Chapter One

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I did my best to keep up a smile in contrast to my displeased mood as I pushed my dress down from riding up my thighs.

If it weren't for my husband's request, I wouldn't be here, with such a revealing dress.

I sipped on my wine while I wish to be somewhere else but here.

"You look so lovely tonight." A woman that's so beautiful came up to me.

"Thank you, you're very pretty." I smiled. She's probably the eighth person to praise me tonight, and as much as I like it, I couldn't help but feel lost in here.

"I'm Sanya." She smiled, lending out her hand. I shaked it, "y/n."

"Who are you with tonight?" She starts off.

"My husband, Benette Mendez." The music then starts to get louder.

"Oh, Ben? He's married?" She said surprised. I just smiled at her.

So she's a co-worker of Benette then, how come she found it surprising that Benette is married when he always wears his wedding ring?

My thoughts were disrupted when I felt a hand slide around my back. "Sorry it took so long, Jeremy wanted to have a talk."

"Hey, Ben." The woman, Sanya, tries to catch my husband's attention. "Oh, hey Sanya." He just nodded and smiled.

"I'll get going then. It was nice meeting you y/n, Benette, don't leave your wife out all alone." She lectures.

"Right." He said, a little embarrassed then she walked away after.

"Are you close with her?" I asked, "what?" He couldn't hear me from the music so he bends further.

"I just asked if you're close with her." I repeated after in his ear.

He then looked at me sheepishly, "Is my wife jealous?"

"No." I really am not, I'm just curious. "I just see her from time to time, I wouldn't say we're close." He said then he caught me off guard by kissing my neck.

"Hey, stop it." I anxiously looked around if someone caught us.

"Come on baby, look around, everyone is too busy to see us. Can you give me a kiss? You look so sexy tonight." He smirks as his eyes are looking at my cleavage.

"No babe, not here." I scolded him. I could see his eyes and they were playful.

He didn't listen and he just repeatedly kissed my neck all over while I tried to move away from him but he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Why don't we go to my office, I want you to take a look at it."

"No babe, let's just stay here." I already know where he's going with this.

"Just a little while, baby." He grins and starts to pull me by my hand.

"Benette, no??" I started to get irritated but I can't let people see me pull away from him so I ended up following his demand.

We walked a long way around until he finally opened a door that was surprisingly quiet to open.

He made me go in first then the lights got turned on.

Oh, it's surprisingly pleasant. I like how clean the space is.

"How is it?" He hugged me from behind. "It's good, if I were to work here, I'd be productive."

He chuckles then he starts to sniff my shoulder.

"Let's go to my desk." He said and I went ahead before he got there.

I like how big his desk is. It's such fine wood too.

"Ben-!" He suddenly sat me on his desk. "Hey!" I said.

He grinned and I thought he was going to talk back but he pulled my face and he kissed me.

"Mm!" I pushed him off. "Are you insane??"

"It's every man's dream to have and fuck their wife in their office."

"No?? We're not doing it here? And there's a party just right around here?? No." I firmly said as I tried to get off his desk but he held my wrists firmer.

"They're having too much fun to notice that we're both gone, and no one will come by here, so please baby, I feel very hard for you right now."

"No babe, if someone comes here-"

"I locked the door and all the curtains are down, just be very quiet." He teases at the end.

I felt like blushing knowing that I'm so loud when it comes to sex.

I couldn't retort anything anymore since he always had something to say so he kissed me again and I ended up letting him.

A once silent room ending up getting filled with little moans.


"Shh, baby." Even he is struggling to talk straight.


I woke up to see him gone on his side of the bed.

I sat up, yawning and outstretching my arms. "Ughhh"

I wanted to grab my phone but my eyes caught his wallet beside it.

He forgot to check his things before leaving. I sighed.

I lazily got up off the bed to freshen myself up.

I got inside the building and it's so much better with the sun up. Everyone is just walking around, busy.

I love how everyone is just in their uniforms.

Since I kind of remembered the hallways from last night, I shouldn't get lost.

I followed my intuition to where we walked from last night and soon enough, I found his door.

Huh? Why are all of his curtains shut? I opened the door and no one's inside. Where could he have gone?

I stepped inside quietly. I should just leave it on his desk. Too bad, I wanted to give him a surprise visit..


I froze hearing a moan. I turned around and quietly walked as I saw a door across from his table that I recognized from last night.

My heart started pounding. Please be someone else.

I quietly went closer and placed my ear on the door.

"Argh! Fuck Sanya.." I covered my mouth as my chest tightened. It's him. It's Benette..

S-Sanya? From last night?.. my eyes immediately stinged.

I immediately held and turned the knob and I gasped with the sight of them really fucking.

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