Chapter 14

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Next morning I woke up next to my man... he was hugging me so tight and it's already morning. I slowly poke his cheeks to wake him up.

He smiled whilst his eyes were still closed... "It's our first day being a fiancée and fiancé." I said as I struggled to breath when he literally buried me in his chest.

Arck... eeck... crrrk.. "Can't bre-athech." I said, trying to wiggle my body. He unleashed and looked at me.

"Morning, Snuggle Bear." And kissed my lips and slowly kissed my neck. He was going down under the blanket when he reached my pussy.

He presses his mouth as he sucks in all the way as I twitch. Fuck! Not this early in the morning. He is already eating his breakfast.


He was licking my clit with his tongue making my body urge into pleasure. I can't moan out loud or people might hear me.

His fingers ran through my legs as I was holding all the pillows. I looked down when he was looking up to me like a devil... smirking knowing what he was doing to me.

"Ugh... What are you doing, Damon?! You can't do tha- Ughh!"

"Can't do what." He said as he stopped, lifting his head going into my stomach. I look at him as I'm full of heat. He wiped the side of his lips with his thumb and at the same time his tongue licked it from right to left.

"You cum delicious, Snuggle Bear. I should do that more often... having my breakfast in bed." He teased me as I scrunch my forehead.

"I hate you!" I turned around when he laughed. I hate it when he teases me so bad and I'm feeling so embarrassed. I stood up to take a shower and left him in the bed.

"Alright... I'm sorry, I won't do it again." His gentle morning deep voice was so arousing. I close the shower and lean on the door as I blush... I didn't know why but my legs were looking for his touch, wanting his kisses.

Have I gone mad, or is it just part of the sexual thing? But anyway I'm just gonna go take a shower. Washing my body as if I'm imagining our last night together.

He came in so silently and joined me. I couldn't stay mad at him for long... I face him and touch his chest. His tattoos were so interesting to look at and I wanted to ask him if there's a meaning behind of all of this.

"Can I ask you a question?" I said as the shower was going through our body. "Anything, Snuggle Bear." He responded quickly without hesitating.

"Does your tattoos have meaning or is it just you want it because you like it?" I carefully ask and not to offend him or something that might upset him.

"Some of them do and some of them don't." His green eyes looking at me and shining like a diamond in my sight. He looks like a madman in the outside but his got a soft heart in the inside.

"You know I've been thinking, what if you don't have tattoos all over your arms and neck you might look so cute." He scoffed.

"Am I?" He said. I nodded my head and leaned on his chest. "Don't get me wrong, you're still pretty like an angel, I was just curious if you would look better without tattoos."

He didn't respond for a second and all I could hear was the water coming out of the shower head. "I'm curious too if you would look better if my dick is inside your pussy right now."

My eyes flash into reality when he lifts me up like a weight in the thing where you could sit. I don't know why but my body responded so quickly and widened my legs myself.

Even though I feel like I don't wanna do it, at the same time I'm craving it. I think this is the effect of having sex for the first time; you're going crazy about it.

He inserted it roughly and hit my spot, making me go crazy. My eyes were twitching and feeling good as fuck as he move faster and deeper inside me.

I can feel his dick getting bigger inside and I couldn't help but to suck him in like last night. I didn't mind that he got a huge and thick dick anymore as I was getting used to it.

My fingers running through his hair and neck... digging my nails in his back. He hissed and got his furious face when he slammed his face and kissed me so violently.

Our tongues swirling at each other... me moaning at his ear so softly whilst both of his hands were on side of me in fist.

We both chose violence.

I was feeling every inch of him as if I'm going to melt. He suddenly turned off the shower and my soft moan echoed the bathroom.

"Much better, but I want you to moan as loud as last night." He demanded as my lips were whimpering.

He held my hips up high and put it in his shoulders fucking me so close.

Ughhh... fuck, Damon! Pound me harder.

Shit, why did I shout like that. My ass is gonna rip so bad. I feel bad for my sorry ass now.

He fuck me as I told him to and I could feel the tip of his dick as if it's gonna reach my cervix. This sex is fucking making me go crazy.

I look at him with my eyes seductively cute when he's literally looking like a hot goddess... smirking as if he won't stopped fucking my ass.

"Your d-dick is getting bigger inside as you move it out and in- ughhh..." I said and looked up at the ceiling and bit my lower lip.

"It's slippery inside but it's getting hard to move since you're making it tight and sucking my dick." He said as I'm feeling the heat so bad.

We're only supposed to take a shower but it turns out we're having sex in the morning!

I felt his cum squirting inside as he slowly moved in and out. His hot cum was filling my pussy like a milkshake and it won't stop.

I was filled up with his cum like a donut that has a creamed inside of it.

Do men with a big and thick dick release this much babies?

He hadn't taken it out yet and was holding my legs up from his shoulder looking at me. "You have stretchy legs, Snuggle Bear. I wonder if I could bend it more with a different position." He said deeply.

"Oh gosh...I can't take it anymore. You've fuck me so hard, I don't think I'll be able to walk."

"Really? Cause it seems you don't want me to take my dick out of your vagina right now. You're sucking me inside so hard. And if I move you'll definitely not be able to walk the whole week."

I scoff, "I'm definitely gonna need to clean myself before going out."

"Sure... but you won't clean your pussy and you have to take my children inside; you won't waste a single drop of it." He took out his dick as I bit my lip. He pressed his left middle finger in my pussy, blocking it and pushing his cum inside.

"I'm gonna get pregnant before our wedding, if we keep fucking." I said. "That's marvelous, I want you to bear my child." He smirks as he helps me get up and open the shower.

After a minute we went out and our families and friends were already gathering for breakfast. Damon pulled back the chair so I could sit down and he sat after.

"Well look who decided to show up." Said Aunt Carlo jokingly as they were laughing.

"The newly fiancée's and fiancé... So are y'all excited? How was your night?" Mamà Antonio.

We both looked at each other guilty and Damon rubbed his cheek for a short second. They look at us suspiciously as if they know something has happened.

"I think I know what's going- I know that look."

The boys choke at their food and the rest of them laugh at us. Damn, Boo why did we even have morning sex.

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