Chapter Fifty-three

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“Speaking of that, you’ve got some explaining to do, Mr. Jeon.” 

“Ooh~, my baby wife is already spicy~, we can talk about it after the honeymoon.” He bit his bottom lip and I pinched his stomach and he scrunched his nose again, smiling.

“Please, stop hitting on me, I’m married.” I fake ignored him.

“Well, your husband is lucky as hell.” 

“I know. Now please excuse me, I’ll have to use the restroom.” I then flipped my hair while I left him and I heard him chuckle.

I got to the bathroom.

“Shit!!” I cursed to myself, how the hell have I forgotten the honeymoon.

Hell, I’m anything but a sexy wife. Once I get home I need to run to the bathroom!!

I mostly need to shower, brush my teeth, shave extra hair here and there- oh God, there’s so much to do!

I helped fix the two girls sleep inside this cabin because their men are knocked, me and Jungkook, the newlyweds, are mostly sober.

Our parents occupied the two rooms and there’s no more vacant.

I came out and I got startled by Jungkook meeting me outside the door. He’s responsible for taking care of his friends so he must’ve finished too.

“Please baby, sleep too, I advised Xian to take a rest, we’ll be here longer.”

“Oh, well I’m really fine.” I assured him.

“Even so, you got tired. Go on, I’ll wake you up when we’re close, okay?” He didn’t wait for my answer, he just draped his tuxedo over my shoulders and kissed my lips.

He then pushed me a little to go inside then he closed the door himself, looking at me before I’m left here standing, gushing deep inside.

I couldn’t handle it so I bit my fist instead.

I suddenly woke up because I felt alone on the bed.

Huh?? Where’d they go?? 

I quickly walked out of the cabin and up on the dock. Jungkook is talking to someone while some lady stewards assists Jin and the rest. 

What time is it?? 

I was walking more to them and Jungkook’s head turned towards me and he was shocked to see me.

“Good morning, were we noisy?” He asked and I shaked my head.

“I was just lonely in bed.” I said and somehow he was staring at me.

I then looked at this man that was very fair. “Congratulations, Mrs. Jeon. I’m Yoongi, a close friend of your husband.” 

He gave me a gummy smile and I smiled back.

“This is the one I was talking about, the owner of these yachts and the island.” 

I then got shocked. Woah, I met him.

“Thank you sir.” I said and he waved his hands in front of him, “no no, no need for any formalities.” 

“Ah haha.” I smiled again and I just noticed that it’s still dim out. 

“What time is it?” I asked Jungkook.

“Two am.” 


“Well, Jeon, congrats again. Just talk to me whenever you need me.” He pats Jungkook on his back as they hug.

I watched his friend get off the yacht.

I looked back at Jungkook and he wasn't beside me, I looked back and he walked back to me with my bag on his shoulder.

“Let’s go home, baby.” 

“Oh, where are the others?” I looked around.

“Yoongi’s drivers and assistants drove them home.” 

“And our parents?” 

“They woke up before we even got here, they said for us to visit them soon.” He smiled.


“Can you walk? Should I carry you, wife?” 

I froze, just looking at him. Why did that shocked me? I could jump in the water right now to get my nerves jumping with the cold temperature.

“No.. I can walk.” I started taking a step to get off the yacht abruptly and because it’s still dark, even with the lights, he didn’t let me.

He hooked his arm around my stomach, pulled me until my back was against his chest. 

“Kiss your husband good morning, please.” 

Oh my God he’s making me blush, only my cheeks don't color..

“I just woke up, you wouldn’t want me without gargling a mouthwash at least.” 

“Marrying you meant dealing with that too.” He grabbed my jaw, pushed my head to look up then he kissed me. I got startled so I quickly pulled away, faced him with my hands covering my mouth.

“You did not..” I said with round eyes.

He smirked. “And what happened with calling me dy?” 

“O-Oh.. well..” God I’m shy! I wanted to say that but he might not believe me. “We should go, you might catch a cold-”

“Oh, come on baby girl, say it~”

“Argh, I’m shy, okay?? I-It feels.. new to me..” I just looked at him carefully, watching his facial expression.

He chuckled, “I’ll take that shyness away.” 

Oh my God?? I hit his chest. 

He laughed, holding my waist now as he assisted me to get off the yacht with him.

He’s driving and I keep eyeing the rings in my hand. I move my hand sideways to watch it glimmer along the passing lights shining through the car window.

On the other hand, I worry about the honeymoon.. I just want it to be perfect for him, give a good first impression and so on.

“Are you sleepy, baby wife?” 

“Not at all, you..dy?” I then pursed my lips. Wow I sounded so forced to say so.

“I promise you, it sounds better when you say it fully.” he said, amused.

“But then I sound like I’m seducing you..” 

“You seduce me without a word, wife.” 

“Heeey, stop calling me like that.” I then pout, making his head turn to look at me. 

“I’ll call you wife when I think of you, I’ll call you wife when I need you, I’ll call you wife just because, I’ll call you wife when I cum, I’ll-”


“Hahaha! You’re so cute, baby.” 

Earlier I was shy about the honeymoon but now I’m getting eager because of him.

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