Chapter 38: The Ruined Hall

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Meanwhile in Necrozma's Tomb, the Ancient Ruins

Leaf looked at Red and asked, "What do you mean by this being Necrozma's tomb?!"

"Think about it. They sealed him inside and probably killed him." Red said.

"But the story here doesn't say that they killed him."

"We could never know the actual story."

"I kinda agree with Red..." Lucas uttered.

Mewtwo appeared from afar and slowly floated behind the trio without them noticing. It smirked and said, "Ah, humans...Always arguing about the truth and what their feelings are."

Leaf, Red, and Lucas were startled by Mewtwo and Red asked, "What the?!"

"That's Mewtwo," Leaf said.

"Yes, that's correct," said Mewtwo. "I am the most powerful Pokemon Master and the strongest Pokemon in the world."

"The most powerful Pokemon in the world?!" Red asked. "But...That can't be! Also, a Pokemon can't be a Pokemon Master! Sure, there are Pokemon Gods like Palkia and Arceus, but a Pokemon like you?! No way!"

"Quiet, human. From now on, I will eventually be the one that makes the rules."

"How is it talking when it can't move its mouth?" Lucas asked.

"It's telepathic," Red growled. "It's psychic!"

Mewtwo scowled. "Now...My colleagues have sent me to capture and kill you. However, I am anticipating a challenge seeing how I have heard admirable things about you from Master Hand."

"WHAT?!?" Leaf exclaimed.

"Calm down, Leaf." Red took out a Poke Ball. "Let's get you a new Legendary. Go, Charizard!" he threw the ball and summoned Charizard.

"Go, Wilson!" Leaf summoned Wilson.

"You wanted a challenge?" Red smirked. "You've got one!"

(Vs. Mewtwo with Lyrics - Man on the Internet)

"You dare challenge me and my power?" Mewtwo's eyes glowed. "Very well. Let us see how you fare against the strongest Pokemon in the world!"

Red pointed a finger. "Charizard, use Fire Blast!"

Charizard released a ball of fire that then turned into a 大-shaped flame which Mewtwo managed to block. Leaf gasped and Lucas whimpered. He behind Red and Leaf said, "Wilson, use Razor Leaf!"

Wilson used a leaf-like boomerang that Mewtwo only caught and burned to a crisp. Mewtwo summoned a blackish-violet sphere of energy. "Shadow Ball!" he then threw the sphere and Charizard quickly dodged it.

Mewtwo flew through the hall of the tomb and threw more Shadow Balls at the heroes which Lucas quickly blocked with a blue energy field around himself and Charizard swiftly zipped past the spheres.

"He's fast...Wilson, Vine Whip!" Leaf commanded.

Wilson let out a fierce roar and called forth two vines from his bulb. The vines stretched out, attempting to strike Mewtwo, but it deftly dodged them. Suddenly, Mewtwo unleashed a burst of psychic energy from its hand, causing the vines to rebound and strike Wilson instead. In the chaos, Leaf quickly ran to Wilson.

"Charizard, Mega Punch!" Red shouted.

Charizard flew towards Mewtwo and threw multiple Mega Punches on Mewtwo's head, all with little visible effect. as the Genetic Pokemon barely staggered from it. The dragon-like Pokemon proceeded to fly higher before dive-bombing at Mewtwo and landing Mega Punch-first on his foe's head.

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