Chapter 39: Lost in the Woods

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Meanwhile in Universe-4500

Up in the sky, Peach and Kirby continued to fly through the enormous clouds on the Warp Star. Kirby focused on driving the massive star while Peach scanned the vast horizon.

"Jeez...Are we in a universe filled with clouds?" Peach asked.

"Poyo," Kirby replied.

"Hmm, I hope America and the others made it safe." Peach kept holding onto the Warp Star.

Kirby acknowledged the situation and skillfully maneuvered through the clouds. All of a sudden, they heard a loud noise from behind and noticed the Halberd trailing them. Peach let out a surprised yelp and shouted, "Faster!"

Kirby tried to make the star faster but the Halberd moved upwards, causing the front of the ship to bump into the Warp Star, sending the two heroes flying and crashing on the surface of the ship. Peach tried to collect herself and Kirby pushed himself up.

"Are you okay?" Peach asked.

Kirby nodded and the two looked around to see that they actually made it on the deck of the ship. The pink duo then proceeded to walk further through the ship, battling the rough rushing winds that the sky gave.

"Grrgh...The wind's too strong!!" Peach exclaimed.

Suddenly, the Halberd hit some turbulence and the two pink-clad heroes fell off the ship.

Elsewhere in the forest in the same universe

Mario and America rode on Yoshi and Link, 22, King Rohan, Rohan, Sonic, Tails, and Pit followed along. Sonic groaned and asked, "Pit, can you fly up and see where Diddy and that fox are?"

"Uhh...No," Pit answered. "I need Lady Palutena to grant me the Power of Flight and...I can only use it for five minutes before waiting for a recharge."

"What if you try to use it again after that limit?"

"My...wings catch fire and...I die."

"WHAT!? Then why even have that power if it's pretty much a death trap?"

"I don't know!"

"Wait..." America interrupted. "...I've been to this universe before! This was where I went to when I first opened up a portal!"

"Really?" 22 asked.

"Yeah. I think...I have an idea of where to go so we can get water and supplies." America tugged on Yoshi's nape.

A few minutes later...

The heroes walked through the forest and...saw a wooden cabin in front of them. Link was in awe and asked, "Whose cabin is this??"

"Mine," America answered.

"What?!" Mario exclaimed.

"Yeah. Built it all by myself when I lost my moms." America walked over to the door of the cabin. "I can't believe that it's still standing after all these years."

The heroes entered the cabin and Sonic said, "You've been here since you were five, right? Then, how did you manage to travel to all those universes?"

America sat down on a chair. "Well...I built this cabin all by myself and lived here until I was 12...when I hit puberty...That was when my powers started getting out of control."

Pit put his box on a table and asked, "What are we doing here?"

Mario sat down on what appeared to be a homemade couch. America sat down as well and replied, "I thought we'd recharge, get plenty of water, and get ready before finding Diddy."

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