Chapter 24: Where Are Those Who Are Captured?

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Mushroom Kingdom, World-1, Universe-1001 - Two years ago

Luigi and Daisy walked down the forest near the Fire Flower meadows. Luigi was wearing a simple green t-shirt, jeans, and his boots while Daisy had her crown and earrings and wore a yellow dress with white floral patterns, and white sandal heels, and she actually decided to brush her teeth this morning.

"So...Princess?" Luigi asked. "You said that you wanted to talk to me about something, right?"

"Y-Yeah...When I kissed your cheek back at the celebration a month ago and the fact that we've been going out for a few weeks..." Daisy said. The two stopped walking and she said, "Listen.......I like you, Luigi...a LOT. More than I've ever liked anyone, actually..."

Luigi flushed red a small bit. She likes me!! OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG!!!

"...And I thought I made that pretty obvious..." Daisy continued. 


"But it's just....I dunno...I can't tell if your feelings are the same as mine...You just seem so...I don't know, dismissive...Then again, I know you're shy and soft-spoken...Hehe...That's honestly one of the things I love about you. You're this sweet, sensitive, all-around, genuine fella. That's unfortunately not something I...or Rohan...have seen very often. That's part of what drew me to you. But...I've also noticed you seem to try to accommodate others' needs and wants....even if it takes away from you...yourself. The last thing I would possibly want to do is take advantage of that. I absolutely don't want to drag you into something you're not interested in, so, I...I...I guess what I'm trying to say is that...I want to know your true feelings. I'd like to know formally if you'd actually want to be in a relationship with me, a princess from a desert wasteland...So please, Luigi, spare my feelings and be honest: How do you really feel about me?"

"...Principessa, if I may...speak freely?..." Luigi sighed and Daisy nodded. He took a deep breath and said, "Princess..."

"Just Daisy, please."

"I, uh..."

"We're way past formalities, aren't we?" Daisy crossed her arms and anticipated Luigi's answer. "Please just call me by my name."

"Yes, you're right. You see, I know that I've not been very responsive to your feelings...I'm sorry for that. I never meant to make you think that I didn't enjoy your company. I actually enjoy your company a lot honestly. In ways that a person can admit by looks alone, I...You have this, uh, I don't know, this presence about you that is so strong, so fierce, and-and you have this passion for living life to the fullest, facing everything head-on without fear. I may not be saying this correctly but you're one of a kind, Daisy. You're deserving of so much more than an awkward plumber from Brooklyn who doesn't know what he's talking about. I can never imagine that someone as amazing as you would settle for a klutz like me."

"You're not a klutz, Luigi. I mean, you might be a little clumsy, maybe a little awkward but that's not a bad thing. If anything, I find it real damn endearing. I love that you're not perfect, that you're authentically yourself, that's more than enough for me."

"Okay. Rambling over and over...You deserve to hear what I've neglected to tell you."

"And that is?"

"That is...Daisy, I...I...I..." Luigi muttered. SAY SOMETHING, YOU FOOL!!!

The two stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly, Luigi stepped forward and kissed Daisy. His lips connected to hers. She yelped a bit and Luigi's mind was going crazy right now. She then smiled and kissed him back. The two looked into each other's eyes and Luigi said, "I love you, Daisy."

"Oh, I'm so glad the feeling's mutual..." Daisy said, smiling. "...'Cause I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't kiss you like that again..."

Subspace Prison Cell, the Subspace - Present Day

Daisy woke up from her memory and the words that she said to Luigi all those years ago echoed through her head. ...'Cause I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't kiss you like that again...'Cause I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't kiss you like that again...'Cause I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't kiss you like that again...

Trainer stood up and asked, "Yo, you okay?"

"Yeah..." Daisy sighed and looked at her left hand which had a Promise Ring with a green emerald from Luigi. "...Just thinking about my boyfriend..."

"Yeah...I know what the feeling's like. My ex-man Ken is a really great guy. I just didn't think our relationship would keep going."

"Oh, no, we didn't break up. We got separated. That Wario guy took me."

"God!" a woman said. She was Chinese-American and wore a cyan suit with a black tie and cyan skirt, silver heels, defined legs, and had her black hair in a ponytail. "How long has it been?"

"Easy, Mei Ling." a young child said. He was mostly bald with a bit of black hair in a ponytail, had black eyes, and wore white-black karate clothes and black shoes with white soles. This was Poo from Ness and Lucas' universe. 

"I still don't know." an anthropomorphic bullfrog said. He wore a jacket like Fox's over a blue maintenance suit and a small mechanic's hat. This is Slippy Toad from Fox's universe. 

"Well, we'd better find a way out of here before these creatures kill us." Mei Ling said.

"I hope Fox knows where we are," Slippy uttered.

Suddenly, a drone appeared and Master Hand's voice asked, "But do YOU want to know where your friends are?"

The drone then showed a screen that projected universes where most of our heroes were. One part of the screen showed Fox and Diddy running through a forest and another showed Lucas and Red going down a path.

"Lucas!" Poo said. "But where's Ness?"

"Where's Luigi?" Daisy asked.

The drone shut down the screens and flew off. Slippy sighed. Mei Ling sighed as well and said, "There's got to be a way out of here..."

"Doesn't seem to be a way..." Slippy said. 

Suddenly, the group heard a giggle and saw another prisoner in a cage far from theirs. The prisoner said, "Tough luck. No one escapes the Subspace or Tabuu."

Daisy sighed and sat down. "Luigi..."

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