Chapter Twenty-one

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He stood straight, the side of his lip curling a little.


"We're going to the beach tomorrow?" My eyes went to him that was focused on my phone seconds ago.


Will it really be fine if I go to the beach with Jungkook? What if someone who knew me saw me? No one knows me and Benette were already divorced.

"Do you not like it?" Jungkook then sat in front of me. "No, I'll go."


I'm not very confident about wearing a two piece so I ended up wearing the mesh dress or whatever this is called that came with it.

Everything is white and I like it.

Everything is white and I like it

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"Let's go here for a moment." Jungkook held my waist by surprise and dragged me to this woman that sells beach straw hats.

"Pick one." Jungkook said and I looked at him in disbelief. "Oh no it's f-"

He didn't let me finish and he just ended up choosing one for me. "Oh, how much is it ma'am?" I quickly took my wallet and opened it.

"No, it's on me." Jungkook already handed a sum of cash to the lady. "Please keep the change."

Jungkook smiled at her and the lady thanked us.

Jungkook wore the floppy straw hat on my head and I've never felt more taken care of than by Jungkook.

I took the same amount of cash she gave to the lady from my wallet and pulled it out only for something to fall out of my wallet.

He went to pick it up and then looked at me. "Please give me a good reason as to why a flavored condom just fell from your wallet."

"Well I heard from someone before that placing a condom in your wallet is like good luck." I shrugged my shoulders.

He then placed it inside his pocket. "Hey, that's mine." I crossed my arms.

"I bought it, and when we get home, I need you to give me everything back."

"No and thank you for the straw hat." I turned around to walk away, pretending to sulk when deep inside, I find it satisfactory to have Jungkook always be protective.

I kept walking, soon after I heard him walking behind me.

"Jungkook!" Two men then meet us halfway. These must be his friends.

I stopped walking and watched them greet and shaked hands.

"This is y/n by the way." Jungkook pulled me to him by the waist, startling me.

"Hi.." I felt so shy. "Hi I'm Jin, you seem very familiar to me, it's like I've met you before but not personally." He said, narrowing his eyes at me as we shook hands.

"Wait, I saw a photo of you before, but it was on an office desk.. whose office desk was it again.."

I knew something like this would happen. I gulped and gave Jungkook a look to which he understood my eyes. "Jin, this is Mendez' ex-wife."

"Oh.." Jin's brow slowly shot up before he apologized, "so sorry, I didn't know.." I then smiled and completely showed him that it didn't affect me that bad. "None taken."

I then got to know Jimin and his girl and we went to the sand near the waves to lay down for a while.

I sat on the shaded part of the sand by the leaves of the coconut tree after placing my beach mat neatly then I took my sunscreen in my bag.

"I'll do it for you." Jungkook suddenly appeared by my side. "Jungkook, I got divorced, not disabled." I remarked sarcastically.

"Hey!" I pouted when he took my sunscreen anyways. "Stop whining, I'm trying to win our bet." he said while he looks at me in the eyes, kneeling in front of me.

Bet? Was it about men coming close to me?

I sighed, "no one is getting close, and please, not in front of him." I whispered, giving a side eye, indicating to him about Jin who is nearby.

"What's there to protect? You two are divorced." he narrowed his eyes on me. He has a point.. "I'm just.. not used to it yet.."

"Stop thinking about him, I hate it." he said with a frown as he lifted my right foot by my ankle and he made my foot purposely hit the right side of the chest to place it there.

I'm just staring at him, not knowing what to do with him.

His hands then opened and squeezed the bottle, I watched the white, thick consistency ooze on his palm then he rubbed it on his hands together.

He then rubbed his hands on my thigh first, making me startled. I retracted my foot from him but he placed it right back on his chest.

"Stay still." I tried to remain still but I can't help feeling ticklish with his hands.

"I-I'm just ticklish.. I can't help it." I said, sounding apologetic. He seemed to get it when his face eased up.

He kept rubbing my leg then he proceeded to do it the same way to my other leg.

Err.. I'm really ticklish with his hands. I never got ticklish with Benette. I don't know why.

"Now lay down." I looked at him puzzled, "uh why?.."

"Because of this?" He lifted the bottle of my sunscreen, making me look stupid. I gave him a tired look.

"I'm not an idiot."

"Oh?" He said, trying to insult me. "Yah. Give it." I said, putting my hand out in the air for him to give my sunscreen.

He didn't talk but instead pushed my shoulder until I laid down.

I was left speechless and when I lifted my head, he's kneeling literally above my thighs with each knee on my sides.

I gulped, taken aback.

He's already rubbing his hands and I watch where he's about to apply it and I felt so shy when he slid his hands under the mesh dress and he started rubbing it on my stomach.

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