Chapter 38

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"Hey, I gotta tell you something." Damon said as we're both standing holding each other's waist looking at this huge glass view window. "Mhmm." I hummed. "When we were doing it in the room, Brian was outside looking for us." I looked at him confusedly, as my mind went blank for a second.

"No way? So he saw us having sex?" I was very shocked at this moment because Brian never saw my naked body before and the thing is he saw us having sex! "That's why I was trying to push you to say more of my words, that's why I keep smirking. I don't know if you've noticed I kinda let out a moan and as you know that I'm always controlling it, and my dirty talk was... for him to be tempted." He said mumbling and being honest.

"I feel like I did the same thing to him when he cheated on me with this Stella girl in the yacht too." I feel somewhat relieved knowing it's fine that that happened.

"Not the same but revenge on what he did to you." He corrected me and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Karma is coming to them." I whispered when a knock on the office door of Damon.

"Come in." He said. "Good Morning Sir, I just wanna let you know that you have a meeting in five minutes with Russo, Romanov, and with our other company partners." Said his assistant and he nodded his head slowly letting go of me getting his papers and files.

"I'll be right back, Hon. I'll come back once I finish." He said, looking at me. "Yeah, yeah, I'll stay here. I'll let you know if I'm going to leave." I responded and kissed him as they left the room.

*Thirty minutes later*
I walk around looking at the city, roaming around thinking about happy things that have happened and my mind is in deep thoughts when my phone rings. "Hello." "Sorry to interrupt Mrs. Eros but there's someone looking for you and I told him to wait in the waiting area." My assistant's voice sounded like she's worried and concerned with this person.

"Do you know their name?" I asked. "He said it's Brian from Huxley Company." I sigh. I rolled my eyes as soon as I heard his name. What does he want now? "Alright I'll be right there." I ended the call, took my purse and left Damon's office.

I saw his assistant at the front desk talking to someone as I approached her. "Ivy, tell my husband I have to leave, it's an emergency." I said. "Yes ma'am, I will." She bowed in respect.

I hurried to the car so that no one could notice me as my bodyguards were ready to leave. "Where we off to Ma'am?" He asked. "The company." I replied.

A few minutes of driving I arrived at my company and he's the one I saw as soon as I walked in from the entrance. He stood up and approached me. "Amelia." His voice was so low like he's being pitied. "It's Mrs. Eros to you." I raised one of my brow.

"What do you want, Mr. Huxley?" I asked professionally  without being disrespectful. "Can we talk in private?" He said and looked at my bodyguards. "We don't have to talk in private because there's nothing to talk about plus I'm busy and I don't have time for some cheap dirty hoser people like you." I said and walked past him.

He then suddenly grabbed my wrist so tightly and I felt some excruciating pain. "Ow!" I mumbled scrunching my forehead. "Let go of me! Brian." My bodyguards acted so fast as they removed his hand from me. "Who do you think you are touching Mrs. Eros like that!" One of my bodyguards shouted as all the people around us looked in our direction.

"What's going on, Mrs. Eros?" My assistant came and asked when she saw my wrist. "Your hand? Your wrist is red and why is there a finger scratch?!" SHe touched my hand looking at it.

"Listen, Ivanna I just wanna talk to you please." He begged as I'm getting frustrated with his actions. "You came here just to do this?! You know that I won't talk to you ever again and yet you're here in front of me? Why!?" I walk two steps in front of my bodyguards and my assistant lowering my voice but aggressively.

"I wanted to know why did you marry him? And why didn't you tell me?" He confessed when I felt an anger running in my blood right now. "Why did I marry him? That's none of your business anymore. And even if I tell you why, you're not gonna wanna know." I said and left him speechless.

Fuck him! Fuck his life! Why does he have to appear again! Why the hell does he have to be involved in my life again! Why!? He got the guts to ask why did I marry him? Is it my fault that I found the man I will grow old with? It's not my fault why he became this way.

It's hard to control your emotions when you're a famous person.... Everything goes to the media, everyone will be talking about you having that attitude, people will suspect, people will make up things!

"Mrs. Eros, are you alright? Do you need a medic? A med kit?" She asked as we reached my office. "Just take the med kit." I said as I sat down, put my purse and removed my blazer. She took out the kits and we started to clean it to prevent infection.

"Does it stings?" She asked. "Yes." I responded coldly. "It's not serious but I know that it hurts for sure, especially your carpal bone. Not to be rude Ma'am if your bodyguards didn't stop him from grabbing you so tight he would have broken your carpal bone because of how thin your body is." I squinted my eyes.

"I mean your a model Mrs. Eros and we all know how a model's body looks." I gulped and looked away. Why is this happening to me now?

"All done." She wrapped all the kits and put them back. Now what? Am I gonna live my life knowing Brian can ruin my days? Who knows he can do more than that.

I fucking hate you with all my everything, Brian Huxley!

I closed my eyes and rested my head on the chair headrest. I just want peace, that's it but why can't I have one?

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