Chapter Sixteen

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I took the letter back and slid it in the envelope.

I was ready to leave when he held my hand. "Why don't we just do it one last time babe?" He's smirking and I felt icky about it.

"Argh, you're crazy." I tried to retrieve my hand but he tightened it.

"Don't you dare." I threatened.

"You're still my wife as we're speaking." He smiled coyly.

"Just go and fuck Sanya!" I felt like I'm hurting all over again, realizing that this was the man that I married. He's disgusting.

I punched his chest but he caught my hand for the incoming second strike.

He started pulling me to go to our old room.

"Fuck you!" I spat at him then he threw my back on the wall and pinned my wrists on it.

"Do you really think that Jungkook is better than me?? Fuck that! After he gets you multiple times, he'll discard you."

"Do I fucking care??" I immediately raised my knee to hit his balls and he was quick to fall on the floor, groaning.

I went ahead and picked up the letter that fell and ran outside.

I pant and I felt anxious looking back. I waved my hand and this taxi stopped.

I quickly told the man my address and slumped my body on the seat from fatigue and all the mixed emotions I couldn't decipher.

What happened Benette.. you were never like this..

I wiped my eyes but tears wouldn't stop anymore.


I opened my apartment door, getting in while wiping my eyes only to jump up from the scare.

Jungkook was sitting on the chair, on his phone but he placed it down when he saw me.

His frowned face turned concern when he looked at me.

"What happened?" He got up, meeting me halfway as I placed my bag down.

"Benette happened.." I muttered, drained.

"What did he do to you?" He lifted my face with a single hand and I could see a small spec of anger in his face.

"He just.. he's not the man I married, I don't know him.." I whispered, looking at him.

He bends down to level with my face, ignoring what I just said about Benette, "you have to tell me, did he do something inappropriate?"

"Doesn't matter, he signed it and I got ou-"

He then walked out, startling me. "Jungkook?.."

"I'll be back." I got taken aback when the door was shut closed on his way out.

Is he going after Benette??


I sat up when I heard my door open.

"Where did you go?" was the first thing that I asked. He shaked his head walking towards me.

I stood in front of him when he stopped before my bed. "Get changed, we'll eat outside." He said, softly smiling after.

I slowly nodded, I'm dead curious where he went but I don't want to push him.


We're eating in this lovely restaurant and I stopped chewing when I noticed that he's just staring at me.

"Is there something on my face?"

"Beauty." he smiled a little and I couldn't help but jokingly roll my eyes at him. "But I do have something in mind that I've been wanting to tell you.."

I looked at him bewildered. Why does he sound like he's about to confess something? I swallowed my food, wary.

"What is it?"

"I'm thinking about giving you a position in my workplace, just so you can start anew, that is.. If you like. Your choice."


"I do seem bored.. and Benette was the only one working for us, but.. I don't know anything about office work?" I scratched my cheek.

"I can give you light work." he smiled. "Okay I think I can consider, but can I like, not apply this instant?"

He nodded his head. "No rush."

"Jungkook?" he lifted his brows, "can we drink after this?"


I don't know how much alcohol I drank but I feel the heat crippling all over my body and my mind slowly drifting.

I watch him sip on his glass, across from me in his house. "Jungkook, will you not tell me?" he looked at me, surprised, "what is?"

"Why you're single.." he chuckled, "why are you persistent on that, hm?"

"Well, who wouldn't?.." he shaked his head, smiling. "Not now."

"You're no fun." Then I suddenly remembered the card. "Yah! You're a pig." I slurred, crossing my arms.

"What now?" he chuckled. "Why would you write something like that.." I said, looking on my right, feeling my body burn by the alcohol.


"Because I can, y/n." His voice is serious.. "Well, stop it.."

Why would he defy my request? I could mistake his actions on me for something else.

I remained looking away from him until I felt my eyes get heavy. I leaned my head on the wall.

Jungkook's POV

I couldn't care less if she sees my intentions on her.

I watch her be stubborn, just looking at the distance instead of me. I drank with what's left on my glass and her head is already leaning on the wall.

I stood up and went to lift her up.

I carried her upstairs, the usual routine if she's drunk.

I placed her down on my bed and laid beside her. I propped my elbow and took the AC remote on her side of the nightstand to make the room colder for her but then I felt her hand ball my shirt into her fist.

I looked down and her eyes were looking at me, glistening and.. Pleading?

"What is it?" she didn't speak but her eyes went to my lips. God, not this again.

She let go of my shirt and she snaked her hand on my chest to my nape. I gulped. "You're drunk, y/n." I whispered to maybe have her make sense of the situation she's starting.

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