Chapter Thirty-six

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"Say it again." He said, looking into my eyes.

"I want kisses." I said it plain and simple while his brows jumped a little.

He smiled after a few seconds then he's now chuckling. "You want kisses, princess? He tilted his head, a sly demeanor in his face appeared.

I nodded my head, not embarrassed to feel like a baby in front of him.

"What kind of kiss do you want?" He's grinning widely, dimples of his that I never knew appeared, making him more fine.

I couldn't talk anymore because he's enjoying this submissive side of me. He stood straight, eyes looking down on me, glinting with mischief.

"Come here." He said as he intertwined our hands together. We seem to be heading to this different big wooden table.

He held my waist then he was quick to mount me on it.

He placed each of his hands on my side, eyes looking into me again, still smirking.

"You have to answer my question, princess." He teases.

"Forget it, you're just teasing me." I sulked like a kid, crossing my arms and looking away.


I felt a soft peck on my exposed thigh, making me fold inside. I couldn't ignore it so I looked at him and he's grinning.

"Can you answer me now?" He mused.

"Forget it." I sulked again.

"Too bad, I was willing to kiss you under this night sky." He fakes his sadness.

I still won't look at him so the next thing he did was to kiss my cheek, but I won't fall for it anymore.

"Face me so I can submit to your demand." He whispered to my ear, making me gulp without thinking.

I was having second thoughts so to make things easier, he held my waist and he started stroking it slowly.

I sighed in defeat and faced him, making me shocked when he kissed me right there and then.

"Hnng.." I moaned in his mouth when he would race to slide his tongue in my mouth.

Lewd sounds and flared up nostrils from breathing hard is all we made.

He parted my legs to get in between me and it wasn't enough for him so he pulled my legs to leave no gap between us.

Oh I love it.

He tilted his head, deeping his tongue in and I would feel breathless but I have to keep going.

He had to pull away, panting hard while looking at me. "I want more than a kiss, Jungkook." I said, out of air, desperate for it.

"I know princess, and I will give you more than what you need, just wait for it." He squeezes my thigh, making it an assurance.

I closed my eyes and nodded my head, feeling high still from our kiss.

I heard him sigh, "you make me want to kiss every part of you." He then lightly chortled at his statement that seemed to be his inside thoughts.

I opened my eyes, "do it.."

"I can't, princess, you know that." He kissed my shoulder.

I sighed in defeat. He doesn't know how I'm aching down there, completely soaked.

He kissed my forehead in response.

"Can we go by the fire now and make s'mores?" He smiled at me. I nodded my head so he put me down on the ground by my waist.

I started walking when he hugged me from behind then he kissed the top of my head, which made me feel better.

I think he's sorry that he can't break his promise at this time.

I turned around to face him, "thank you, Jungkook.." I smiled shyly.


We're eating the s'more we made and I love it. "Hmm.. so good." I said as I am sitting on his lap sideways while he also eats his.

"You're amazing at this." Jungkook praised me with his mouth stuffed, making me giggle. It is my first time after all but it's very simple a kid could do it, still, I feel giddy with his praise.

"Thank you~" I chimed.

I took another bite of mine and chewed it. It didn't take long before Jungkook had a query.

"I want your thoughts about children." I looked at him for a moment, slowing down on my chewing.

"Children? Well, I love them but I actually.." I couldn't continue, realizing that Jungkook probably wants kids while I can't stand the facts about labor and all.

"Why'd you stop?" He got concerned.

"Well.. do you want kids?.." I am now the one asking him.

He licked his bottom lips first, "I'll follow what my wife wants." He said that while staring into me so I had to look away because my lips couldn't contain not smiling.

He said it like he's calling me his wife now. Oh God. He's the death of me.

"Why are you looking away?" He said amused, knowing what he caused me.

"You know why." I groaned in an unserious manner while I rolled my eyes without him seeing it as I smiled more.

"It sounds good doesn't it? Wife." He teases making me want to stand up so he hugged my waist, giggling himself.

"You have to stop or I'm doing my wifely duties to you at this instant." I tried to sound daunting but it ended up being a joke.

"Ooh~ and what might that be~" he teases so I faced him grinning.

"Better not knowing it." I smirked.

"Try me." He smiled.

I stood up, my back facing him.

As I was about to sit on him, I lifted half of the shirt I'm wearing to expose my ass and underwear and I sat on his dick, I just lightly whirled my hips once and I heard a small curse from his mouth.

He sounds so good at cursing.

I chuckled as I let go of the shirt then he hugged me tight. "Such a tease." He whispered amused.

He then bit my earlobe, making me jump a little.

It didn't take long to feel him get hard under me so I smiled to myself and started moving my hips again, making him groan and hold my hips down.

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