Chapter 44: Falco's Arrival

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Back in Universe-4500

Fox and Diddy were still on the lookout for DK, exploring various parts of the universe even after escaping Bowser's grasp. Now, they stumbled upon a serene swamp and could have rested and enjoyed the peaceful scenery. However, their exhaustion from traveling through multiple universes and battling Subspace creatures prevented them from stopping for too long, as the creatures continued to appear.

There wasn't very much that was unique to the creatures that the duo kept fighting. There were mostly Puppits, Floows, and Primids. Fox and Diddy continued to venture through the swamp and made it to one of the dirt paths alongside a massive cliff overlooking a waterfall. As the two mammals walked down the path, they began talking about their universes and how their lives are.

"No way, really?!" Diddy asked and laughed.

"Yeah!" Fox replied.

The young chimp laughed some more and was suddenly impaled by a black arrow, turning him into a trophy. Fox's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "Diddy!!"

He then noticed Mewtwo with a Dark Cannon near it. It seemed like it was carrying the gun with its mind as it had its arms crossed. Fox glared and asked, "Who are you?"

"I am Mewtwo, the most powerful Pokemon in the world," Mewtwo replied. "My master has sent me to capture you. Now that I have captured one of you, I have made it easier. Now, feel free to surrender...or would you rather I stick your little friend up to you?"

"You villains don't seem to give up."

Mewtwo fired the Dark Cannon again but Fox used his athletic instincts to dodge the arrows. The Pokemon grinned and Shadow Bugs formed around Diddy's trophy. Fox noticed the bugs and pulled out his pistol, but was scared of hitting Diddy. The swarm of spores finally got off of Diddy and formed into a doppelganger of him. False Diddy's golden-tinted eyes glared at Fox and he pulled out his peanut popguns.

Fox was hesitant to attack False Diddy, not knowing how False clones worked even though they had been attacked by False Bowser before. Mewtwo aimed the Dark Cannon at Fox, knowing he was distracted by False Diddy. Suddenly, green lasers nearly hit it and Fox and the two looked up to see another Arwing flying right toward them. The cockpit of the Arwing opened up and a figure dashed out of it.

The figure was a blue-feathered avian with long blue tail feathers and red patches around his blue eyes with yellow eyelids. He also has an athletic and slender build and is shown to be taller than Fox. His outfit consisted of an orange G-suit, a white flight jacket, and silver boots. This was Falco Lombardi, the ace pilot of Star Fox.

"Falco!" Fox exclaimed.

"Guess I got here right on time, eh?"

"If your idea of "perfect timing" is when I'm being attacked by someone other than Wolf, then yes," Fox answered sarcastically.

Falco dashed toward Mewtwo like how Fox did with Rayquaza and Mewtwo threw a few Shadow Balls at the bird, which Falco dodged. The pilot then kicked the Dark Cannon into the air and pulled out two blasters. He fired away and the Dark Cannon blew up. Mewtwo growled and said, "Fool. Trying to intervene with my goals..."

It teleported away and Falco holstered his blasters. False Diddy growled and the avian noticed the clone. False Diddy roared and more Shadow Bugs surrounded him. He grew and grew until the clone was the size of a giant.

"I guess we've got our work cut out on this one," Falco said.

"No argument there." Fox quickly revived Diddy and prepared to fight.

Diddy groaned and yelped as he saw the giant False Diddy. The behemoth roared and pounded his chest. The clone fought like Diddy, as if the young chimp was fighting a mirror but if the mirror was three times larger. False Diddy's size almost made him harder to take down and more steady.

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