Chapter 48

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Two days later we flew to Paris for our fashion show and we three rode in the same plane together. Before we left New York, my in-laws called Damon and were so seething and fuming in anger and asking what the heck is going on.

Damon didn't have a choice but to explain everything to them even if he didn't want to and that got them even more madder, especially his dad.

My father in law was already planning Brian's death as my mother in law had to calm him down and I know for sure that she's also ranging in madness.

I'm so glad that my in-laws aren't the same as the movies I've watched before.... hating on their daughter in law, making her suffer. And for my mom, she was worried. She wanted to post already on social media and told me that she can't take such lies going around right now.

And I told her that we'll handle this and I won't let them destroy and bring me down and trample me on those I have reached in life. I hate seeing my mom worried and sad.

My other aunts and my best friends on the other hand, have my backs as they showed their support for me. I appreciate it so much, especially with this period right now.

I've seen a lot of videos around as they were talking about me, calling me a cheater, a gold digger, a hoe etc. some people were mad and some people were defending me saying "Why can't you just wait for her to tell the truth?" "Why is everyone believing so easily?" "Let her speak before you judge and call her shits."

For now I have to focus on our Paris show and after that I will clear my name on those accusations. I won't be silent again, I'm not the same Ivanna I used to be when I was still with you, Brian!

Seven hours later we landed in Paris. We went directly to our hotel where we're gonna stay and get ready for the big show that's gonna happen tomorrow.

As a routine for us models, we have to do a rehearsal before the show.

Later that day it's fashion show day and it's getting a lot better I would say. Same as before, we walked the stage, we ran away with the dresses, guests were watching, taking photos, and cameras for our social media accounts.

After we had the show it finally ended. It was a long day for me, so exhausted. As usual paparazzi were waiting for me and asking tons of questions and I couldn't avoid it.

"Ivanna is it true that you cheated on your ex boyfriend Brian?" "Did you dump Brian for someone who's now your husband?" "Do you only wish to be a spoiled wife using your husband's money?" "Aren't you a millionaire? Why are you being a gold digger?" Blah blah blah yada yada yada.

Their mouths don't know how to shut up! Are they being for real asking me that? I wanted to punch them so bad but since I'm a well mannered woman I won't.

I'm getting too fed up on this shit and it's time for me to shut this down.

"Thank you for asking," I smiled. "Let me clarify this alright? First of all I did not dump Mr. Brian, HE broke up with me because he met this girl on his business trip. Second, do not involve my husband in this situation because he didn't do anything, it was actually him who made my world complete again. Third, I did not marry my husband for his money, I don't care about his money because I have my own. I married him because I know he's the one I'm gonna spend my life with. And lastly I don't have to wish to be a spoiled wife because my husband is spoiling me, giving me things on his own."

I said as cameras and audios were turned on and the press was too stunt to speak. "And yes, I'm a proud CEO millionaire model so I don't have to have someone else's money." I smiled once again and left them speechless.

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