Chapter 73

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As Mamà Anton was having fun and taking photos every single moment with us three ladies, Damon came from behind and kissed my cheek. I turn my head to looked him as he seems disappointed and mad at the same time.

"Who was on the phone?" I asked and I smiled. He sighed slightly and look down as he avoid my eye contact. "Remember what I told you that I'll always be here with you?" He said and the smile on my face is gradually getting smaller.

"Yeah..." I respond. "The thing is, I have to break that for a little while and I don't want you to feel broken. The person who called me a while ago, that was one of my men Mikhail. He called me before he died and said that Moscow has been attack and bomb and everyone is killed by Roman and his men with the help of Brian." I was shocked as I turned my body fully to Damon.

"And I know that I really have to take care of this seriously, I can't let them do more things that worsen everything. And I'm really really sorry snuggle Bear if I have to leave and fly back to Russia."

"I've had enough of their bullshit and if I don't do something to stop them they're only gonna push us to our limits and I don't want them to hurt you nor our family." He said as our moms and Mamà Antonio were looking at us worriedly.

I stood up and held his hand as my heart was beating so fast. "I understand. Even if I hate to say this, I'll give you permission to leave but you have promised me that you'll come back, ALIVE and breathing perfectly!"

"I don't want you to come back, cold icy frozen blue(ish) closed eyes! Do you hear me!?" I said as I pointed my finger at him.

He smirk smiling and hugs me tightly as I'm getting emotional. I can't help myself but to tear up as I'm hurting that my husband is leaving me and our baby.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Eros, we'll look after him for you." Said Theo as he fist bumps William.

Damon unhug me and said one more thing, "And I'm not sure when I'm gonna be back or how long I have to stay in Moscow. But I'll call you to let you know." He said as I'm really crying now.

He wiped my tears gently when Theo said something again. "I'm? You mean we?!" He pointed at himself and William as William was looking at him dead serious.

"Us, the four of us." Then my father in law had talked and walked closer to them when my mom in law stood up quickly. "Dimitri Alexandrovich Eros, you cannot go! You're already a former tsar of the mafia. You're too old for this fight!" She said so grumpy.

"Valentina, I'm not alone, I'm with them. It's still our territory so I can't just let them go like this." He replied as he coaxed his wife.

Back to us... Damon kneeled down on his knees and touched my still small belly.

"Ciao, Jellybean, sono tuo padre. So che sei ancora piccolo come un fagiolo e non sei ancora completamente cresciuto, ma so che puoi sentirmi toccare la pancia di tua madre. Devo scusarmi per aver dovuto lasciare te e tua madre a questo ritmo delle vostre due condizioni, ma lo faccio per tutti noi."

"Mi fa male lasciare te e tua madre e occuparmi della mafia, ma non posso lasciare che niente e nessuno ferisca la nostra famiglia. Ti ho promesso che una volta che tutto sarà sistemato tornerò e mi prenderò cura di tutti noi."

"Devi anche promettermi che non sarai cattivo con la mamma e che sarai sempre un bravo bambino. Non dare filo da torcere alla mamma." He then fist bomb my belly gently, right to left and middle. I noticed his moms sweet melting reaction as he spoke in Italian even though I don't know what he said.

"Ti amo, mio ​​unico mondo." He kissed my belly and hugged it for a little minute and stood up. "I'll come back to you, Hon. I promise you that." He said in a slight tone of his voice as he kissed me.

We hugged each other once again as the three were stepping out of our house and last was Damon to leave. I was sobbing so hard that I can't control all my emotions right now.

I'm touching my belly as my three loved ones are by my side. "We'll be here with you, Baby." Said my mom as we all hugged each other side by side looking at the gentlemen's leaves.

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