Chapter 20: What's the Sitch?

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The Odyssey appeared out of one of America's portals and hovered over the forest. Mario was amazed by the lush green forest that they were in. Peach also looked outside the window. Suddenly, for some reason, I don't know why, the Odyssey broke down and they went flying across the forest.

And they were falling and going to crash, for reasons why, I don't know. They fell into the forest and Tails managed to pull up the controls and the Odyssey crash-landed. The heroes stepped outside and Mario said, "Mamma Mia, Tails, I thought you were a pilot. Kind of a bad pilot, if you ask me."

"Man...I don't know how the Odyssey broke down," America said. "Must've been the Energy Cells and the pretty destructive capabilities of my powers."

"That could be a reason," Zelda said.

"Whatever it is, we're lost." Link said.

"Well, we need to get this ship up and running again," Peach said. "It's starting to feel a bit weird around here."

Tails analyzed the damage and said, "Well, the Energy Cells and technology that we used to get here are still intact but the machine that we used to make the Odyssey fly was destroyed in the crash."

"So, we're still capable of traveling through the multiverse since America is alive and we have the Energy Cells, but don't have any transport?" Link asked.


"Well, Tails can fly and Kirby can fart out stars for us to ride but Tails can't carry all of us and we can't all fit on Kirby's stars that came out of his...ass," Sonic said.

Kirby pouted and then Sonic got into a pose. "Don't worry about it, guys. I'm gonna go look around and find out how to get out of here." then the hedgehog sped off into the forest.

"So..." Zelda smacked her lips. "...Peach, what do you and Mario do on the weekends?"

"Oh, we like to go out camping or do the usual couple things," Peach replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Just something to ask while passing the time. I sometimes go on solo quests with me sometimes begging Link to go with me. And sometimes I ask Link out, where I'm usually stood up."

"IT NEVER ENDS!!!!" Sonic's voice called out. Suddenly, Sonic darted past the heroes to the opposite side of the forest, then quickly returned, pointing towards that direction with a look of terror on his face. "And it never ends that way too..."

"We must be in a universe where everything is just forest," America said. "Mierda..."

Suddenly, the heroes heard rumbling and saw Samus's gunship lower down to them. 

(The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly -Ennio Morricone)

They then saw Samus, 22, and Pikachu step out of it. The heroes got into this old stand-off vibe. America stayed behind Peach and Zelda's fingertip glowed. Sonic's quills charged up energy and Link pulled out the Master Sword.

Samus aimed her arm cannon and then aimed it down. Mario noticed her helmet and immediately recognized her. "Samus!"

"Really?" Sonic gasped. "Samus, as in the girl that we met a few months ago when we were banished by Discordia?"

"Mario...and...Sonic?" Samus asked. She took off her helmet. "Wow! You two survived M.E.M.E. speed!"

Sonic's quills stopped glowing and Mario said, "Everyone, they're friends."

Zelda's fingertip stopped glowing and Kirby looked at Pikachu with confusion. Peach walked up to Samus and shook her hand. "It's an honor to meet you, Samus."

22 shook Zelda's hand and asked, "Who's the child over there?"

"America Mansell," America replied. 

"She's very important to our survival," Zelda said.

Mario noticed Pikachu and said, "Hi, there! I'm Mario!"

"Pi?" Pikachu tilted.

"Oh, you're a cute one! Do you like squeaky toys?"

Pikachu frowned and bit Mario's hand. "PIKA!"


Samus and Peach pulled the two away from each other and Peach asked, "What is wrong with your yellow rat?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu turned his head away.

"Sorry, he bites..." Samus uttered. "And that's all he can say."

"Man...What is this thing?!" Mario exclaimed as Peach used her healing magic on his hand.

"It's...a Pokemon??" 22 said. "At least that's what we recovered about his information when we infiltrated a Subspace research facility." 

"Speaking of, what ARE you doing out here?" Samus asked.

"Well, we found Zelda, Kirby, and Link, and now, we're on our way to recruiting more people like us," Peach explained. "But...our ship broke down."

"Hey, I have an idea: what if we took our ship's tech and put it into yours?" Tails asked.

"That could work," Samus said. 

A few minutes later

Tails, Samus, and 22 successfully transferred the technology from the Odyssey to Samus' ship within a few minutes. Once completed, Samus activated the auto-pilot and took a seat. "So, what is going on exactly?"

"The taking over the Multiverse," Mario said. "They've got Peach's cousin, Daisy. We lost Luigi and Rohan...and I think that DK and Diddy are gone..."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Samus uttered. "I found Pikachu here when I infiltrated their research facility. This thing was being used as one of their batteries for their weapons."

"And America here is the key to unlocking the Subpsace's god," Mario added. "Her powers are capable of traveling through multiverses."

"Yeah, and if they catch me again..." America sighed. "I...I could die..."

"Yup." Link said. "And we're gonna need to help her."

"Help her?" 22 asked.

"The kid here doesn't know how to work her powers or keep them in check," Sonic said. "Link opted to use a riding crop on her and I sort of suggested that we kill her...but our morality is on the questioning side of those ideas."

"So, we're trying to figure out ways to keep America safe and keep her power under control without risking her life." Tails said. 

"We have the key..." Samus said. "But do we have a way of stopping the Subspace?"

"We don't know." Zelda sighed. "They have numerous villains on their side and are capturing our friends and family by turning them into trophies."

"But we do know how to cure people of their trophy status." Tails replied. "Sonic once got turned into a trophy and I touched the stand of his trophy and he turned back to normal."

"So we know what to do for when we get turned into trophies." 22 said.

"Pika, pi..." Pikachu looked out the window.

The heroes looked out the window of the ship and America had opened a portal to a universe seemingly looking like Mario and Peach's views of Heaven. Kirby whispered in awe, "Poyo..."

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