Chapter 35

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Months have passed, weeks have passed with all my modelings, photoshoots, and it's time to be in my company again. This is my life now and as Mrs. Eros I even changed my office name to my new last name and everyone is loving it.

I got a surprise when I got back and people around here in the company were congratulating me and asking how did I know it was the one for me? Any tips on how to find your forever?

I mean I just don't know how to answer them because forever just came into my life before I could even snap a finger. But I'm not gonna question that, if it came then it came to my life.

A knock on my door as I told them to come in, "good morning Mrs. Eros, here are the files and the papers from our last month's stock and every budget we used for everything is listed in there." Said my personal assistant as she came in with a lovely and good vibe.

I took a look at the papers and everything is still going good as usual... A few changes have been added and the budget is kinda sketchy but eh... as long as it's used for a good. "Perfect! Thank you." I replied and looked at her.

"And one more thing, one of the headboards of one of our partners, the Adriano company from Spain, had given their invitation to the Hayes Empire Company to attend their business party here in New York tomorrow at evening seven o'clock and it's gonna be a yacht party." She said as I nodded my head, "sure I will go thank you for telling me, Jane." I replied.

"It is my duty to inform you with everything." And she left my office. Later that morning, four o'clock in the afternoon I decided to go shopping and of course I had to hide my identity and wear a hoodie and a pants and a cap so that no one could recognize me because I didn't have my bodyguards with me right now.

As I was walking, trying to look for yacht clothes for me to wear to the party, I received a call from my husband. "Hey, handsome." I answered with goofiness. "Hi, hon, what are you doing?" He asked as my eyes were on the stores wandering around. "I'm at the mall right now looking for some yacht clothes for a party, why?" I replied back.

"Ah... I see, wait for me, I'll be there with you." He said and I chuckled, "alright, hon." He then turned off the phone. A few seconds later I felt a grab in my waist as I turned quickly just to find my husband beside me. I was ready to put a fist on who I thought was a random person and I'm glad it was just him. "God, you scared the shit out of me."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." He apologized and kissed me at the same time. "I love you." He whispered with his manly deep voice as he was also wearing sweatpants and a hoodie mostly matching me. "How'd you get here so fast?" I said as we started walking holding each other's waist. "I've been following you for the last fifteen minutes." "Hmm... stalker." I said jokingly as he chuckled.

"Why do you need yacht clothes anyway?" He asked concerned as we walked into the store he pointed and we started looking whilst talking. "The Hayes Empire got an invitation and wanted us to attend their yacht party and I agreed because they are one of the Hayes trustful partners." I said and I pulled a little of the dress I saw as he stood there for a second.

"Is it the Adriano Company that had invited you?" He replied as my eyes widened a little. "Yeah... how'd you know?" I lean my arm on this metal thingy and he scoffs, looks down on the floor, hands in his pockets. "The Eros Enterprise got an invitation too from them and they were also our business partners." I tapped his shoulder out of surprise, "No way?! I guessed the universe really planned our future." I said as he walked behind and hugged me, kissing my neck and whispered, "And I'd love to see more of what we have in the future."

My face got blush and no lie, I also wanted to know more but I won't rush it. I'll wait for it to come slowly. A few minutes of looking and we finally saw the clothes for our yacht party and yes I convinced Damon to also buy the clothes and we matched it. I told him to buy a white short and I picked a royal blue beach sleeve and I picked a beach dress with classy backless and little cleavage show royal blue.

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