Chapter 20

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"Alright, if you guys have already decided what you want for this grand wedding... we'll go with it." Mrs. Hayes said as she took the glass of her champagne and held it up.

"To the new couple." She stood up and so did everyone who raised their glasses and had a big smile on their faces. "To the new couple!" "To the new family!" "To the new chapter of our family."

They added and shouted as everyone clapped and clang their glasses together. Damon held Ivanna's hand as they both got up, raised their champagne and whiskey and kissed each other's lips.

"Thank you, thank you everyone." Said Ivanna happily and couldn't thank them enough for being so supportive and respectful towards them.

Ivanna's eyes got a little teary as they were celebrating; remembering her father who promised that he'll walk her down the aisle whenever she gets married. She has kept that promise until now.

She was holding her tears back but she couldn't escape from Damon's sight and immediately notice her emotional side.

"Hey, something is wrong?" He asked. She looked at him and wiped her tears. He pulled her closer to his arms and gave her a warm embrace... kissed her forehead. She held him tight and he placed his whiskey on the table.

"Hey, talk to me. Why are you crying? Are you tired? Do you wanna go home?" He was distressed and eager to know an answer. His worried voice made her chuckle.

She sniffed and said, "Oh no, no I-I just remember my dad's promise." Her voice broke as soon as she mentioned her late father. His eyebrows knitted together and felt pity on her.

"I'm sorry, Snuggle Bear." His light voice calmed her a little bit. "Sorry, I'm ruining the mood." She laughed and looked at everyone as she was trying to pretend nothing was wrong.

"Darling, don't be sad. I know why you are being sad... is it your father?" Said Mrs. Eros serenely... Strive not to make her feel bad and center of the attention.

She nodded her head as a yes and the two mothers looked at each other full of worriness. Mrs. Hayes walked closer to her daughter as Damon unleash her from holding his fiancée's body.

"I miss him too, darling. But we're gonna have to let go and go on... continue with or without him." Said Mrs. Hayes and embraced her sweet daughter.

Mrs. Eros couldn't help but to hug them too and so did the three aunts who were tearing up at the last minute. Damon was still looking at his fiancée unrest and thinking something in his head.

He couldn't take comfort in her feelings of sadness. His eyes say it all and all he cares about is her... he was attached to her and set to be married in a few more days knowing his fiancée was still grieving the loss of her father.

How he wished he could do something to ease her sadness. "Since it's getting late, we should call this a night." People started to gather their things and head out the restaurant as respect and gentleness of Damon, he grabbed her purse and brace her with his arms.

Front and back as they were followed by his bodyguards until they got in their cars, "Careful." Said Damon whilst Ivanna's getting in the car and his hand covering the top of her head so she will not bump into it.

He closed the door and got in as well as his bodyguards. She fell asleep on his shoulder on the way home. His left hand held her waist and supported her body so she wouldn't fall off of him.

As they roll on the road and become shaky as they go on Damon suddenly said, " Ros slow down a little, I don't wanna wake her up." And immediately look up to her... put her hair in the back of her ears.

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