Chapter 64

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Ivana's POV

After my photoshoot in London, I didn't have a good feeling after Damon said that there was a problem with the mafia. Literally the last few shots were a disaster that the photographer had to retake over and over again because of me.

But I had to also think about my job and set aside my worries. The next day we flew back to New York and  I was waiting for Damon to call me back but I never had a call nor a message from him.

I was toughing up and easing off my mind and I only had a few hours to rest myself then back to rehearsals for the show this week.

After the rehearsals we had, I dialed his phone whilst I was on break, sadly it was just ringing. I dialed his phone a few more times and I guess he's busy. I left a message on him hoping that he'll reply or call me back. I'm a bit sad, yes but I can't let my guard down.

The next day was the start of our fashion show. Our team was doing my makeup for a show and I haven't received anything from Damon. I once again dialed his phone but this time it was telling me that the number you had dialed was blah blah blah.

It got on my nerves and made me overthink.

"Ok, Iv your glam is done now go change to your first outfit cus we're gonna start in five minutes." Said one of our crew. A minute later we're now rolling.

"Let's go ladies, we're starting in three... two... one... and roll." Said our manager. This time I'm the first to walk on the stage. As I'm walking in front and music is playing, people are taking photos, cameras are flashing and videos are being taken— my eyes caught Damon and William and Theo and my mom and of course Mamà Antonio together sitting in the front row.

My face brightened as soon as I saw my lovely husband smiling so proudly, clapping as soon as I walked on the stage. I tried to give a small smile but I ended up giving him a smirk instead.

His eyes were sparkling whilst looking at me and he fulfilled his promise that he'll be in my New York fashion show.

I now stopped and paused at the end of the stage and turned back to go backstage for another to quickly change outfits as the other models were rolling.

As I reached backstage I was jumping from happiness as I'm holding one of our stylists whilst going into the dressing room to change. I'm celebrating!

Last ran away and outfitted for today, we had a good show and we slayed again. I'm happy about everything and we had three new members that got to join us. One was from Korea and the two were from Sweden.

That was very exciting and we all were very kind to them and welcomed them to our family.

After the show we, I had to take photos to post for my instagram and thank everyone for all their hard work for today's show of course.

Minutes later I changed my clothes and was ready to leave when my family came backstage to meet me. My husband was the first one to greet me and said, "You did a fantastic performance today, Hon." he said and gave me a kiss as the four were so thrilled.

"Come sempre, voi ragazzi avete fatto una grande esibizione oggi e siete sempre stati orgogliosi di tutti voi modelli." Mamà Anton said as he kissed my cheeks and hugged me.

"My princess, you always make me proud." Said my mom as I hugged her too tightly as it's been a while since we're together. "Thank you mom." I replied.

"Keep up the good work, Ivanna." Said Theo as I looked at both of them and smiled. Then I turned my head to Damon when he looked at me confused. "Why didn't you call me? I have been calling you for the last two days." I said and he was a little shocked.

"Oh" he said. "I'm sorry, Hon. It slipped in my mind that I forgot to call you, I had a pretty serious situation to take care of." He apologized as I was looking at him.

"Yeah, we had some serious situations that we took care of. We even went home to change and have a shower before going here to show our support to you." Said Theo so rushly like the three of them are hiding something.

"Hmm... is everything alright?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Yeah, we had to take care of it." He replied back.

"Mhmm... anyways shall we go eat before we go to our hotel?" Asked Mamà Anton as we all agreed.

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