Chapter 5

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*Next day*
I was headed to the company when I got stuck in traffic. Is there a car accident? It's not that I'm rushing but I have lots of things to do today in the company.

People are gathering and honking their cars... It's probably a car accident. I grabbed my phone and called my assistant to let her know that I'm gonna be late today.

Twenty minutes have passed and we're still not moving! What is going on?! "Sir. David, how long are we going to have to wait?" I ask as I lean a little bit closer in front.

"Ma'am, I had no idea but there's already a police coming through the front where the mess is going so we're probably gonna be moving any minute now." Said my driver politely as the car in front of us is now moving.

As the road is going clear and we're about to pass through the people who are blocking the way, my vision started to be in slow motion when I saw... Brian... fighting with another lady on the road.

So it was him causing a scene in the middle of the road. I couldn't even believe what I am seeing right now, after six years straight we haven't talked or seen each other but now... I'm seeing his face again.

As I was looking at my window my eyes widened as the tarsier's eyes and memories were coming back from the past I'd already abandoned long years ago. I thought I'd already gotten into this but my heart was aching so damn hard not because I was broken but because I was mad at those jackasses!

They made me a fool! All those lies they had on me... were four times harder...I'm gonna get back to them one day. I will give them my worst and painful wrath on me until they beg me to stop.

I couldn't hide my anger as my blood was boiling and my mood was ruined. "Hurry up, Sir. David. I have things to do!" I said irritatingly as I crossed both of my arms and put down my shades.

I just hope god will heal me and forget everything.

I came into my office and started to work. I sat down on my chair and tried to be calm and do my things but all I could think about was that douchebag I saw on the road. I was being so restless and shaking as fuck whilst signing papers.

Every time I'm remembering him fucking that woman in his room it made me bursted into anger. All of the efforts I put into that fucking trash relationship was in vain.

"Miss Hayes, is something bothering you? You seem off today." Ask my assistant who was standing and waiting for the reports I'm signing.

I hurried signing the paper so she could leave me alone but I couldn't look her in the eyes and say yes. Is something bothering me? Yes. I seem off, yes I am...

Why does it have to be today, there's always another day to be upset.

I handed her all the folders I just signed and snapped the pen on my table as I was really frustrated. "When is my meeting again?" I asked as I rested my head on my head hair.

"Tomorrow, Miss Hayes at eight o'clock in the morning." That's when I knew something was off. She said that the headboard is going to introduce some "clients" to me tomorrow... Does that mean... I-its him!?

No... no this cannot happen. Is that why Brian is here in New York to be part of my company? No, I won't allow this to happen.

"Canceled the meeting tomorrow." I snap back when she suddenly jumps startle.

"But Miss Hayes- I said Cancel... My meeting tomorrow." I left my office to get some fresh air as I was being so adamant to not lose my control.

I walk outside where the garden is so I can get some fresh air and feel the sun. I sigh and close my eyes as I dial my phone.

"Mamà Antonio, do you have time?"

"Sì, perché?"

"Can we meet in the café du coeur?"

"Of course, sure." I ended the call and gave another sigh and on my way to the cafe.

I was a little early in the cafe since it's only ten minutes away from the company. I ordered an espresso since this is our favorite drink in the cafe.

I couldn't even touch my drink as I'm zone out. I'm literally having cold hands right now. When the door opens, Mamà Antonio walks in.

"Hey..." he kissed both of my cheeks and sat down. "What's up queen?" He said.

"I saw him." I said and looked at him left to right. He was confused and put down the drink and was speechless.

"Wh-what saw?"

"I saw Brian this morning." I said before looking down on my coffee. Mamà Anton closed his fist when he raised both of his eyebrows.

"What!? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you!?" He asks uncontrollably and checks my hands.

"No, he didn't see me but I saw him. I saw him on the road fighting someone, that's why we got stuck in the traffic this morning."

"That piece of trash! How dare he go to New York!" He said angrily and protected me from him. He looked at me with sadness and worried in his face.

"Oh sweetie are you alright?" He asked. Maybe, maybe not. I don't know what to say since I'm so mad about everything now.

"Yes and no." I responded. "Why is it yes and no?" He said.

"Yes... I'm alright and fine because I didn't have to talk to him and he didn't see me. No... because I'm worrying about tomorrow for my meeting that he might be the new client my other entrepreneur was talking about."

I wiped my cheeks and exhaled whilst looking at my Mamà. "And I also canceled my meeting because I don't know if I can face him or not." He shakes his head and touches my right hand.

"No no no... you have to carry on with the meeting tomorrow. Who cares if he's the new client. You have to show him who you are now, you have to show him that you have been well for the last six years. Be brave, my child! Show him what he missed, show him a badass famous successful woman you've become."

I smirked and held my mamà's hand as we were looking at each other with our secret badass gaze. "You're right, I don't have to be weak in front of that shit. I will turn him down in my company as the new client, let's see if he won't be embarrassed in front of everyone." I said.

"That's my girl! Battez-lui le cul!" He shouted and looked around when people looked at us suspiciously. "Ooopsie, I forgot we were in the French cafe." We giggled and held our laughter.

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