Chapter 79

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"Take that in the back and the important number one bag put it in front. Hurry hurry." Said Valentina as she was pointing at the maids trying to tell them where to put it.

*phone ringing*
"Hello, son. We'll be there now." She said in a hurry and helped to get everything in. "The car is now on the way to the house so tell Ivanna to be careful and be comfortable." Damon said on the phone as Valentina stopped from what she was doing.

"On the way? Didn't you send Ross with the Cadillac already to pick us up, that's why Ivanna and Luna are now on their way?" She said confusedly knitting her brows and looking at Antonio who's now concerned.

"I sent Ross just now... what do you mean Ivanna and my mom in law are on the way?" Damon responded aggressively as Valentina's eyes were filled with fear.

"You didn't send that Cadillac car and not even Ross driving it? Then who's car is it and who's driving the car with Ivanna and her mom in it?!" She said as Antonio is now having goosebumps.

"Fuck!" He said and hung up the phone. "What's going on, Val?" Asked Antonio as she's getting nervous. "The car just now who picked up Ivanna is not sent by Damon." Antonio grasped as he started having a bad feeling about this.

"We-we gotta leave, come on." He said as they got inside the car to leave.

Meanwhile on the other side* "Ross, turn around, my wife has been taken by a Cadillac car, try to look around if you see them by any chance." Damon said hastily as they're in a hurry to leave the hospital.

"I just saw a black Cadillac ten minutes ago." Ross responded. "Follow them." He hung up the phone. "Theo, tracked the car and checked all the cctv's that they had passed.

"I will, but who will kidnap them?" He asked and before Damon could even get inside he paused for a second to tell them. "Fucking Huxley, he's alive. I should've made sure I had killed that son of a bitch!"


"Ivanna!" Shouted her mom as they were both tied up from a chair. "Ivanna baby, wake up." She said once again as Ivanna is now gaining her consciousness.

"Mom? Where the hell are we?" She asked and looked around as they were tied up on the opposite side to each other. "I don't know but it looks like we're in an abandoned warehouse." She said in a panic.

"What the fuck happen to us!?" She said in a low tone being confused on what happened in the car that Damon had "sent". "This isn't the car that Damon had sent to us, we got into someone else's car. Someone had set us up." Her mom responded.

"Well, well, well, you really are smart Luna Hayes." A familiar voice had entered and clapped his hand. "You!" Ivanna said as she saw who had kidnapped them and that's none other than her ex boyfriend, Brian Huxley.

"That's right, it's me. Did you miss me, baby?"

"If you would have asked me, I did miss you but I'm ready to kill you!"

"Why are you doing this!?" Ivanna shouted and tried to untie herself. "One answer, I wanted you all gone. For ruining my life! For always being the always the best one! For always being praised by everybody! And I will kill Damon for ruining me!" He said pointing at his burnt half face and one of his eyes that was gone.

"You did this to yourself, you deserve this!" Then her mom suddenly talked as he walked closer to her and slapped her. "Mom!" Ivanna shouted.

"You old wanker... you've been getting on my nerves for so long ever since we're still in a relationship! You always get in our way!" He said.

"You wanna know why? Because I have never like you in the fucking first place! My daughter was only forced to be with you because of what you did during HER graduation and she cannot resist you because she was afraid to reject you in front of so many people!" His eyes widened in madness.

"Hmm... Ivanna didn't tell you this? HAHAHAHA what a shame, she had only accepted you because she didn't wanna feel bad rejecting you and she had to learn how to love you and your pathetic family." Luna didn't hesitate to tell him everything that she noticed as she hit a nerve on him.

"You fucking bitch!" He said and pointed a gun at her. "Mom!"

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