Chapter 7: King Rohan

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Mushroom Kingdom???, Universe-400

Rohan groaned awake and found himself in an alley. He adjusted his crown and stretched. "Where am I?" he asked. I remember...America opened the portals...and I got sucked into one with Luigi in another and...Peach, Mario, and the kid going into the other one...

He looked around and gasped. He appeared to be in another universe but not like his. The Mushroom Kingdom looked completely different compared to back home. The Kingdom looked completely dark, dull, heavily industrialized, polluted, and filled with ugly technology. "I am not in my Mushroom Kingdom anymore..."

He walked out of the alley and saw Toads standing on motorized sidewalks. Rohan had no idea what happened to the Mushroom Kingdom but he sure wasn't in his home universe. He walked down the streets with most people looking at him in fear.

"Wow...Not the most popular person in this universe, am I?" Rohan then noticed a statue of himself. "Wait...If anyone knows what is going on in this place, it's me!"

He looked to see the castle overlooking the kingdom from a mountaintop just like back home. He then took a quick dash towards the castle, remembering the Warp Pipe there.

He exited the pipe and saw that the castle's colors were black, red, and dark compared to the original colors of the castle back home. He kept running and saw that the stained glass portrait of Peach was smashed and shattered. He was so close to figuring out what was happening...until he found two guard Toads keeping the door shot.

"Hold it right there!" one of the guard Toads shouted. "...Wait...King Rohan!" the two then knelt in front of Rohan. "We're so sorry for this, Your Highness."

"Wow..." Rohan chuckled. "Being a king has its perks."

He opened the doors and the guard Toads sighed.

In the Council Room

Toadsworth sighed and announced for the Council's attention. "Council...I have some news...The Subspace Army plans to attack us all and summon a deity named Tabuu. He WILL destroy us all."

"King Rohan, what do we do??" a yellow Toad asked.

King Rohan sat from his throne. His clothes looked the same as his original counterpart but he had a red cape held by golden buttons, much more medals than his OG counterpart could ever think of, he wore Peach's crown, and his hair was slightly longer. He also kept his sword holstered to his waist.

He stood up from his throne and said, "I will NOT let this army take away the kingdom that my father and his brother and their father worked hard to keep alive!" he walked down the stairs and smirked. "We will do what we do best! Train and destroy them all!"

"But...what if Tabuu is too powerful?" Toadsworth asked.

"...If all else fails, I will have no choice but to seek help." King Rohan sighed. "Meeting adjourned."

He stepped out of the council room and heard footsteps. He kept his stance and suddenly saw Rohan running down the hallways.

"Rohan! Rohan!" Rohan then crashed into his variant.

King Rohan got off of Rohan and asked, "Wait...Are you...You're a variant of me."

"I'm Prince Rohan. You know what Variants are?"

"Yeah, I learned all about the Multiverse during my rule as King."

"Wow...A universe where I'm king." Roman chuckled. "Damn. I did well in this universe."

"Yeah...Say, what ARE you doing here?"

"Well, this kid, America, accidentally teleported me and the Subspace is trying to destroy the Multiverse

"Then it's only a matter of time before they get their interdimensional hands on that kid. But don't worry, I have a way to travel through the Multiverse."

"I can help."

King Rohan shook his head. "Master Hand'll have his goons working with them. His generals are lunatics. PSYCHOS. One of them, Bowser, will eat you for breakfast. We had an encounter with the Subspace a while ago of them has psychic powers."

"Don't worry. I'm you, I toppled worse." Rohan took out his staff. "I can use my magic staff."

"Magic staff? What happened to Father's sword in your universe?"

"Oooooohhhhh, it was a goddess named Discordia."

"It's a shame. I still have my version of my father's sword." King Rohan then looked at Rohan. "Say, why don't we have some tea while we discuss our universes?"

"Sure. I can go for some tea. Is Escargot still around? I would kill for some of his food right now."

King Rohan turned to some Toads. "This is my variant, Prince Rohan. He is a guest. Treat him accordingly."

"Yes, our King." the Toads said in unison.

Rohan smiled at his impressive variant. With the help of King Rohan, he'll find Peach, Mario, Luigi, and America in no time.

Wii Fit Center, Universe-10374473

Wii Fit Trainer sighed as she set her rolled-up mat in her bag. She then heard footsteps and saw her ex-boyfriend, Ken.

"Oh, shit..." she whispered. "Hey, Ken."

"Hey, Trainer," Ken said. "I miss you..."

"Look, I'm sorry, but I knew that our relationship wasn't gonna work. Besides, I moved on with my life."

"But that doesn't mean that we can't try again. Come on, have dinner with me tonight, I-"

"LOOK, KEN! If you wanna see me happy, then leave me alone! Please!"

Trainer sighed as she regretted saying those words. She turned around to see that Ken was nowhere to be found. She then got back to packing up and heard the door open again. "Ken, I'm sorry, I-"

She paused as she saw Master Hand in front of her. "Woah...Who the heck are you?" she asked.

"Let's just say I'm not here for rowing squats." Master Hand laughed and charged at Trainer.

"Woah, back up, you freaky little-"

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