Chapter 11

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As everything is going fine and smooth as we become comfortable with each other and didn't notice everything we've done and having memories together.

And I am not realizing I'm starting to fall in love with the man I met two years ago. Yes, it's been two years since we all met together. Time flies so fast.

After that Paris fashion show we had, Mamà Anton and I went back to New York. Aunt Carlo and Aunt Guilio went to London to guest there for another fashion show. And the boys... they kinda had to separate for a while for some personal matter.

William went to Sicily to do his business since he said that it has been a while since he went and became their boss. Theo went back to visit his family in Germany and deal with some of his partnership.

And for Damon, my boyfriend... he went back and forth from Moscow to New York since he has a Mafia to deal with and a Business in Moscow and New York. I'm feeling so sad about him flying every day just to see me and have time for the two of us.

After a few months we've been interacting with each other he finally confessed his feelings towards me. And of course before he did that he already met my mother as they had a fun time together and my mom agreed that he's the one for me.

And as for me... I knew something was up about him and when he confessed his feelings towards me he also mentioned that he is a part of a mafia and the son of a former czar of one of the biggest mafia in Russia.

At first I didn't believe him because I know that mafia people don't exist anymore for decades. But when he proves everything to me... I got scared not gonna lie but I accepted him for who he was. He even said that William and Theo are also part of the mafia.

Even though he confesses that they, he kill thousands of people before, torture people etc. I told him that it's not about that why I fell in love with him; it's about his chunky, adorable personality that gets me Everytime.

His efforts Everytime, his love language. He was nothing compared to my ex before because he, Damon, is one of the best people I've ever had in my life. He is everything to me and will always be.

Speaking of... when I first met his parents, especially his dad, they were giving me a cold shoulder and this... unholy vibes. But since their son loves me they learn to accept me piece by piece.

But his father was taking a while accepting me but after a month (I know right) he finally approved of us being together. He even introduced me to the clan and it went fine since Damon was looking at them like he was about to eat their souls.

He confessed and made an effort to ask me to be his girlfriend. It was in Norway where the northern lights are. Even though it was classy and elegant I did really really appreciate him.

After that day he asked me to be his girlfriend. We went to Russia as he showed me the mansion he built for the two of us to live in. I wasn't expecting him to build a huge mega mansion for us.

He said that he sees his future with me and him getting old with me. That's why he built the house and for our future children too. I was emotional and everything... I've never experienced this kind of true and faithful love before.

Our aunts congratulated us and were supportive and gave us advice on how we are going to take this. The boys who were happy and telling us that their Boss, their best friend, finally has his loved one.

When I had a chance to talk to them and have a little chat, Theo accidentally revealed that Damon hasn't got a girlfriend before since birth and that I'm his first and last girlfriend.

A guy like Damon? A likable, hot, sexy man like him never dated someone?! That is so new, because all of the men out there were just cheating, ass whores!

But I'm glad I'm his first and be the last one he'll ever date in his whole life.

I got to find some information about him since he told me to ask anything about him.

He did finish high school and college in both private schools. He went to Oxford university for four years and earned his master's degree in Business administration. He also went to Cambridge for four years and graduated there as he earned his Bachelor's degree in accounting.

He is such a smart ass. I am so proud of my boo. I don't know how he managed to do all of that. He even has one more which he took a Bachelor of aviation to become an aircraft pilot.

I'm the luckiest woman alive to have such a smart and brave man like him. He is the only son of their family. His father is Dimitri Alexandrovich Eros, born and raised in Moscow Russia. His mother is Valentina Valeria Moretti, born and raised in Rome Italy.

I thought Damon was pure Russian but I was wrong his mother was pure Italian so that makes him half Russian and half Italian.

His fathers genes were literally passed by him. He doesn't even look like his mother, he looks like his father there like a twin. Green eyes, blonde hair, tall, muscular, perfect look and shape on everything.

And of course Damon Maverick Moretti Eros, born and raised in Moscow Russia. September twenty five nineteen ninety four. The birthday of my boyfriend that I will now remember everyday.

As I was reminiscing my phone rang. It was Damon. "Hey, how have you been doing?" I ask happily.

"Missing you every minute." He replied as he was clearing his throat. Pfft... I'm guessing he is going to fly back to New York.

"Я скучаю по тебе больше." I tried to say it properly as he was stunned to speak. "When did you start speaking Russian?" He asked. "Oh I just learned it from someone."

"So why did you call me? Are you going back to the city?" I said as I was folding my papers and putting it aside.

"Yeah I'm picking you up because we're going to Santorini." He said as I was confused why we're going to Santorini all of a sudden. What is he planning to do?

"Hmm I can smell something fishy." I said jokingly as he chuckled. "I'll be there in an hour." "Я люблю тебя, моя маленькая бабочка." He ended the call as I didn't understand the last words he said.

He didn't even tell me what to wear. I'm just gonna wear formal clothes.

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