Chapter Forty

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"Couch, I saw how snug you looked earlier so I didn't bother getting in with you. Did you miss me already?" I chuckled.

"No." She said with the widest smile trying to conceal her thoughts behind those pretty eyes.

"Ouch." I scrunch my nose while I smile deep down. She then started to play with the salt shaker that I forgot to put back on its rightful place.

"You seem troubled, princess." She then looked shocked, proving to me that her mind is flying elsewhere.

"No, no, I'm good, this is how I am every morning." She chuckles.

I turned the stove off and rounded the counter to get to her. Could she be upset that she thinks I didn't see her body?

Her head follows me around and she looks puzzled that I went behind her.

Y/n's POV

Uhh.. what's?..

I felt tingles on my shoulders when his fingers scraped a few strands of hair on it, he neatly placed all of my hair on the other side of my shoulder.

I got to close my eyes when I felt his warm lips softly kiss my shoulders and his hands would always sit on my waist.

He worked his lips up to my neck, to my cheek then with his other hand, he cupped my jaw to turn my face and look at his way.

He lightly kissed my lips first then he went in and fully kissed me sensually.

It's morning and I'm wet already.

I felt my insides curl when his other hand would stroke my stomach. He then stopped kissing me, making me starve for more.

We both stared at each other's eyes before he went to suck my neck.


Out of nowhere, I felt my shirt from the back get lifted up then he somehow disappeared out of my sight.

I was supposed to look behind me but the feeling of his lips leaving peppery kisses on my back made me still like a stick, also because he can see my underwear clear as day.

I gulped, feeling very hot literally and metaphorically.

I gasped lightly when he started to suck a small spot on my back, making me tickle and turned on.

I leaned my hands on the counter top but he already stopped kissing me, nonetheless I feel weak.

He turned my seat around fully to face him.

He gave me a deep stare while he held my chin firmly. "You're so beautiful." He softly said, catching me off guard.

Now I feel so shy. I tried to look at something else so he held my head still. "Stop it." I am so embarrassed right now.

"I won't stop, that's why I'm marrying you, I'll be damned if I waste a good woman that sleeps nude under a blanket."

I gasped and lightly hit his chest. "So you saw!"

"Just the breasts." He said laughing at me. Now when he said that, all I wanted to do was run off. I was braver earlier than I am now.

I tried looking at something else again, fighting to remove my face off his hands. God why am I like this?

"Embarrassed, are we?" He pokes fun at me.

"N-No!" He then firmly held my face up to look at him. He's staring at me with those pretty boy eyes.

"I didn't sleep beside you because I know I won't be sleeping the whole time if that happens. So would you."

I felt like blushing, that even if that's what I badly wanted to happen, I know nothing of what he could do.

I just lightly nodded at him then he smiled. He pecked my lips, "later, would you like to meet my parents?"


I kept clearing my throat, nervous.

Damn it, we're not teenagers anymore but why do I feel agitated, as if to say that I'm the one courting Jungkook.

"Hey," he took my hand and I looked at him. It's dim inside his car but the little light from the lamp post in front is giving him a nice silhouette. "It'll just be a simple dinner, princess."

He rubbed his thumb on my skin, "hmm, yeah.. but, what if later on, they find out that I was once married?"

I chewed my cheeks, looking at his face that soon gave a smile. "My parents love anything I love, and they don't define you by mere pasts, okay?" He kissed the back of my hand.

I gulped, somehow assured. I just want to be okay in their eyes. "Okay.." I nodded my head, brain still trying to fly out of my head.

His smile grew, he then leaned his head on the head rest, gazing at me.

He's such a patient man, he told me we won't leave the car once my mind is set, I did get worried about his parents waiting inside the restaurant but he said they don't mind the time.

"Princess, I need to tell you something." He sounded serious all of a sudden, making me more worried than I was earlier.

"W-What is it?"

"Come close." I scooted my ass closer and leaned my face close to him. "Closer."

Tsk, I leaned further.

The only thing he did was kiss me. His hands came later to cup my face. After that, he stared. "From now on, forget that being married then divorced is such a bad thing, what you found out back then was good for you from being played further."

Him saying that comforts the wounded part of my soul I never knew would still hurt. My eyes started to sting and his demeanor didn't change.

I'm about to pull my face away but he held it tight. "Divorce saved you from something rotten underneath, do you get me?" I nodded my head, tears started to rim my eyes.

I wanted words to come out of my mouth but I know that if I opened it, I'd cry from his affirmations.

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