Chapter 21: Skyworld

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Skyworld, Universe-1985

As they navigated through the clouds, the heroes kept a sharp lookout for unexpected obstacles. Samus and 22 expertly piloted the ship, revealing a stunning view of floating buildings and mountains that seemed to defy gravity. Mario couldn't help but draw a comparison to the architectural designs of ancient Greece.

"Wow..." Peach whispered. "...This is amazing..."

"Who knew that there'd be an entire universe that pretty much looks like Heaven?" Link asked. 

"Uh...I do. Because I have been to numerous universes." America said, her expression deadpan.

"We're bound to find heroes here," Zelda said.

Suddenly, the ship was hit by a thunderbolt and quickly crashed the ship near a cloud. The heroes quickly stepped out of the ship to see that the Halberd was showing up and dropping Shadow Bugs. 

The Shadow Bugs formed into Primids, Armights, Spaaks, Cymuls, Feyeshes, and Mites. Mario gulped and uttered, "Here we go again."

"Let's do this, again," Sonic said. 

"Watch out for any of the villains waiting to turn us into trophies." Zelda prepared a Din's Fire spell. 

Tails quickly pulled out his laser pistol and Kirby drew out a silver blade. A trio of Feyeshes fired energy balls from their eyes and Peach and Samus quickly dodged it. Samus drew her arm cannon and fired a couple of missiles at the Feyeshes, making them fall back. 

A Cymul's blades spun and Kirby parried it with his blade. A couple of Spaaks fired lightning bolts and hit Tails, making him crash to the ground. Link blocked one of the bolts with his shield and drew his bow. He fired a couple of arrows which went through the Spaaks but one of the arrows hit a Spaak's battery.

"Ha!" Zelda fired a Din's Fire spell at an Armight and a few Mites.

"America!" Peach exclaimed as she kicked a Primid. "Just stay behind us!"

"Make sure no one gets the kid!" Sonic kicked a Primid and a Mite in their faces.

The heroes kept fighting off the Subspace's hordes and they just kept coming. Mario grunted and Link exclaimed as a Spaak fired a bolt at him which was too late to block. "CRAP! We're completely surrounded!" Mario exclaimed. 

"It's gonna be impossible for us to get out of this trap!" Link said.

"Pikachu, pi, pi!" Pikachu fired a Thunder Jolt at a Mite.

"America, try to open a portal out of here!" Tails said.

"I can't!" America cried out. 

"Poyo, poyo, poy!" Kirby exclaimed.

"We need a miracle!" Mario said.

Suddenly, a blue arrow hit a Primid and the heroes looked up to see a male angel hit a few Primids with a dish-shaped device on his arm and he landed. He looked young and had large, blue eyes and fluffy, brown hair, with a small cowlick poking out from the back. His outfit consisted of a white chiton decorated with red and gold hems along the bottom, which was fastened on the shoulder by a golden fibula with a red gem in the center, a brown belt lined with silver, and a gold, triangular buckle on his waist, navy blue tights beneath his chiton, a pair of bronze and gold cuffs around his forearms and singular gold rings on his upper left arm and right thighs, brown sandals are decorated with crossing beige bands and are edged at the top with white wool, and golden halos wrapped around his forearm. 

He then pulled out a golden bow made up of two gold blades. Its blades contain blue accents, and it possesses a brown handle. He fired two more arrows and they hit a few Subspace creatures with ease. He sighed as the creatures then retreated into Shadow Bugs. "Who are you guys?"

"We're Mario, Peach, Zelda, Link, America, Kirby, Tails, Agent 22, Samus, Pikachu, and Sonic," Mario said. "And who are you?"

"I am Pit, servant of Palutena, Goddess of Light," Pit said. "Now what are you all doing in Skyworld?"

"We're here to raise an army against the Subspace, the people who attacked us. They're here to destroy the Multiverse and all of creation." Peach explained, looking at America. "This kid, America, is the key to the Subspace's deity Tabuu spreading his destructive powers. Keeping her safe is our top priority."

"I'd better take you to my goddess, Lady Palutena." 

Suddenly, the heroes felt the ground shaking and saw the Shadow Bugs forming into what appeared to be a pot with wheels on the bottom with two large scythe-like arms, and a small head with red eyes named Greap.

"Not another giant monster." Link uttered.

"22, Kirby, Tails, and America, get to the ship," Samus ordered. "We'll deal with this thing."

The Greap dashed at the heroes, swinging its scythes at them. Pit quickly dodged out of the way and split his bow into two blades. He blocked one of the Greap's scythes and Mario threw a fireball at the thing. Peach and Pikachu charged at the Greap and it swung its scythes and hit the yellow Pokemon. 

Pikachu felt his pain and then fired a thunderbolt at the Greap but it didn't seem to feel a thing. Samus fired a few energy blasts from her arm cannon. The Greap then continued swinging and then got its arms stuck in the ground. The Greap whimpered and then Mario said, "It's wide open!"

 "Alright!" Link said. "All-out Attack!!"

The heroes then proceeded to attack the Greap all at once, making the creature explode. Pit sighed and sat down. 22's voice came on the speaker of Samus' ship and said, "Okay. We got the ship repaired."

Later at Palutena's Temple

The ship landed near a giant temple and the heroes entered it. Pikachu whispered in awe, "Pika..."

"Wow...This place puts our castles to shame." Peach said to Zelda.

"I kinda wish I grew up here instead of a utopia," America said.

Samus took off her helmet and 22 deactivated her plasma pistol. Pit called out, "Lady Palutena! We have guests!"

"Princess Peach Toadstool!" Peach bowed while calling out for the unseen goddess. "We're here to request an audience with you for a very important cause!"

"Yes," Samus said. "And we're going to need all the help we can get-"

As she came to a halt, her gaze fell upon Palutena. Palutena appeared to be a slender, fair-skinned woman in her early twenties with long green hair cascading down to her calves. She was dressed in an elegant white gown, adorned with a variety of gold accessories, including a necklace, laurel crown, fibula, arm bands, arm brace, armored sleeve, and belt, as well as brown high heels and vine-like patterns on the hem of her dress. In her right hand, she held a gold staff with a blue handle, while a mirror shield was fastened to her left arm via a leather strap. Samus was taken aback with a mix of astonishment, admiration, and affection. Her face reddened, and she spoke softly, "Holy..."

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