Chapter 14: Link vs. Ganondorf Part 1

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Hyrule Castle, Universe-308

The team was in the castle conference room with America struggling with her portal powers. Zelda yelped a small bit and America said, "That's the seventh portal I've opened on accident in the last thirty minutes. We obviously can't control my powers in this state."

"Sure we can." Link said. "We've just gotta do something like when I use a horse. I'll take out my riding crop and give her a few good whips and-"

"Link...Sometimes your brain doesn't function well like your heart..." Zelda uttered.

"We're NOT hurting this kid!" Mario said. "I don't HAVE ANY INTENTION about hurting this kid!!"

"Hey!" Link snapped. "I'M the main guard for Zelda over there, and I'm the fucking HEAD KNIGHT of the ROYAL GUARD OF HYRULE, so when I say that we riding crop the kid over there, we do it!! Why don't you go fix a toilet!?!"

"OH, YEAH?!! Why don't you go jingle all the way to Santa's workshop?!?"

"Was that a crack about elves?!" Link pulled out his Master Sword. "Then let's go!"

"BRING IT ON!!!!!"

Mario and Link charged and prepared to clash until...they heard Zelda shout, "ENOUGH!!"

As soon as the shout was heard, a fireball was tossed and exploded, launching Mario and Link away from each other. It was Zelda who threw the fireball. She had a stern and furious face on her.

"Holy crapola..." Sonic whispered.

"You two WILL get along! We're stuck together until we defeat Ganondorf and Master Hand!" Zelda said to Mario and Link.

"What was that?" Tails asked Zelda.

"My Din's Fire. I'm, well, a sorceress." Zelda replied and then glared at Mario and Link. "Now, shake hands."

The two men sighed and shook hands. Link groaned and asked, "So...What do we do?"

"Well..."Tails sighed.

Kirby pondered on what to do and Sonic tapped his foot in thought. America crossed her arms and then Tails said, "What if we made a machine that can help us use America's powers without hurting her? There must be a way to do so."

"There are Energy Cells found within one of the caves...." Zelda said. "...but it'll be dark, spooky, and dangerous to get those cells."

"Oh, don't worry." Sonic chuckled. "We've been to a literal planet full of ghosts."

"Well, then." Zelda chuckled. "How about we fetch Epona and another horse and go to the Cave of No Return?"

Meanwhile in Universe-400

The Rohans walked through the garden and Rohan admired the Fire Flowers set in an array. King Rohan looked at the sky and then Rohan said, "This is still the nice garden from back in my universe...But the roses look dead."

"Oh, I guess Toadette forgot to take care of them during my reign as King." King Rohan sighed. "So, you're telling me that in your universe, you and the others traveled around the solar system and stopped Discordia from destroying your universe? And you and Peach had family issues during such an adventure?"

"That's pretty much the gist of it. I felt...scared...lost...unworthy of life in general." Rohan looked down. "I mean I felt worthy of the throne...but was I worthy of being alive to be the prince while Peach was the undisputed boss of the kingdom? I felt worthless and unspecial compared to her. She has healing powers meanwhile I haven't awakened my Star Child ability, I contemplated ending my game for years...that was until that adventure to stop Discordia, when I and Peach figured out our hidden family discord...We forgave ourselves, and now I feel worthy of both the throne and being alive."

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