Chapter 44

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I guess it's time for the revelation. This might get a little too shabby but we'll see what's gonna happen.

*minutes later*
"Yup, everything is popping up." My phone keeps vibrating and notifications keep going up on my phone as they were blown out of what I did.

A knock on the front door and I knew it's aunt Anton who's knocking so eagerly. He came in and put his bag down, "I see what's going on here, zarling." He sat down crossed his legs looking at me so coyly.

I smirk, "What?" I said and smiled at him like I don't know what's going on. He took his phone out and scrolled looking for something. "The news is true! IMG model... Ivana Hayes is married!" "It's confirmed! Ivana Hayes is married! But to whom?" "Ivana Hayes has changed her Instagram name to "Ivana Hayes Eros" is it true that she truly is married?"

He read a few news that had been posted and I just looked at her like it was nothing. "I had to, fucking Brian blew up everything so I had to just confirmed it. I mean no secret can't be hidden forever right?" I said and he nodded his head understanding me.

"Brian?! That imbecile did this!? Ho-how is he related to this?" Asked Aunt Anton as he was so ready to fight. "Well he found out that I'm married, he even caused a scene in the company." I replied annoyingly.

"Ooh, that mother freaker." He bit his lower lip so madly. "Anyways, we have to prepare because once we're out in public again for sure they're all gonna ask about that." I stood up from sitting in the living room and I turned my back on Mama Anton.

"We have a photoshoot in forty minutes." He said loudly as I was walking upstairs. "I know... that's why I'm getting ready." I shouted a little. "Have breakfast in the kitchen if you want." I shouted once again.

We're on our way now to the studio where the photoshoot is gonna be and paparazzi are waiting outside. Mama Anton and I got out of the car and literally the first thing they asked was, "Ivanna can we see your ring?" Then a follow up question was, "Who is the lucky man you fell in love with?" "Is he your non-celebrity husband?"

I don't know why but it made me giggle about their questions. So I stop and answer a few questions they're asking. "Thank you for asking, my ring is not with me today because I can't wear it during my photoshoot but I'll wear it back once I'm done. For now I don't wanna tell anyone who he really is, because I want to respect his privacy. And yes my husband is a non celebrity."

I walk inside as cameras flash as bodyguards holding them off from going inside. "That's my girl." Whispered Mama Anton.

*Meanwhile on the other side, Moscow*
"Looks like Mrs. Eros has changed her Instagram name to, Ivanna Hayes Eros." Said Theo looking at his phone and walking towards Damon to show it to him.

Damon then scoffed remembering what she told him about the little sneak peak. "I see, this is what you meant about that peak." He mumbled.

"I see the look of a proud husband here." Said William as Theo winked at him. "Course I am proud, assholes." Replied back of Damon as they laughed.

"What made you decide to announce the marriage?" Asked William out of concern, tapping the side of his chair. "I was thinking that too. I thought both of you are gonna be enjoying your private life a little more." The following answer came from Theo.

Damon suddenly turned cold and was zone out on his table. "It wasn't really our plan... but a bloody cunt ruined it!" His voice changed Every Time he was mad.

The two couldn't help but to look at each other for a second and say something. "Her ex?" Said William. "That hypocrite is crossing our line. He can't get what he wants, then he's gonna do something in exchange." Damon said as he clenched his jaw.

"We need to teach him a lesson." Said Theo as he grimaces. "First we need to take every little information from him and we'll strike his weaknesses, take him down slowly, and we'll painfully destroy him, his image, his family, and his company." A well said from William knowing step by step on what they need to do.

"And we'll start now." Damon then fist his hand.

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