Chapter Forty-eight

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"Do you have anything to say for me, baby?" I asked then I went to bury my face in between her breasts making her jerk, and fuck it's so soft.

My dick could stand up if she wasn't sitting on it.

Her cleavage smells so good.


When she said that, I squeezed one of her breasts and sucked her nipple.

"Ah~!" She shivers.

I also grabbed her ass cheek and squeezed it a little hard.

I then let go of her breast and watched it just glistening with my saliva. I looked at her other breast and sucked it without holding.


She's starting to move her body away from me as if my tongue burns her nipple with too much pleasure.

"Ahh.. hng.." I wrapped my arms around her back to make her come closer and sucked the other breast again.

"Ahh.. Jungkook.."

It's so satisfying. I lightly bit her nipple, making her pull away with a loud gasp. She sat on top of me, covering her breast with her arm and her face with her palm.

Oh I'm not done yet.

This time, I laid her down so I could hover over her. She planted her palm on my chest, restricting me when I was about to bend over.

"We should.. stop.." she said, looking away from me. Evidently embarrassed.

She must be throbbing so bad. "Grant me five more minutes." I said and I pulled her arm away from her breasts gently.

She didn't fight back so I pinned her wrists just beside her shoulders and I continued lapping her nipples.

"Ahh~ mmm.." it must be so sensitive, given it hasn't been touched for so long.

God they're so soft. It just waves with her jerking body.

While I sucked, I squeezed the other one with my whole palm then I would pinch her nipple and roll it simultaneously.

"Haa~ God.." she would arch her back and I would flick my tongue faster. "Ughh.."

I went to kiss her quickly, catching her off guard.

I pulled away, looking at her glossy drowsy eyes. "Why don't you play with yourself, hmm?" I suggested.

She shakes her head. "Do it while I suck your tits."


I laid on her side, facing her chest and started sucking her nipple again. While I did that, I took her hand, firmly held her fingers together and guided it to rub four of it over her clothed clit.

So now, while I suck her, I kept using her hand to rub herself and I would hear her softly moan so little.

"You're such a good girl. Should I let go now?"

"Y-Yes?.." I smiled, hearing her unsure response.

I kept rubbing her, up and down, sideways then I would lick her areola.

"Ah.. ah.."

I looked at her and she had those eyes shut, mouth open and brows twitching.

I licked her throat before jumping back to her breast to suck it.

"Hmm-!" She's moaning faster.

I kissed her, plunging my tongue in her mouth and seconds after, she's moaning loudly in my mouth while her hips reverberate at her climax.

"Kyah!- ahh!" She moans louder when I pull away to look at her while I keep rubbing her post-climax.

She heavily pants with eyes still closed as she shuts her thighs together, locking my hands between.

I sucked her nipple for a second and she whined, she then laid on her side, facing the other way.

I grinned and kissed her back.

"You moan so loud, do you know that?" I joke.

"It's your fault!" She planted her face on the mattress. I just laughed. "Well it's the sexiest sound on earth."

She didn't budge so I came closer to her ear and whispered, "I bet you soaked through your PJs huh?"

I was startled when she turned around and hit my chest. "Just go to work!" She then reverted back to her position.

"We're actually going somewhere, a date."

"You sure know how to get good timing." She mumbled sarcastically through the mattress.

"I know." I arrogantly said.

I kept grinning as I drove. She's quiet the whole time.

"Are you okay?" I asked while my eyes were on the road but I could see in the corner of my eye that she looked to the window.


Y/n's POV

I am so concerned if I have made a weird face.

Also, I'm oddly weak, not so weak, but just weak.. if it makes sense.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhmm." I looked at the window instead. I'm seriously shy. One second he's sucking my breast, then the next we're going on a date.

"Okay, we're here."

Oh, what's this place? He didn't tell me where we're going.

He opened the car door for me, offering a hand and I took it.

I stepped out, almost losing my balance because of my legs but I quickly regained my posture.

He started leading the way with our hands intertwined. Glad he didn't notice it.

I watch him talk to someone with a suit then he leads the way for us.

After a while of walking, I started seeing a big body of water with docks rowed with yachts of different sizes and styles.

"Right this way sir." Said the man with the suit and we kept following.

"Mr. Min couldn't meet you at this hour as he was requested to an emergency meeting Mr. Jeon."

"It's fine, he actually notified me of it."

While I hear them chatting as I'm guided by Jungkook, my eyes are set by the glimmering water.

I've never been on a date like this. I smiled then I looked at Jungkook's back.

I have a huge crush on him and I think I'm having another surge of it. Is it even possible?

"This right here sir is all set and ready." The man stands before a white, pristine-looking yacht. I'm in awe.

 I'm in awe

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