Chapter 13

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We had dinner together enjoying each other's company. Laughing... talking... joking... taking the best picture for this big day. "I cannot wait to post this on my Instagram." Said Mamà Antonio. "We're gonna have to wait until the two decide to announce their engagement." Added Aunt Carlo.

We both agree that whenever we feel like announcing to the world our engagement and upcoming wedding we'll inform them. But for now we'll enjoy our personal space.

"Oh everyone, I think we should go back to our hotel since it's kinda late and we've been bothering the couple that much." They all stood up and packed and part ways to go to their own rooms.

I was stopping them from leaving and staying with us for a few more minutes but they're just fast. "I guess we should go back to our room too and clean ourselves since it's been a long day and I feel sticky."

Damon was holding my hands when he picked me up on his shoulder. "Hey! I can walk, you know." I said as I'm upside down looking at his back. I can't fight him since he's fucking big and strong.

Damon took a shower first as I finished cleaning myself up. I saw him sitting in the bedroom covering his waist with his towel and so am I.

He didn't notice me getting out as I approached him and sat beside him. "You alright?" I ask. He looked at me and his wet hair was dripping. "Yeah... I just zone out." He responded lightly.

We were looking at each other when I slowly approached his lips and kissed those plumpy rose lips of his. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back as our tongue tangled into battle.

I was getting through, touching his neck all the way down when he stopped me. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks as I remember that he doesn't touch a woman without their permission. "Yes, you can do whatever you want to do with me." I responded as I kissed him aggressively and sat on his lap.

He wraps his arms on my waist whilst kissing. I can feel my body being sting how he touches me from my back. He started to kiss my neck as I'm giving a light moan. I felt his hand removing my towel from my body.

I'm giving him my virginity I've never given to anyone, not even my ex.

He turned around and lay me down on the bed when he openly widened my legs. Fuck... I feel embarrassed about my situation right now, I mean I've never had this before.

"Relax yourself." He said when he removed his towel. Oh my gosh... he's got a huge and thick dick. Fuck, that's going inside me? That's not even a regular size.

From the contrary, he is hard as fuck right now and so turn on. I closed my eyes and covered them with my hands as I'm seeing his manhood in front of me.

"Are you nervous? Do you want me to stop?" He asked gentler as both of his hands were on top of my kneecap. "Yes and no." I responded shyly.

I removed my hands on my face and turned to the side so I don't have to look at him and I'm getting so turned on. He slowly moves and said, "Don't avoid me while we fuck." His tone was kinda aggressive and still respectful at the same time.

I turn my attention to him as he smirks. "This is my first time." I said. He raised his eyebrows of confusement. "So am I... I've never had sex with anyone before so the both of us had no experience but we'll see how things are gonna go." He said cocky.

This man... is gonna be the death of me. He slowly leaned on me as my legs widened as a hand fan. "I'll warm your pussy first before I thrust my dick inside." He said as I'm sweating even though the air conditioner is on.

He put his one finger inside of my pussy as he was playing it inside. I moan softly as I can't take how good it feels. He then put two fingers in as he was hitting my clit and it made me throb.

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