Chapter 26: Bayonetta Gets Wicked!

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The woman smirked and Pit quickly drew his bow. She quickly charged at Pit and slid down, making him trip and yelp at the sudden attack. Palutena gasped and said, "An Umbra Witch? I thought that they were extinct."

"Cheeky." the woman giggled while playing with Pit. "Especially coming from an endangered species."

"Grrgh!" Pit tried to break free from the woman's grip and then the woman threw him down.

Mario, Samus, Rohan, King Rohan, Kirby, and Sonic hurried to Pit's aid, and Mario quickly threw a few fireballs at the woman but she kept dodging the attacks and pulled out her guns. She smirked and Mario's eyes widened. 

"WATCH OUT!!" Peach exclaimed. 

Pit quickly got in front of the six heroes and activated his shields again as the woman quickly opened fire on them. The shields blocked off the bullets and the woman said, "I like it when they play hard to get."

"Pika!" Pikachu dashed toward the woman and used Quick Attack. "Pi, pi, pi! Piiiiikachu!"

The woman swiftly avoided the attack with a backflip, while Pikachu's attack position was hindered by a purple vortex and clock visual effect, causing him to slow down.

"What the???" King Rohan and Rohan both asked.

"It's Witch Time. Witches like her can control Time itself." Palutena said.

Samus fired a rocket and the woman used Witch Time again to evade the attack and used her bullets to attack Samus. 22 fired from her blaster and it managed to get the woman's attention. 22 continued firing and the woman kept dodging. The agent quickly released a kick which the woman quickly transformed into a swarm of bats and reformed back into herself.

"The hell?!" 22 was dumbfounded.

The woman kept beating down Mario, King Rohan, Kirby, Sonic, and Pikachu. Rohan and Samus groaned as they recovered and Pit sighed. "Man, she sure is tough!"

Dark Pit, standing up, recovered and said, "Don't be such a wimp! We're kicking your butt, Witch Girl!"

The woman scoffed. "Such rudeness! If you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum."

"Tough luck."

"And for your info, I have a girlfriend!" Mario attacked the woman from behind and she quickly evaded with a Witch Time attack in a matter of minutes. 

"Ha!" King Rohan swung his sword and Dark Pit took out his Electroshock Arm.

"Take this!" Dark Pit charged at the woman but she evaded the attack instantly and the heroes were struggling with her.

Most of the woman's clothing suddenly disappeared, still covering her kneecaps, and a portal appeared by her, and a giant fist appeared from it, punching the heroes excluding Peach, Zelda, America, and Palutena. 

"Woah! What was that, Lady Palutena!?" Pit asked.

"Umbra Witches also use an attack called Wicked Weaves, in which they can summon the limbs of demons," Palutena answered.

"Mi abuela me va a matar cuando se entere de que morí por culpa de brujas demoníacas*..." America whispered. 

(* Translation: "My grandma's gonna kill me when she finds out I died from demonic witches...")

King Rohan noticed another portal opening above them and saw a giant foot come down. "Guys, second dose, outta the way!!"

The team got out of the way and the woman managed to take control of both Pits. The heroes watched as the woman beat on Dark Pit and Pit. She smirked and said, "Time for the best part! SMASHING!"

Suddenly, Witch Time happened again and this time, affecting everyone excluding the woman. She grinned as she continued to beat down on the two Pits and then she yelled, "Avavago!" and summoned a portal like her Wicked Weaves attack but the hair formed into a giant dragon-like beast's head that chomped down on the two angels and then roared like an elephant before disappearing. 

The Witch Time effect wore off and Dark Pit and Pit emerged, bleeding severely. Palutena gasped and the woman said, "Don't fuck with a witch."

She chuckled and prepared to finish them off but then a cyan beam of light emerged from the ground and stopped her in her tracks. Palutena stood in front of them and said, "Stay away from my angels! Maybe not Dark Pit since he's kind of a member of the Forces of Nature but still."

"I'm so in love with her right now..." Samus uttered.

"What?" 22 asked.


 "Fine..." the woman withdrew her guns. "...I guess I DID have some fun after all..."

Peach used her healing powers on the Pits and Zelda asked, "We have a question for you. Are you a member of the Subspace?"

"The Subspace? I don't seem to know what that is. What I DO know is that some creepy doll shadow creature attacked me a few days ago."

"A Primid..." America whispered.

"Well, I've had my fun, didn't get my kills...but..." the woman sighed. "...I'd prefer to figure out who's behind me getting stuck here."

She walked over to an edge and said, "Oh, and if we run into each other and so we are acquainted after our nice little duel..." she turned her head to the others. "...You may call me Bayonetta."

Bayonetta suddenly turned back into a swarm of bats again and flew into the sky. King Rohan sighed and uttered, "And I thought I'd get a keepsake after fighting a real live witch."

"She's definitely from another universe," Sonic said.

"And we're sure to be on our toes if she attacks us again." Tails added.

"Well, we'd better get going to bed..." Pit said. "...All tuckered out from fighting Bayonetta and Pittoo."

"PLEASE stop calling me that!" Dark Pit sighed. "Later!"

He took flight again and Palutena sighed. "He never learns..." she whispered in a calm tone.

Later back at the temple

22 checked her blaster and Rohan said, "Hey, you were really awesome."

"Thanks." 22 smiled.

"I mean I've got a magic staff but your blaster is pretty cool too."

"I wish I had a magic weapon."

"Bet magic doesn't exist in your universe."

"Well, we have Metroids and Space Pirates in where I'm from."

"Sounds like an interesting universe."

"Yeah, it is."

"Also, I'm sorry about when I asked for some of your hair."

"No, it's okay. I'm actually flattered more than offended or shocked."

Rohan stopped by his door where the two were walking. 22 sighed and said, "Hey...Uh, I don't remember your name."

"Prince Rohan." Rohan shook her hand.

"Rohan." 22 chuckled. "That's a cute name."

Rohan blushed. "Hehe...Thanks..."

"I'm Agent 22."

"And I'm Rohan..." the prince suddenly blushed. "...but you already know that!"

"Hehe...Good night."


Rohan stepped into the room and 22 sighed and blushed. He's cute... she thought as she walked down to the girl's dorm.

Little did our heroes know, there was another agent of the Subspace named Volo. He smirked and said, "Just wait, Giratina...We're gonna destroy them for you and Tabuu. Haha!"

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