Chapter 25

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Next morning I woke up and headed to the bathroom... wash my face, brush my teeth and do my morning routine. I headed downstairs and breakfast was ready on the table— I saw Damon talking to his friends... William and Theo. Damon was facing his back in front of me and he didn't notice me coming down.

Theo notices me looking at them as he waves his hand and so is William. Damon immediately turned his back on me and gave me a warm smile. He ended their conversation and headed inside to have breakfast together.

"Morning, Snuggle Bear." His sweet scent I smelled as soon as he hugged me... made my eyes brighten. "Did something happen?" I ask concerningly why the two were here all of a sudden. "They had a business to take care of but they'll be back to Moscow." He assisted me to the chair and the maids started to serve us our food.

I nodded my head as I felt like I didn't wanna ask more about it and I'm a bit sore. I feel lethargic. "Here, drink it. It'll give your energy back." He handed me this cup of warm drink— I don't know what this is but I'll drink it since I feel shit." I slowly drank and the taste is not my thing.

"Ick... that's bitter sweet kinda mint(ish) flavor." I said with a disgusted look on my face. The three chuckled at me when someone busted the door open.

"Buongiorno, buongiorno Everyone....!" Mamà Antonio said loudly and headed to our direction with him full of energy and positive vibes.

"Ciao Bella, Bello." He looked at the gentlemen and turned his look at me. "What brings you here early in the morning, Mamà Anton." I asked and took a bite of croissant.

"Early in the morning?" He looked at his watch. "Sweety, your mind must still be asleep. It's already nine thirty almost ten am." He then places this huge paper bag in his holding and grabs a glass of water.

"Oh" I replied, smirking. "I stopped by because I want to let you know that your wedding gown is almost finished and your Aunt Guilio and Aunt Carlo also finish everything... in two days your wedding gown will be done." I smiled widely.

"This is really happening." I kinda shouted as I almost fell on my back. "Careful." Said Damon. "Yes! It is happening but before we all celebrate and everything, did you two set the church already?"

Damon and I were left dumbstruck and froze in our seats— we slowly looked at each other, eyeing each other remembering we forgot to call the church.

"WHAT?! Don't tell me you guys forgot the most important part of y'all's wedding?!" The three are looking at us as we avoided them... scratching the back of our heads.

"Mamma Mia!" Added Mamà Anton. He pulled his phone out and reached someone. "Ciao, Sorella! We have a problem."......... "Damon and Iv forgot to call the church and their wedding is next month and there's only one more left till we settle everything." ........... "And since you're in Spain right now will you do us a favor."............ "Sì, Sì grazie." He put his phone down and looked back at us.

"Now it's settled." We both smiled at him in relief. "Oh and hate to say this before your wedding month we will have our last fashion show in New York." I nodded my head as I sip water. "Yeah yeah... sure not a problem." I replied.

"It's about time people will figure it out that you're engaged and about to get married." I smiled bitterly and put a fake smile on my face.

"Let's not worry about that for now, since Iv, will decide whenever she's ready." Damon looked at me and gave me a kiss on my forehead .

"Alright lovey dovey... I'll see y'all later. And remember to take care of everything before y'all's wedding day comes... we don't want any troubles." He grabbed his things and slowly walked out of the door and echoed his last few words.

"They will!" Shouted William. "We'll take care of em!" Added Theo. And we all laugh.

After that William and Theo went back to Moscow as we drove them two in the airport. I was enjoying the ride back home as I can feel that Damon is staring at me... and smiling widely.

I opened the window and the freezing icy cold wind immediately fell in my face. I love this! "You're not feeling cold?" He asked. I shake my head whilst my eyes are closed, just feeling the freshness of the wind.

He then chuckles, "Enjoy, amore." He said with supportively caring. "Let me know if you need something." He added. I gave a thumbs up and did not look at him. Thirty minutes or so later, I started feeling a little cold and my nose started to runny.

I closed the window and seat back again as he looked at me. "Feeling cold now, ey?" He joked. I couldn't say a word as I felt shy all of a sudden. We've reached the traffic light and it was red, when Damon started removing his coat. "Here put this on so you won't get sick." I looked at him and said, "No I'm fine, I have my coat and you need that... I made the car colder." I replied.

He insisted on putting it back and I didn't have a choice but to just put it on. "Don't worry about me, we got the air ventilation on hot." He continued to drive as the traffic light turned green.

New York is one of the best of the bestest ever and I enjoy living here. This is something... something I can't describe. "Do you like New York?" I asked Damon.

"Yes, New York is my third home ever since I met you." The sincerity of his voice made me feel like I'm melting. "What's your first and second home?" I replied. "My first home is Russia since I was born there, second would be Italy cus my mom is Italian. But next month that's gonna change, you'll be my first ever home, nothing else." I gulp my own saliva trying to hide my flatterness.

He held my hand and at the same time moved the gear shift of the car. This is a typical couple's vibes. Anyway as I was too focused on my fiancée, the Bentley car beside us cut over Damon as it was close to hitting each other.

Gladly Damon hit the brakes before I could even flinch. I was shocked at what that was. I mean a scene like that is normal in New York and this is the first time I've encountered that, I know New York is known for traffic problems but that car didn't have to cut over!

Then suddenly a woman came out of the car... mad and pointing at Damon since he is the driver. Damon started unbuckling his seatbelt looking not so happy, "Babe, I'll handle it, I'll get out of the car just calm down." I said and I unbuckle my seatbelt too when he grabbed my shoulder.

"It's too risky, there's tons of people outside and if you get out people will gather around you." Shit I forgot I'm a famous model. "What are we gonna do now?" I looked behind us and there's cars honking, "we're causing traffic because of this woman." I said.

He took his phone and dialed someone, "I'll call someone to deal with this witch." I scoffed. Minutes later the police showed up and talked to her and moved her car on the other side. "Guess she deserved that." I said... he nodded his head to one of the police who raised his hand and we moved forward.

"God, I hate those kinds of people." He smacked his lips. "Mostly blonde girls are crazy." I added. "You're blonde so that means you're crazy?" He jokingly said, looks like I got uno reverse. "Oh shut up." And we laugh.

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