Chapter 16: The Battlefield

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A barren battlefield, Universe-616

In a ruined battlefield, there lay a large castle. Atop the fortress stood a man. The man had short blue hair. He wore a blue shirt with darker blue shoulder pads, black pants, a blue and red cape affixed with a red stone, and a small gold headband. This was Marth, the Hero-King.

Marth stood with pride and saw the battlefield being ridden by gigantic black holes that the Halberd had fired before back in Dream Land. He sighed and said, "For the Kingdom..."

Elsewhere on the battlefield

Meta Knight fell and broke in defeat. His mask was scarred, his cape torn, and his sword out of his reach. Primids from every direction surrounded him, wielding swords, baseball bats, laser guns, boomerangs, and one even had a pistol.

Meta Knight sighed as he knew this was the end. He suddenly saw a bright light and saw the gods calling to him. "Meta Knight..." a goddess's voice said as she came to his vision. "This is not the end. You cannot give up on your quest to help Kirby. I now bestow upon you the power of Brawl SS Tier."

Her palm glowed and Meta Knight floated into the air for a bit. The visor in his mask glowed and he returned to normal. He flexed his muscles and yelled like a maniac. He then spun in a tornado and started destroying the Primids. He sliced one into pieces and one in the air while yelling, "HIYAYAYAYAYAYAH!!!!"

He finally destroyed the last of the Primid horde and noticed Marth.

Back at Marth

Marth sliced his sword against his own horde of Primids. Even some more Primids and Armights suffered from the attacks. Marth burst out of the castle gates and continued fighting against the Subspace. He sliced a Primid's head off and saw the expanding black hole in front of him. 

"What the?" Marth asked. "The vortex...doesn't seem to end."

He noticed the Ancient Minister flying and then felt a chill up his spine. He looked up and saw storm clouds forming over the grey sky but that wasn't the chill. Suddenly he saw Meta Knight fly straight toward him and parried the masked warrior's sword. Meta Knight and Marth clashed swords and Meta Knight exclaimed, "HIYAYAYAYAYAH!!!"

"HIYAH!!!" Marth sliced repeatedly.

The two both knew that they were equally matched in terms of sword dueling but knew that they certainly wanted to keep going. Suddenly they noticed Primids behind each other's shoulders. The two swordsmen dodged around each other and slashed the Primids to pieces. The two sighed and Marth asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Meta Knight. Who are you as well?"

"King Marth. Where are you from exactly."

"Hmm, I come from Dream Land. It seems like I've been following my ship to another Universe..."

"Another universe? As in alternate worlds?"

"I believe so. I also believe that we have a common enemy."

"It seems so. In that case, I think we should form an alliance and see if others like us are under threat by the same army."

"Very well."

Suddenly, more Primids and Subspace creatures formed around the two, and the swordsmen prepared for battle. Meta Knight flashed his sword and said, "This darkness must meet my sword!"

"They'll suffer the wrath of my mighty sword, Falchion!" Marth smirked. 

Meanwhile in Universe-507438353

Cloud slashed his Buster Sword against Zerkrom, the Deep Black Pokemon. The blonde soldier grunted in the struggle and Zerkrom roared. It released a lightning bolt from its breath and Cloud quickly got out of the way. The Pokemon roared and then Cloud noticed something from one of the bushes and then a boy with a blue energy blade with red shelling leaped out and shouted, "BACK SLASH!!"

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