Chapter 42

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And there she was, my snuggle bear sleeping so peacefully covered in our blanket halfway, her left palm were under her left cheek and her right hand were on her side. And the finger scratches that douchebag left.

I slowly pull up the blanket to cover her shoulder and slowly sit next to her. I put her hair on the back of her ear trying not to wake her up. I moved slowly to look at her hand and hold it in my hands.

I examined it, front and back, left to right and it was his whole hand. It is the scratch marks he left when he force grabbed her. I will end him till he suffers!

I touched it slightly with my index finger and she must have felt it sting as she moved. I quickly moved my finger away and waited for her to stop moving.

I looked back at her hand and placed a kiss on it. I leaned forward and kissed her forehead and cheek. "I promised you that no one is gonna hurt you again, especially the person who hurt you the most." I whispered and put her hand back to her side.

She then suddenly opened her eyes slowly and looked directly at me. "Did I wake you up?" I whispered again and gave her a small smile.

"Mhm." She shook her head and got up and sat while still half asleep. I put her head on my shoulder and hugged her, rubbing her back as she trusted her head on me.

"Have a rest, Hon. I'll be here." I whispered once again when she said, "Did you eat already?" I smiled as she remembered. "I will, once you sleep again." I said and she hugged me tightly, not letting me go.

I kissed her neck as we hugged each other and the room filled with silence. "Why didn't you call me immediately when he attacked you?" I know I would ruin the mood by mentioning what had happened today.

Her soul woke up immediately and pushed me a little away from her. "Ho-how do you know?" She asked. "I know everything, Hon." I replied back. "So you know that he attacked me too?" She stuttered and covered her hand.

"Yes. And I'm not gonna lie to you, I went to his place just now and I attacked him. I couldn't hold myself knowing what he did to you. It broke my heart when I heard that he hurt you. I swore an oath that I'll protect you with all my life and yet I failed to do that." I said and she touched my face... leaning both of our faces together touching the tip of our noses.

"You didn't have to but thank you for telling me, thank you for always caring about me." She then kissed my lips. "You're the only woman I wanted to be with and I assure your safety always." I kissed her again as she hugged me once more.

"Now go back to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow again." I said as she lay down and I lifted the blanket. Before I could walk to the bathroom one of our nanny knocked slightly as i opened it.

"Sir, we prepared some dinner for you. Come, eat at least before going to bed." She whispered and smiled at me, getting me to eat. I nodded my head and said, "Thank you, I'll be there in a minute. I'll just take a shower."

She then left and I headed to the bathroom to have a shower so I could rest after I ate.

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