Chapter Four

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I sighed, already seeing beads of sweat all over her forehead.

I decided to sit her on a chair for the meantime.

I went downstairs to get some ice in a bowl.

I need to wake her up. It's better if she can shower.

I went back upstairs and took a small piece of ice.

I lightly touched it on her cheek. No reaction.

I pressed it this time. Still, none.

I took the whole bowl and placed her hand in it.

None. Unbelievable. Alright then.

I removed my shirt and my pants, I then lifted her up in my arms.

I walked us inside the bathroom and turned the shower on with the setting cold.

She immediately went half-awake and gasped.

What I didn't think about was her reaction much. She wrapped her arms around my neck.


I had to step out of the running water from making her shiver too much. I thought she'd be fully awake by now but she just rested her cheek on my shoulder and she's now shivering.

"Y/n, you have to shower."

She isn't responding, she must've fallen back to sleep.

She's shivering. I changed the setting to warm and tested it out first on my arm.

I made her stand up but she's really deep asleep that fast.

I shouldn't have pushed it then..

I let her back rest on me while I supported her, I guess I was the one needing another shower after all..

I looked down on her but it wasn't intentional when I saw her cleavage and how her dress stuck on her.

I turned the shower off and brought her back to my bedroom.

I didn't plan this through, now she really needs to change. Fuck.

"Y/n, I'll have to change you." I said in her ear knowing she won't respond.

I had to make her sit on the chair so I could first dry and change.

I came back with a towel and a shirt that's probably enough to cover most of her and a robe.

I pulled her up to make her stand and lean her front on me as my arm tightly held around her waist.

My jaw couldn't help but clench as my hands are afraid to lift her dress up since it's sticking to her body.

It wouldn't matter Jeon, she's heavily asleep, and his husband is a fuck-up.

My hands were fast to grab the hem of her dress and I started to peel off her dress from her body.

I'm doing my best to keep my eyes only on her face while I struggled to take it off from her.

I threw her dress on the floor after a while and I couldn't help but look down on her bra.


I also have to remove it..

I unclasped it from her back and threw it on the floor as well, looking up.

I slowly reached for the towel and tried to dry her up just loosely.

After that, I reached for my shirt.

I immediately wore it on her, I can't help but feel her breasts against me.

Now, about her underwear.. it can't stay on her.

I gulped.

I reached from under the shirt and when I felt it on my fingers, I slowly pulled it down until it loosely fell.

She's still heavily asleep. She'll hate me once she's awake.

I made her sit on my bed and supported her up until I finally wore my robe on her.

I finally positioned her sleeping figure in my bed and placed my blanket over her.

I stared at her for a moment.

I need another cold shower.

Y/n's POV

I woke up with an already throbbing head. It feels like it'll burst.

Just how much did I drink?

I carefully sat up, argh it's painful.

I tried to pat around, reaching for my nightstand. I know I have tylenol here somewhere.

I felt the knob of the drawer and opened it, touched around and I felt something.

I picked it up and opened my eyes a little. What's this shiny wrapper?

I looked closely. Trust

Huh?.. wait.

I looked around. This isn't.. my eyes bulged.

Wait?? Who the fuck did I go with?!

Flashbacks of me hugging someone in the shower..

No no no.. I did not cheat, I didn't.. I couldn't.

I looked down on myself and I'm wearing a robe with a shirt and nothing else.

I feel like breaking down again. How could I do this to myself..

I held my chest and out of nowhere, looked on the nightstand and it had a tylenol bottle and a glass of water with a yellow sticky note on it.

It's Jungkook, stay as you like. Nothing happened.

I let out a sharp sigh of relief as I closed my eyes. I was in good hands..

I stayed still for a while, feeling thankful.

I then took the bottle. I laid back down after taking the medicine, feeling sorrow starting to engulf me once again.

I woke up feeling much better. My stomach is rumbling loudly.

Would he be mad if I looked in his fridge or pantry.. I should just ask him directly. Where's my phone..

The condom that I mistakenly took caught my eyes again that I seemed to have left in this bed. Err, this should go back..

I opened the bottom drawer and I was surprised to see a whole box of condoms. Oh God.

I quickly placed it back and shut the drawer before I read something I shouldn't.

I fanned my face for a moment..

Now where are you?.. I continued looking for my phone in his drawers then I found it at the top drawer.

I opened my phone to see hundreds of messages and missed calls from Benette.

It was such a good thing I turned my phone on silent.

I was quick to block him. Now, where's Jungkook's number? Wait, is it alright to address him by his first name?

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