Chapter Fifty-seven

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I pounded on her and her mouth widened.

Her eyes roll, biting her bottom lip and just like that, she cries her moans out to God, her toes curling while her pussy throbbed around me.

Ugh, I’m almost..

I leaned over her ear while I moan and cum inside her.

“Ha.. ha.. you suck me dry, baby..mmm fuck.”

Both of us pant and throb and I didn’t move just yet.

“I love you..” I looked at her weakly, “you own my body, and everything else that I have, Mrs. Jeon.” 

She pouts, “I love you, Jungkook, only you can have me, daddy.” She kissed me so tenderly.

My heart feels so content. 

I pulled out and kissed her forehead.

“Want to shower again?” I asked, bobbing my brows and she hit my forehead laughing.

“My pussy hurts very much because of you.” 

“Ooh~ I liked the sound of that.” 

“Haha, stop it!”

I yawned while Karina gets furious about the smell of perfume of the man that passed by her office door just as we’re about to head to the cafeteria.

“ugh, the smell is so strong.” 

“Yeah I agree, I think he’s trying to impress someone by bathing in perfume.” 

We walked together then she lightly jabs her elbow on my side. 

“How has it been being Mrs. Jeon for two weeks?” She moves her brows at me.

I got shy of course but I couldn’t act it out. How can I tell her that my husband has been jumping me on the bed every night or mid day..

“It’s good haha, I still can’t believe I’m Mrs. Jeon now.” 

“Hmm, that’s nice to know, I also see that glow in you, if you know what I mean~”

“Oh stop it haha, people are gonna hear haha.” I frantically moved my eyeballs left and right because employees were passing by.

Some greet me so I give it back and some smile at me.

Karina laughed at me and she seemed much more bubbly?.. 

“And you? Something seems right that you’re not telling me.” I raised a brow while we went down the stairs.

“Oh wait! I remembered that you wanted those tanghulu right?? I saw one stall three blocks away from here!” She said excitedly.

“Woah, we’ll go there after we eat lunch.” I said, pumped.

My phone then beeped so I opened it.

Mommy, can you come to my office, I need you.

Oh shit. I gulped knowing what this text meant.

I was about to type an excuse but he’s already ringing me. I shut my eyes before pressing the answer button.

“Can you come here, my baby.”

“I uh.. I’m here in the cafeteria getting us lunch.”

“Oh, but I thought you’re at Karina’s office? Wait for me there.” 

“No no, I can do this, just.. rest there, yeah.” 

“Hmm? I’m going there.” 

He ended the call and I got a weird stare from Karina.

“And why is Mrs. Jeon deflecting Mr. Jeon?” 

Oh it’s because that tone somehow indicates his need of sex and I do love it but he literally sucks the life out of my soul and we can’t do it here.

“Oh nothing, I just don’t want him tired.” I smiled at her.

“Hmm..” She narrowed her eyes on me. Strangely, her mood fluctuates.

We went to grab our food trays when I felt a kiss on my head.

I looked at him and smiled, “silly you, how would you be able to hold two food trays in my office, hmm?” 

“Okay, okay haha.” I went back to facing the line when he whispered in my ear..

“I’m not stupid, baby. I know your body language.” He said, it was so hot and I had to look around because there were people.

I looked at him, “yeah, I know that you know and I hope you can take a hint.” I then forced a big smile on him, making him chortle.

“Really?” He then fakes a lousy pout.

“Take that off your face, it doesn’t suit you.” I teased and he laughs again.

“Ugh, I smell perfume again.” We heard Karina in front of us complain.

“Yeah I think.. it’s coming from him this time.” I pointed at Jungkook as Karina looked at us.

She then looked at us perplexed. “Oh hehe, it’s uh.. nice sir.” She then turned around stiff like a soldier.

But it’s not so strong, I think? 

“Is there something I should know?” Jungkook whispered at me and I shrugged my shoulders. 

“She despises strong men's perfumes I think, it just started this morning.” I whispered to him.

“Oh.” He just nodded bewildered.

The three of us sat down and I noticed that Karina picked only small certain foods in a hundred meals to choose.

Is she on a diet phase now? Well, who am I to judge?

We ate and as me and Jungkook talked, I got distracted by her with a loathing face in front of her phone.

“Karina, are you alright?” I was rude to cut Jungkook off so I held his hand on the table and so he looked at her too.

“Oh it’s nothing, life just stresses me out.” She rubs her hands on her face.

“Take a day off, until tomorrow if you want.” Jungkook said and she looked at him perplexed.

“Will it be okay, Sir?” 

“Yeah.” Jungkook nodded.

“Thank you sir.” 

“Y/n, I’ll have to go.” 

“No, yeah, you go ahead.” I completely approved without a thought, she’s not one to share her problems so I get it.

I watched her walk off quickly before I looked at Jungkook who’s handsomely sitting in front of me.

“Can we get some tanghulu?”

“I have one.”

“You’re nasty.”

I’m laying on Jungkook’s sofa in his office while he does his work because I have no one to talk to.

“Did Karina not text yet?”

“None, baby. You tried calling her?” He said while I heard him type.

“Just text, she might be busy.” I said with a bored tone.

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