she's getting closer to them. "What are you doing here?" Asked aunt Guilio. "Well, the bride has a little wedding gift she wants me to give to Damon for you to use today." She handed him the box that Ivanna bought for him and his expression was out of control.

He cannot express how happy he was when he heard that Ivanna gave him a little gift as his face blush and his ears turned bright red. "What is it?" Ask Damon.

"No idea." She said, "And also she wants to pass a message for you." He raised one of his eyebrows of confusion. "I'll see you at the altar, tì amo." And that's when he loses it... he smiled widely as his eyes shined like a diamond, a heart circling around his head.

"Well well well... looks like Damon is blushing." William teases him as he looks at him deadly. He opened the box and saw this simple but yet classy black- golden(ish) watch and he immediately put it on his wrist.

A smirk he tried to hide but still got caught up with his feelings. "Grazie, amore." He muttered as none of them caught what he said. "Can I call my bride?" He asked when everyone looked at him so seriously.

"No! You can't plus it's also time for us to head to the church." He gave them a look as if it was too serious to talk to her.

Aunt Guilio gently pulled everyone to their cars to get off and head to the church.

Fast forward— the music started as soon as the groom walked and so is everyone... cameras are everywhere, invited friends and family are on their seats waiting for the bride's turn to show up.

Then they closed the doors as the bride was about to enter. The moment they have all been waiting for has come... the bride entered the door as all eyes were on her.

Damon's POV

I was standing in the very front waiting for my bride to come as my groomsmen were standing by my side. I don't know what I'm feeling right now... my hands are cold as ice, my heart is racing so bad, my mind is out of space, everything is mixed up with me right now.

My gorgeous bride slowly walked towards me, smiling at the top of her ears looking so beautifully shining like a star that got dropped on me. Her gown that makes her even more precious her glam and look is torturing me to have her already.

At this point I'm attached to her... I'm attracted to her absolute perfection. It's like she's got power to manipulate me in a bad and good way. Her goddess smile that made everyone flash their cameras in just a minute.

My bride is getting closer to me as I didn't notice that I, a ruthless mafia son of one of the biggest mafia in Russia, is smiling right now.

When suddenly my father walked towards her as she stopped with her mom. My dad came to her right side as she put her hands on his and had a smile together. Wh-what is going on? I wasn't aware of any of this.

My dad walked my bride to me as my heart beat even faster. I appreciated my dad for doing this to Ivanna as her dad couldn't be able to walk her down the aisle.

And she's finally here— in front of me looking right into my eyes.

I walked a few steps as I kissed her mom's hand and hugged her respectfully for taking her daughter's hand. Ivanna hugged both my parents when I looked at my dad, "Спасибо, я ценю, что ты проводил ее до алтаря, пап."

We were both smiling as he nodded his head and hugged me tightly. It has been so long since I hugged my dad and this feels... nice.

I took my bride's hand as we both walked in front of the priest who will grant us to be husband and wife. The ceremony began as the priest started his first statement.

Fast forward— the ceremony is almost half done and the moment I've been waiting for, "Since it is your intention to enter into the covenant of Holy Matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent before God and his Church." The Priest said.

"I, Damon, take you, Ivanna, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. And I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, I will love you and honor you all the days of my life." I said as the church echoed with the vow I said.

And now it was Ivanna's turn to say her vow and she gave me her brightest smile. " I, Ivanna, take you, Damon, for my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part. And I promise to love, respect, protect and trust you and give you the best of myself, for I know that together we will build a life far better than any of us." She said

I was too focused on her vow when I caught my eyes on tears that I cannot hold. It kept tearing up down my cheeks as she wiped it with her warm hand as I just let it be.

Everyone clapped their hands as I felt embarrassed and looked away still having my tears on my face. "My god, why is my eyes raining?" I mumbled jokingly and Ivanna laughed and so did the priest.

"Father, bless Damon and Ivanna as they exchange rings they have set apart to be visible signs of the inward and spiritual bond which unites their hearts, may they represent the covenant made between them here today." The priest said as he both looked at us left and right as we only focused on each other.

Our ring bearer came and gave us our rings as I picked up the ring that I will put on my bride as she took the ring that I'll wear and put it on my left to the second finger. The joy I've been waiting for has now come.

"Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom that in his kindness he may favor with his help those whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony." The priest said happily. " In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" The Priest added.

I lifted Ivanna's veil as everyone stood up, clapping, and shouting at a distance. And finally I got to kiss my official wife and that took a minute till I let go.

"I love you, Hon." she said as I got flustered when she called me hon. "Is that gonna be our calling names?" She giggled. "I love you more than anyone else, Hon." and once again I kissed her plump lips and we both looked at everyone.

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