Chapter 27: Yoshisaurus Land

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Some prehistoric forest, Universe-4052

Marth, Ike, and Meta Knight dashed through the forest and saw the Halberd descend into the forest. Meta Knight grinned under his mask knowing that he was so close to getting his ship back...but then they saw Ike fall.

"Ike?" Marth stopped to check on him.

"Yeah...I'm good...It's just my feet..." Ike sighed. "I just got tired from all this running."

"I think that we should set up camp for the night. I am feeling pretty tired."

"We're losing daylight!" Meta Knight protested. "We could lose the Halberd!" 

"That could be true, but we could regain our energy if we rest."

Later at night

It turned to night and Marth started a fire for the trio. The three sat down on logs as Ike made his bed out of moss. Meta Knight sighed and Marth asked, "So...What are you two doing after those men that attacked my castle?"

"Well, I'm a...a mercenary, or well, used to be," Ike replied. "I got attacked by the Subspace and I came here to warn you about these guys and...I fight for my friends."

"I am from Universe-500. I'm here to get back my ship that they are using..." Meta Knight sighed again. " an ally of mine..."

"I guess we all have something in common: to protect our homes," Marth said.

"That seems to be true."

"Hey, do you think there are others like us?" Ike asked.

"Others?" Marth asked.

"Yeah, other versions of us or maybe warriors like us that protect our homes." 

"There's a huge multiverse out there..." Meta Knight looked at the night sky. "...with a lot of different worlds..."

"...So the possibilities are endless..." Ike whispered.

Hours later...

The three swordsmen slept on their beds of moss and Ike felt his head itch. Suddenly, Marth had this feeling in his stomach and heard the ground start to shake. Ike woke up from his moss bed and asked, "Woah! What's happening?!"

Suddenly, the three swordsmen stood up and took out their swords. Out of the darkness and giant trees came out a giant green dinosaur resembling a Yoshi from Mario's universe. Marth gasped and whispered, "Oh, my...Gods..."

The dinosaur roared and Ike said, "It's time to Ike!"

He yelled and charged at the dinosaur, swinging his sword at it. The blade barely even dented the dinosaur's hide and it swung its tail at Ike, making him crash into a tree. Meta Knight took out his sword and dashed, barely denting the hide of the dinosaur. The dinosaur's mouth glowed and it breathed fire at the three, making Meta Knight quickly dodge it.

"Even my Brawl SS Tier powers don't seem to work..." Meta Knight said.

"I guess the only solution is...RUN AWAY!!!" Marth said.

The three ran from the dinosaur. And then, the dinosaur started to chase the trio! The trio navigated through the dark and scary forest while avoiding Venus Flytraps, Yoshi-like dinosaurs, alive vines, and also what appeared to be Subspace turrets. 

"Run!" Ike said. 

The dinosaur charged at them and fired more fire from its breath which Marth yelped a small bit. Meta Knight flew through the forest and Ike said, "This thing's relentless!"

Suddenly, another dinosaur roared and popped out of the trees. Marth gasped and Ike exclaimed, "There's two of them!!"

The trio avoided the attack of the second dinosaur and stopped to see that the two dinosaurs were fighting. Marth gasped and Meta Knight said, "Quickly! While the monster is distracted!"

The three knew immediately got out of the fight and the dinosaurs roared as they clashed against each other. Ike, Marth, and Meta Knight dashed and kept running until they were far enough from the dinosaur. They then proceeded to make another campsite to deal with the one that the gigantic lizard destroyed.

A cave, Universe-30503020503

Lucas sighed as Red sat down. The Pokemon Trainer sighed as well and said, "Man...If I had my Charizard, making a fire would've been easy enough."

"Charizard?" Lucas asked curiously. 

"Yeah, another one of my Pokemon. All I have now is Squirtle here."

"What happened?"

"...Those creepy puppet things attacked me in the Kanto region and this weird Pokemon that I've never seen before brainwashed my Pokemon. I tried my best to keep Charizard and Ivysaur but Mewtwo seems to have gotten rid of all the memories that we've had together and made them wild again...Well, Charizard is my first Pokemon...I need to get it and Ivysaur back. They're my best friends."

"Maybe they're at the ruins that we're going to," Lucas said, optimistic.

"Maybe." Red smiled. "You're special, Lucas."


"Yeah. You're magic, brave, kind, and determined to find your friend." 

Lucas blushed. "Thank you, Red."

"Hey, good night, kid."

"Night, Red."

In the morning - Universe-4052

Marth, Ike, and Meta Knight woke up and noticed the Halberd taking flight again. Meta Knight activated his wings and said, "Hurry! THe Halberd's leaving this universe!"

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