Chapter 9

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*Back to Ivanna's POV*
A few days have passed and everything went fine, I asked how they guys were doing and they told me they were doing good and they even made more foreign companies sign with us.

I'm impressed by how good they are... I couldn't be with them on their first day working in the company since it kinda matches my schedule.

But I did call them and apologize and they understood me too. And today is the first day of the month where we all are headed to Paris for a fashion show again.

Me and the gentlemen were being kinda close to each other since our Aunt's are friends and giving us time to get to know each other. 

Two days ago was my last call to them, especially Damon and I know he won't be able to go to our Paris show today since he said he was busy. How I wish he could see this.

Mamà Antonio even gave them  a ticket just in case they wanna go. And I'm hoping they will go.

*hours have passed*
"Ladies, we're gonna roll now in three... two... one... and go." Said our producer as they all walked down the stage.

They seem to enjoy the show and the designs of the dress. And of course I'm the last one again to enter but I don't have any problem with that.

As my turn to walk this big wide stage, people clapped their hands. Our theme for today's show is day and night. And I'm wearing a black white red leather pants high waist, a Versace leather bralette top and black high heels open toe boots.

As I'm about to reach the end I see Damon and his friends and Aunt Guilio and Aunt Carlo sitting in the very front row.

I stopped and the photographers started taking pictures.
I wanted to smile and wave at them but I can't break my character right now.

Aunt Guilio and Aunt Carlo were very happy to see me as they were so excited and reaching for my hand as a joke. Theo and William are looking at me too and can't hold their excitement to see me.

But they are so perfectly attire... especially Damon who was the center of my sight. He was smiling a little bit and clapping at me and mouthed, "I told you, I'll try to go to your Paris show." And I turn around to go back.

Outside I'm feeling nothing but inside I'm blushing like a teenage girl. He came... he fucking came to one of our fashion show and he even smiled.

Damon's POV

The show started and the lights turned off and a few were on to just be used for the models. The stage was silent as we were all waiting for them to show their designs.

But I didn't care about those shits. All I came here for is her. I told her that I won't be able to go since we were busy but I couldn't resist her and canceled all of my meetings etc in the office.

Models started to hit the stage as everyone clapped, talking about the clothes, how very uniquely done blah blah blah. I don't really have interest in fashion shows like this but for her I'll go watch it.

I'm trying to find where she is and fifty models have passed already and I haven't seen her. I didn't even look at the models and their clothes. All I wanted to see was Ivanna.

And when the last row hit, that's when I saw her... looking phenomenal as always. Walk like an angel, sway her hips as a professional model and keep her fierce look.

Her outfit is like mafia clothes... like an assassin. She ace this up! As she was walking she caught my eyes.

I knew she wanted to smile at me but she couldn't since they can't be smiling on the runway like this. And the photographers started to click their cameras and take pictures of her; not just her but every model who ran away on the stage.

I didn't clap or smile for the last thirty minutes but her... I clapped and smiled at her when she entered the stage and everyone was so amazed about her looks.

She didn't look at the camera as she was just focusing on looking at my eyes. She stopped in the middle and posed when I mouthed, "I told you, I'll try to go to your Paris show."

When she turned around her ears started to look pink. I bowed my head down, controlling myself to smile widely when William hit my elbow on his.

I looked at him when the two were smirking at me and raising their eyebrows up and down; I rolled my eyes and shook my head and looked in front.

The show lasted for hours and it was time for all of us to leave. Aunt Guilio and Aunt Carlo took backstage to congratulate Aunt Antonio.

"Queeny... you did such a good job sister." The three hugged each other as they were so happy to see him again.

I looked around and the ladies were packing to leave and have a rest when I saw Ivanna with her friend Olivia taking pictures with the other people.

A little girl went up to her and gave her a paper as she signed her signature. She looks so happy and adorable.

She came up in our direction and greeted us and kissed our cheeks. "So... what do you think?" She said happily asking us guys.

"It was fantastic." Said Theo as he was being girly towards Ivanna. "It's my first time to be here in a fashion show but I'm gonna say that I enjoyed it even though some of them aren't my type." Added William.

They grinned as the three Aunt's looked at him deadly. She looked at me waiting for my answer. Oh fuck... she's fucking hot.

"It was good to be honest, especially the last one to enter the stage." The four looked at us both as we were having eye contact. She chuckles when Aunt Antonio pushes her against me.

"Hey! Why did you guys push me!?" Act Aunt Antonio as he looked at his friends who were confused about what he was talking about when they literally did nothing.

I can see Aunt Antonio eyeing them to act with him. "Oh-oh I aM sOo SoRrY, I dIdn'T mEan To." They fake cried etc. as I'm holding Ivanna whilst she's looking at them.

Her skin is soft like a pudding, she smells like vanilla coconut mint that I find very attractive. Damn when she stands next to me she's tall and literally on my neck. I'm six three ft. And she's five ten tall.

"I'm hungry, shall we go eat before going to our hotel?" Ask Aunt Carlo as we all agreed and headed to the restaurant.

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