Chapter 45

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After the news broke everything seems to be blowing out on the Internet. My friends were shocked, my celebrity family were shocked about the news, literally everyone was shocked.

But I'm glad I made the right decision so I don't have to hide it from everyone. It has been a month since I told everyone that I was already married. And I'm not gonna lie that it was a roller coaster of a ride.

Everything seems to be calming down, everything is going back to normal, not until Brian and his girlfriend are making such big problems in my life.

I had told my husband everything about what's going on because I promised to tell him everything and he told me that he'd had a plan for him for revenge. At first I was hesitating but then I kept remembering how painful it was on what he did to me.

I want to see him fall down, I want to see him on his knees begging me, I want to see his entire world crushed into pieces when he crashes mine. I want him to suffer as much as I did or more than that, I want to see his bitch cry and ask for my forgiveness.

And we're, I'm close on doing that. *knock knock* "Come in." I said. "Hey, are you ready for it?" Asked Damon as I smirked so hard. "Thought you wouldn't have asked." I replied and walked towards him as he held my hand.

We went to Damon's mafia place where everything is in there. "We're here in our computer room. This is where we hack, find information, search things and other stuff." Introduces William and this room is pretty huge and wide.

Theo then clicked his mouse and this wide two big screen opened. "This is the information we've got from him." Then suddenly Damon talked as we four looked at the screen.

"This is interesting." I mumbled. "Up there top left where Brian was having an illegal transaction with another company who's now his business partner. They were plotting to manipulate their other business partners so that their companies can make millions."

"Right here on the other side, you can see that his family has a dirty history. Their company has been in bankruptcy before and was about to be demolished but then they threatened their one and only business partner who was a very successful company before and they managed to take him down."

"Instead of the Huxley company who's supposed to be down, instead it was the Martinez company who was taken down. And not that's not it, they also killed the owner and CEO so that no one can suspect that they had stolen his million of company."

"After that no one had ever mentioned the murderous crimes they committed." Stated William as pictures were also included. I can't believe that his family can do such cruel things.

I don't even know that they did this to someone else just to get out of bankruptcy?! How hypocritical this is!

"It doesn't end there, there is one person who saw them kill Martinez. But they found him so they shut him down too so he can't tell anyone about their little secret." What a piece of thrash.

"I can't believe this!" I said bursting it out. "Piece of shit! How can they do that! I thought the Huxley family was rich?" I was so confused as I asked them.

"Well it turns out that his fathers parents were already suffering from debt and when they died they passed it to Thomas Huxley." Added Damon as he was leaning on the table, crossed his arms.

"This is good information. We can use this against him if he did something." I said as I turned around to the boys and looked at me. "Oh, you're gonna like this." Theo winked as the three were smirking.

I knit one of my eyebrows waiting for one of them to tell me what it is. "The man they killed to keep their secret had a daughter. They didn't know that they're two of them who saw their brutal crime." Said William as my eyes widened.

"And we know where she is." Then Theo replied as I scoffed. Now we really have important evidence for him.

"Y'all are awesome." I clicked my tongue and bit my lower lip and tilted my head looking at each other.

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