Chapter 32: Heart to Heart

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Forest of Focus, Galar Region - Universe-5010305

The heroes sat in the forest and Link managed to make a fire. America sighed and Samus took off her helmet. Pit looked around and asked, "So...WHAT is happening? What did those guys want with Lady Palutena?"

"Well..." America said. "...Since I'm the one who's been captured by the Subspace for months before ending up in Mario's universe, I'll explain: The Subspace wants to gather all of us so we can witness the destruction of the Multiverse...The Subspace's god, Tabuu, is gonna use both me and this thing called the Smash Ball to do this."

"What is the Smash Ball?" Samus asked.

"The Smash Ball is an old relic that Master Hand created. It gives people extraordinary power and can even enhance the powers of superpowered beings to the fullest."

"Soooo...Say, if Zelda had it, could she turn into a dragon?" Link asked.


"We had it originally, but we lost it to Wario," Mario said. "He's an old childhood bully of mine."

Pikachu sighed and bit into his berry. King Rohan then said, "I think I have a way how to stop Master Hand and Tabuu from destroying our homes: Let's give America over to them."

"What?!??" everyone excluding Pikachu, Kirby, and Link exclaimed.

"Why would you think of it like that?!" Sonic asked.

"Our plans and intentions are to NOT let America get in the hands of those monsters!" Peach said. 

"I'm not one to willing give her over!" Samus said.

Link sighed. "I agree with King Rohan. I mean, the kid's the reason that we're stuck here! And she's also the reason why I lost Zelda!"

Link's support for King Rohan was a mystery to America, but she could comprehend his frustration towards her for causing him to lose Zelda. Nevertheless, her feelings towards both Link and King Rohan, who planned to surrender her to the enemy, were overwhelming her. "Link, I'm not gonna stand here and let you guys argue about what you're gonna do to me! I may be the key, but I'm a 19-year-old human being! Please! I don't wanna be tortured again!"

"Oh, puh-lease!" Link stood up. "YOU'RE the reason why Zelda's gone and lost somewhere! If it weren't for those powers of yours, I'd still have my job and Zelda would've still been at Hyrule! It seems to me like you have these powers just to make us lost and suffer!"

"I NEVER ASKED FOR THESE POWERS!!!" America screamed, her eyes filled with tears. "I NEVER WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN OR TO END UP LOST FROM MY HOME, MY FAMILY, AND THE PEOPLE THAT I LOST!!!!" she sobbed and shuddered as tears ran down her face. 

Mario anticipated another portal to appear but...a portal didn't appear. He only saw America sobbing and tears rolling down her face. Link had a face of regret and Pikachu looked down in shame. America shuddered and wiped her eyes. "I'm sorry...I just...I need some time alone..."

"Wait, 'Merica!" Peach said.

"Peach, please..."

So, then America went on away because she needed to cool down from her outburst. Peach glared at Link and said, "You owe her an apology."

Link sighed. "Fine..."

"Actually, I feel like I should talk to America," Mario said.

Later in Skyworld - Universe-1985

Dark Pit flew through the night sky and sighed at what had happened in the last few hours. He fought a giant god Pokemon and also found out that Palutena was turned into a trophy and taken by the Subspace. Certainly not something that he would be involved in. He continued to fly through the clouds and suddenly noticed a fireball heading right toward him. The fireball exploded and Dark Pit yelled in pain.

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