Chapter 41

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"Don't fuck with me! You piece of shit! You think I wouldn't know what you fucking did to her! I'm not some people you can fucking fool! " I yelled back as his maids were really concerned and for their guards who were held by my men.

"Sir, please let go of Mr. Huxley." She begged. I grabbed his collar with both of my hands pinning him harder again on the wall. "Ha, you really are crazy mother fucker. I will call the police to arrest you and I will file a complaint for trespassing my villa." He said as I scoffed.

"Want me to help you call the cops?" I teased as he scrunched his forehead madly. "Maybe your boring life can't satisfy you huh? Even someone else's life you're destroying and wanting her to be miserable like you by spreading the whole universe that she's already married."

His eyes widened like a tarsier as I was right, it's him who spread it in the media. "W-what makes you so sure that it was me who did it?" He's really testing my patience. "Should I blame your girlfriend then?" I sarcastically said.

"You have no pro- I can bring you to hell myself right now to see your disgusting obsessed liar freak sins to see who's telling the truth." I cut him as I pushed him on the floor.

"So what if I did? What are you gonna do? I'm telling the truth anyway, she's already married. Oh, is it a secret? Are you guys keeping it a secret to everyone?" He grunt as he's acting immature.

"Crossing our line is enough for me to show you all the consequences." I raised my chin up, looking down on him as he was looking at me so angry.

"You wanna play with fire? Alright, we'll play with your little fire." I walked to his side looking at the door, "You better not blow the fire cus I'm only gonna light it up again." I said in a low tone of my voice and left him on the floor bleeding.

We left his place heading to our house. It's already evening and I'm reaching our house. William and Theo headed back as I told them to give us a moment.

I had tried to calm myself before going in but my body feels numb as I'm shaking. I'm not prepared to see her hurt. Even if it's not that serious.

My heart was beating faster and my hands were cold. I'm going inside as our housemaids opened the door and told me that she's in our room and sleeping already.

Whilst walking upstairs I can't feel anything as I'm only thinking how bad was she hurt? Was she feeling alright now? I have every question in my head right now circling around.

A husband's instinct kicks in worrying for his wife's safety, that's what I'm feeling right now.

I'm standing in our bedroom door right now as I give out a big exhale before getting in.

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